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Friday, November 30, 2007

Bolshevik Bum Barer Bollocks Bogus Bun Blogger

Some time ago I posted about Christchurch activist Joe Davies mooning the Queen during a royal visit.

I used a picture of some naked male buttocks to illustrate the story, implying they were Joe's.

Understandably Joe was offended that the poor quality cheeks on display were being passed off as his own beautiful bum.

Joe has kindly sent me a photo of the real thing;

Thanks very much Joe-I'm most impressed, as I'm sure was HRH.

The contrast is glaring, Joe's backside is far and away more aesthetic than the scrawny, pimply specimen I tried to pass off as his.

I doubt anyone was fooled though because Joe's buttocks are world famous in New Zealand for the quality of their curve and the symmetry of their split.

I have replaced the offending photograph with the genuine article and apologise unreservedly for the slur upon Joe's honour.

Trotskyists Plan New Left Wing Party to Challenge Labour

I suggested a few weeks ago that Socialist Worker Trotskyists are planning a new left wing political to challenge Labour.

I was right.

From Socialist Worker's UnityBlog

PUBLIC FORUM “A New Left Party: Build it Now!”

The Labour government’s demonisation of the Urewera 17 is just another nail in the coffin of any claims it has to represent working people, Maori or anyone else up at th sharp end of globalisation and imperialism. Around the world, new left parties built by the millions and not the millionaires are rising up to take the fight to the “centre-left” parties who have spat upon the people who built them.

Come and join the discussion, and hear about some of the things that have been happening in Aotearoa recently as activists and workers take the first step to our own new party of the Left.

Wednesday December 5th, 7:30 pm
Unite Union Offices
12th floor, cnr Queen Street and Wellesley Street

China Supports International Communist Movement

Despite apparently embracing capitalism, China is playing an increasingly influential role in the world communist movement.

What up?

From the Communist Party USA's Political Affairs;

CPUSA National Board member John Bachtell attended the international meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties held in Minsk, Belarus in early November...

The second major factor, I thought, was the participation of the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China has 73 million members, a huge party, the biggest in the world. And in all the previous international meetings they have only been observers. They have generally sat in the back of the meeting and not mixed in much.

At this meeting, however, they played a very active role in the meeting itself. They spoke right up front. The Chinese representative reported on the 17th Party Congress in China, about the problems they are confronting in building socialism and what they are trying to do about them.

The representative also spoke later on in Moscow, where there was a big celebration that we all went to marking the 90th Anniversary. In his remarks there, he said that the revolution in China had its roots in the Great October Revolution, and that the Great October Revolution introduced Marxism to China.

You got this feeling of tremendous unity in the world Communist movement because of their participation. As we know, there have been some divisions in the past, but the Chinese delegation was fully a part of this meeting and fully a part of the whole process, which I think is a really important sign of the vitality of the international communist movement.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

More On Iti and Iran

The police affadavit used to secure search warrants for the October 15th anti terror raids allegedly contains a short reference to Tame Iti and Iran.

A bugged converstion from April 2007 allegedly refers to Iti intending to travel to Iraq, but expressing the opinion that he might get a better hearing in Iran.

Iti supporters have claimed that he was going to Iran, after his May 2007 trip to Austria (to appear in a Maori version of the Tempest)to broker a fishing deal, which turned sour.

It has also been stated by a commentor on the above linked post, that Iti never actually arrived in Iran.

That a trip to Iraq and possibly Iran was discussed by two of Iti's "soldiers", a month before Iti went overseas raises some questions.

Were these men, who allegedly participated in armed training activities, really interested in a Middle Eastern fishing deal?

Or did they think that Iti's real purpose lay elsewhere?

Cubans Show Interest in Obama's Campaign

Hillary's campaign has faltered and Barack Obama has got a second wind in the race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

Barack has been backed by the communists at home-now the Cuban communists seem to be showing an interest in his fortunes.

From Cuba's Prensa Latina

Washington, Nov 28 Slips and gaps in Sen. Hillary Clinton's strategy seems to be paving the way for African American Sen. Barack Obama (D.-IL) to win the 2008 presidential race.

NewsMax says chances for the Blue Party legislator improved after winning support from Democrat ex Vice President Al Gore and Senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy.

