Bolshevik Broad Wants Red Waitakere
Rebecca Broad is the Workers Party mayoral candidate for Waitakere.

She's 24 years old, and works as a forklift operator in Henderson.
Ms Broad has physics and Chemistry degrees.
Waitakare Mayoral candidate Rebecca Broad was arrested yesterday as she protested against the imprisonment and attempted government deportation of Iranian man Ali Panah. The arrest took place on the street that leads to the remand centre. Six other people were arrested, including her husband.
The Workers Party is not Ms Broad's first foray into Marxist-Leninist politics. In the early '00s she was active in the Christchurch Young Socialists, youth wing of the Communist League.

She's 24 years old, and works as a forklift operator in Henderson.
Ms Broad has physics and Chemistry degrees.
Waitakare Mayoral candidate Rebecca Broad was arrested yesterday as she protested against the imprisonment and attempted government deportation of Iranian man Ali Panah. The arrest took place on the street that leads to the remand centre. Six other people were arrested, including her husband.
The Workers Party is not Ms Broad's first foray into Marxist-Leninist politics. In the early '00s she was active in the Christchurch Young Socialists, youth wing of the Communist League.
It's interesting that many of these young people have quite good degrees but are working in labouring or low-skilled occupations. I presume that is a deliberate strategy.
I nearly did a double-take this morning when the Wellington mayoral candidate, Nick Kelly, turned up driving the No 3 trolley bus that I catch to work. Last time I met him he was a Vic student (and admirer of Shining Path and the Maoists in Nepal)and while I respect bus drivers, and admire them for doing a tough job for very low pay, I do wonder what someone as qualified as Mr Kelly is doing behind the wheel of one.
Bus drivers are very well paid when shift work is taken into account. Perhaps money is a factor. Even commies have to eat.
ER-alot of Workers Party people seem to seek out industrial jobs. Part of a strategy to move into the union movement I suspect.
The Communist League has, since 1978 deliberately sent nearly all its members into shop floor jobs.
For example, Felicity Coggan, a qualified medical doctor and CL candidate for the mayoralty of Auckland has spent most of the last 20 years working in freezinf works, biscuit facories and the like.
If they were successful, they'd have to hate themselves :)
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