Monday, October 29, 2007

Who Supported Marama Mayrick's Radical Film?

Supporters of Marama Mayrick's radical film Kotahi te Ao are listed on the its website. They are are a diverse bunch of individuals.

John Pilger (internationally renowned journalist), England

Marius Enthoven, Former director-general Environment, European Commission, The Hague, The Netherlands

David Holmgren, co-originator of the Permaculture concept, Australia

Stuart Hill, Foundation Chair of Social Ecology, Australia

Declan Kennedy, Prof. Dipl.-Ing., Germany

His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, England

The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, England

The Hon. Chris Carter, Minister of Conservation, NZ

Gaylene Preston, NZ (filmmaker)

Dame Kate Harcourt, performing arts, NZ

Alistair Barry, Community Media Trust, NZ (filmmaker)

Tauni Sinclair NZ (filmmaker)

Kerry Prendergast, mayor of Wellington, NZ

Brendon Hornell, Origin One Films, NZ

Dick Hubbard, NZ (TBL) business man and board member of the Conservation Society

John Pilger is of course an extreme leftist and hero of radicals everywhere. In this part of the world he is a strong supporter of Green Left Weekly, newspaper of the Australian Marxist-Leninist organisation, Democratic Socialist Perspective, which has been supportive of those recently arrested in New Zealand.

Chris Carter is a self confessed socialist and Gaylene Preston seems to lean a little to the left.

Alister Barry, is a well known New Zealand left wing film maker.

Tauni Sinclair is a long time Maori radical activist and film maker. He is an associate of Tame Iti and in 2000 travelled with him to Fiji to support George Speight's "indigenous" coup.

According to the World Socialist Website 26th july 2000;

Iti, the leader of the group, is well known in New Zealand. With his face heavily tattooed in the traditional Maori moko style, he is frequently on hand at Maori land rights protests. Standing alongside Speight in Suva, he said the trio fully supported the rights of indigenous people to regain their power and govern themselves.

This was endorsed by Sinclair, who said that he applauded the coup. Grossly misrepresenting the character of the events in Fiji, Sinclair proclaimed, revolution is a very legitimate part of the democratic process. There's only one condition, you must succeed. Comparing the situation in Fiji with that of New Zealand, Sinclair said that were the Maori population more
numerous, similar actions as Speight's would be on the agenda there as well.

Dick Hubbard of course leans a little to the left.

I don't know much about the rest of them.


  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    You dont know much about them trevor? I can help you
    Prince Charles is an inbred bludging parasite. Princess Anne, ditto
    Kerry Prendergast is a right wing idiot

    hows that?
    of course it kinda ruins your theory that the film project is a subtle left wing conspiracy ..

    Mr G

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    CYF is watching you Trevor

  3. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I like John Pilger a lot, and I am no leftist. He presents a view of the world that is outside the normal bounds of the mainstream western media. And, Trevor, has he ever lied about anything in any of his reporting?