Clinton's problems began with "a thorny issue" in a live TV debate on October 30: granting driver's license to illegal immigrants in New York.

The analysts consider his message better synchronized with the active Democratic forces: he opposes the war in Iraq and favors a liberal agenda for social issues like public health and immigration.

While Obama currently leads the polls in Iowa, and is gaining ground in important states like New Hampshire and S. Carolina, a recent inquiry by Zogby agency shows that Hillary would lose while Obama would beat the five leading Republican contenders in early elections

Hat Tip Zionist Anti Communist

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Crampton Canes Electoral Finance Bill

Eric Crampton from the Economics Department at Canterbury University gave an excellent speech to the anti Electoral finance Bill in Christchurch today.

It takes a lot to drag an academic economist out of his office to a political rally downtown. If this were simply a protest over bad legislation, I'd have stayed in Ilam: bad legislation, unfortunately, isn't all that uncommon.

And, this is very bad legislation - so bad that, even after amendment, the New Zealand Law Society wants it scrapped.

This is amazing. When law is badly drafted, it's the lawyers that profit by the resulting court battles. Lawyers from Chapman Tripp warn that the courts may well decide the next election - they expect court action. Legislation has to be shockingly bad before we'd expect lawyers to say it should be scrapped entirely, but that's what they've done. Even the Electoral Commission, who has to give advice on compliance with the legislation, is reported to have thrown up its hands: it can't make heads or tails of the legislation either, and so can't provide advice.

Even worse, the legislation seems pointless.

The best social science evidence shows that donations to political parties don't buy the donor a whole lot in terms of changes in policy. And, when sitting politicians spend money on election campaigns, the spending doesn't have a very big effect on vote share. Spending can matter a lot for challengers, who have to work very hard to get their names known. But, spending doesn't matter much for incumbent politicians.

Further tightening up of campaign spending rules, and especially changes like the ones now proposed that allow political parties to use Parliamentary budgets for electioneering, protect sitting MPs against challenges by newcomers. It's an incumbent protection racket plain and simple. New parties and new ideas will be frozen out, and the same old hacks are guaranteed job security.

As bad as all of that is, it's not the main reason I'm here.

This isn't just bad law. It's a bad law that affects how we make laws, and threatens the legitimacy of government itself. Constitutional rules stand apart from other bits of legislation. They affect fundamental rights and freedoms, and they set out how all the other rules will be written. The Electoral Finance Bill directly affects our freedom of speech. Once it's passed, we'll only have freedom of speech 2 years in 3. And, it sets out the rules for how an election is conducted - how legislation for the subsequent three years will be formed. These have constitutional implications.

Constitutional rules aren't like other rules. They really require broad agreement across society. I studied under James Buchanan, who won the Nobel Prize in economics for his work in this area. He likened it to setting out the rules for a poker game: you get everybody to agree to the rules before you deal the cards. If everybody's agreed to the rules before the cards are dealt, the outcome of the game is fair and legitimate. What Labour and its support parties here have done is dealt the cards, taken a peek at their hands, and then declared deuces wild. This violates constitutional justice and threatens the legitimacy of any government that is elected under the new rules.

Electoral rules - constitutional rules - require broad agreement if the government that's formed under them is to have legitimacy. We're here today to say that we don't give that assent. If Labour rams this bill through Parliament, shuts up anyone who opposes it during the 2008 election, then squeeks through a tight coalition win after a lot of litigation, will that government have any legitimacy?

That's why this Bill must be stopped and that's why I'm here. The Bill violates the spirit of our constitutional foundations. It throws freedom of speech out the window. And it rigs the election to protect the politicians who pass it. Helen Clark, Annette King, throw out this Bill!

Scoop, Indymedia-Allies in Anarchist Propaganda?

Two media outlets have been most sympathetic to those arrested in the October 15th anti terror raids-aka the "Urewera 17"

They are Indymedia and Scoop.

Indymedia is easy to understand. It is run by anarchists and two of its three main editors were among those arrested. At least four other arrestees were also associated with the same anarchist circles.

The Scoop newsite is supposedly independent and does publish press releases from almost anyone. However it is favourite site of the socialist and anarchist left and gives those groups a bridge to the more mainstream media.

Wellington anarchist and Indymedia activist Danyl Strype certainly regards Scoop as sympathetic. From a comment on this post by Indymedia editor Asher Goldman-discussing media and the "Aotearoa 17";

The question then was does Indymedia count as media? Does Scoop, whose coverage of the Oct 15 arrests and the aftermath has been sympathetic, count as media? Does the Listener journalist, who is an old friend of the some of the arrestees, count as media?

In February 2006 Indymedia activists did a bit of a Who's Who, introducing themselves to each other ang iving a bit of personal background.

I try to identify those who give aliases or incomplete names and add some comments.

Apologies to any i get wrong. No doubt you will inform me.

The list gives a lot of insight into New Zealand's radical media and its connections.

Those listed were;

smush - Wellington
tena koutou, i'm smush (SmushS) from te-whanganui-a-tara. involved with w((i))ndy since the start of this (2005) year. i'm also doing heaps (too much?) of other stuff including Peace Action Wellington and Radical Youth.

This is the unamed Swiss national and Save Happy Valley campaigner who was arrested in the October 15th anti terror raids.

Brian Van Dam - Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland)
Kia Ora,
NAME: Brian van Dam REGION: Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) BLURB: I usually go under the acronym Billabong Bob - or BB for short (long story as to why the name). I am a part-time mathematics PhD? student at Auckland University, and full-time activist!

My involvement in A-IMC has been through friends in Auckland who kickstarted me into being involved thru their enthusiasm. Since then, have been active in the Auckland group, and on the website A-IMC Editorial and Features Lists. Look forward to the day when IMC's are a mainstay of peoples `news and views' diet.

Cheers, Brian.

Van Dam was for several years in the '90s a leading member of the Auckland University neo-Maoist organisation, Radical Society. RADSOC supported Peru's Shining Path guerillas as well as Maoist insurgents in the Philippines and Nepal.

pip - Wellington
hi all,

i am not sure if my original introduction got through. i never got it so will post again.

i'm pip and i'm in wellington completing my masters at victoria university. i also work part time at an electronic publishing centre.

i have been on the list since the beginning of the year and have been probably pretty inactive. i have made a new season resolution to take more notice and be more involved.

i guess i am involved because i believe in the expression of multiple experience and the impossibility of the single point of view.

have fun pip

This is possibly Pip Wilde, allegedly an activist with Peace Action Wellington and the Save Happy Valley Campaign.

Alastair Thompson - Wellington
Hi All,

Alastair Thompson here, editor of Scoop Media, an independent news website here in Wellington. I am a journalist (obviously) and have been involved with Indymedia mainly as a poster of stories since its inception in Seattle in 1999. With regards to A-IMC I tend to take a back seat role occasionally lifting items and images off the site for

Kind regards and greeting to all
Alastair Thompson
Scoop Editor
Scoop Media

A clear connection between Indymedia and the "independent" news website Scoop.

kieran - Wellington
Kia ora thanks first to rovin and brian for proposing this, I was thinking the other day it would be interesting to know who is on board.

im kieran from wellington, and am have been involved on this imc loop for about 12-14months there abouts(maybe more, whose counting) . I am also involved with the windymedia paper in town here, and have participated from the start last november. I struggle like fuck with the techie stuff but am not discouraged cos theres heaps of other avenues to contribute to(hence my enthusiasim with the paper).


This is Kieran Monaghan a leading wellington punk musician who uses the name "Mr Sterile". Monaghan recently performed at a fundraising event for the Mexiacan Zapatista revolutionaries.

Chloe - Auckland
Kia ora
My name's Chloe and I'm based in Auckland. I have been involved on and off in activism and Auckland IMC stuff for a couple of years now. I am also horrendously busy so I dip in and out as time permits. I try and get to all the actions I can and upload digi photos (and video on occasion). I am interested in working with others collaboratively on media projects. I am also on the features list but apart from helping to organise a GE feature I haven't done much yet......but I really do HOPE to when I get some time and I would like to contribute more. In terms of my day job(s), I work at the Grey Lynn Library and as a research assistant on a media and human rights project at Auckland Uni.


This is Chloe Heffernan

Clare - Poneke (Wellington)

I'm part of the w((i))ndy collective, and have been involved in indymedia in aotearoa for a few years now! mostly i help edit the site and write features, but i'm also involved in some video projects.

Idendity unClare.

Miles Thompson - New York
Hello all,

I'm Miles Thompson. Sometimes when I'm online I call myself 'utunga'.

I'm currently domiciled in New Yawk city but feel very attached to my roots back home in Aotearoa and so have been (a little bit) involved with AIM since, I guess, near its inception. I am also involved with the NYC IMC.

In my day job I work as a web developer, so my contributions have been are are likely to continue to be in the technical area of setting up the website etc. I'm also the brother of Alastair Thompson (who gave his introduction here) of fame.

After witnessing some of the events of September 11 up close, I found myself involved with a group called unanswered questions. We are working to demand a fuller inquiry, as well as bringing to light some of the harder questions that people don't seem to want to ask :

I've also found myself hellishly busy in this stupid job I have right now, but hope to again be able to put some time into the AIM project come November. I will be returning to NZ in November too, so it would be great to meet up with people then !!


Scoop again. Connections to New York Indymedia.

Dan - Otautahi (Christchurch)
Hi I'm Dan from Otautahi(Christchurch), I haven't posted much (if at all) to this list because I barely get time to read my e-mails let allow reply to them,

I'm a libertarian socialist (anarchist) who has been involved in activist stuff for a number of years. Don't know bugger all about tech stuff, so my involvement in indymedia so far has been in the last few months helping Otautahi get a print publication up and running and writing articles for it,

I'm also a full-time wage-slave who works as a community support worker with people with intellectual disabilities,

I'm interested in how we can get indymedia out there more into the wider community so it doesn't just become a tool for the (small) 'activist' community in Aotearoa,


Identity unknown

Isaac Kearse - Haumoana (in Hawkes Bay)
Hi everyone,

My name is Isaac Kearse, living in sleepy Haumoana, Hawkes Bay.

In my previous life in Auckland I was working as a Unix Operations Analyst for a TNC, and finishing a Law/Finance degree. I barely escaped this fate at the start of the year with my sanity intact.

I have been on the general list for quite a few months, and joined features recently, I'm probably going to delve into tech soon also. Special interests include media analysis/reform, corporate abolition, and democracy. I think a gathering is a great idea, maybe we could tie it in with an upcoming event over summer?

Jeff Evan - Te Tai Tokerau

Greetings from the forever visiting me. I do not mean anything by giving my first greeting in the Reo other than to show exactly where I am coming from and exactly what I believe to be important. There are many other things, but from where I am sitting, and where you are sitting (most of you) this is Aotearoa, and it will always be-it is an honour for me to be here, not a right.

I live here permanently and have been following in wellington with the W((i))ndy crew since our inception. I was involved in similar "dissent" overseas, but that was over 8 years ago. I am shifting up to Te Tai Tokerau in a matter of days, and hope to link as much of the far north as I can to this mission. Safe travels to you all on this long road of emancipation and redemption, especially to every marginalised member of the voices we all represent. Thank you everyone, always, for contributing.


Ken - Wellington
Hi - I'm Ken from Wellington.

My involvement in independent media started with collaborating on a paper called Rumble for a couple of years from late 1999. I got interested in Indymedia at the November 2001 Convergence Against Capitalism and am a founder member of the Wellington IMC collective (Windymedia) which was set up soon after the Convergence, at the end of 2001. I'm not very good at computer stuff, but I've learned to use Pagemaker and help put together our publication W((i))ndy. I'm also in the Anti-'Bypass' Action group and an anarcho-punk band called Dead Vicious. To support my activist/musical/writing activities I work part-time as a doctor.

This is Ken Simpson. Several of the "Urewera 17" were involved in a film profect Kotahi Ao. A Ken Simpson is listed as a researcher for the project.

Katie - Auckland
Hey all

I live in Auckland but right now I´m in Spain doing a bit of an OE thingo, I will be back in NZ in Jan, and hopefully will get a bit more in touch with imc things then, I haven´t been paying a whole lot of attention recently...

I´m starting uni next year, and I want to be a journalist, preferably one who tells the truth instead of regurgitating propaganda, hence my involvement here.


Possibly Wellington activist Kerry Tankard.

Strypey - Aotearoa
Kia ora koutou,

Ko Danyl Strype toku ingoa, No Otautahi ahau.

I have been involved in AIM pretty much since the start. I helped to get us through the New-IMC process to become an official member of the IMC network and I have done local organising in Otautahi (Christchurch) and Waikato (Hamilton).

I got arrested helping the Sydney IMC crew prepare for and cover the WTO meeting (for more info see ). Through much of 2003/ 2004 I was a roving Indymedia networker using my tech skills to help people use free software, get online and use the site and facilitating communication and co-operation between the AIM core groups in the major cities and media activists in other centres. I attended the Aotearoa Indymedia convergences in Poneke in November 2002 and December 2005.

In 2006 I am settling in Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) and starting a Science degree through Massey University.

This is Danyl Strype, a long time anarchist activist, involved in the Save Happy Valley Campaign alongside at least 5 of the "Urewera 17".

Andrew McNaughton - Overseas
Hi everyone

I've been hanging around the background of AIM since early days, I did a fair bit of prodding as part of getting the ball rolling, but I've mostly been lurking since, just throwing the odd suggestion in.

I'm a co-founder of, and the guy who built most of the software for that site. I've got a lot of technical web skills to offer if something pops up that looks like it's got my name on it.

I'm currently in Edinburgh, and about to head through to Sydney. I'll look the CAT people up when I get there, and maybe I can play a useful role in AIM's relationship with them.

Andrew McNaughton

Another Indymedia Scoop link. CAT is an anarchist media collective.

Geraldene Peters - Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland)
Inspired by student and political activism in California '99 + a month in Cuba - (never mind the pianos, the revolution needs digicams, lots of stock, and a couple of G4s) back in Tamaki Makaurau I got called in to video the No-to-APEC conference - not digi,VHS - somewhere now, I think, in Leonie Pihama's archives. That led in 2000 to organising, with the s11aotearoaNZ collective, a series of Global Activism screenings at the UofA? - pretty successful by all accounts - we got numbers, and a range of people. "Showdown in Seattle" was the lynchpin screening. After helping organise, and videoing anti-WEF demos in Auckland one thing led to another with a group of us wanting to set up Aotearoa Indymedia. By early 2001 we hooked into a network of people from around the country wanting to do something similar and Aotearoa Indymedia came together. Also helped set up "Global Peace and Justice Auckland" (

Have just finished a PhD? titled "Oppositional Voices: Radial Left Documentary in Aotearoa" and have worked on broadcast and activist documentaries in various capacities over the years. I write,teach and do a bit of lecturing as well. Documentary's my passion alongside media activism that can't exist without the 'just do it' ethos and social justice concerns of different activist networks in Aotearoa. Collectivate!

Says it all. I profiled Peters here.

Teanau Tuiono- Poneke(Wellington)
Kia Ora,
NAME: Teanau Tuiono
REGION: Poneke (Wellington)
BLURB: I come from the Northern Tribes of Aotearoa in particular Ngai Takoto and Ngapuhi, im also from the island of Atiu in the Cook Islands

What can I say? Im tired of being forced-fed corporate bullshit masquerading as "News" on tv and in the papers. (Ngapuhi aren't known for being subtle). Id been at an international activist gathering and went to a really shitHot indymedia meeting which had a large number of people from many different countries, so yeah I got hooked to the idea there. I really want to get into doing stuff for indigenous peoples ( yeah this mainly because im an indigenous person ) . As for activism my political influences have been many, I was one of the founding members of the urban Maori organisation, Te Kawau Maro. This organisation attacked the neo-liberal Government policies, advocated direct action against land sales and unjust land settlements through occupations and other strategies and disseminated information to Maori communities about what is now known as the 'fiscal envelope. thats me in a nutshell

noho ora mai, Teanau.

Teanau Tuiono is one of new zealand's leading Zapatista supporters and an associate of several of the "Urewera 17".

Bobo - Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland)

I like jumping around the place, online, offline, off walls and between my ears..

Working on heaps of projects that are related to Indymedia:

1. recyclopedia - a style encyclopedia focusing on building a grassroots commons ( not started yet...)
2. enzyme - an open publishing public sphere, similar to Indymedia, except its not only based on news, but also other forms of communication/discourse/dialouge ( )
3. ecco - an activist resource and community center in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) ( )
4. 'rhizome' (unknown name) - that uses Twiki for a free project incubator space/networking area for Aotearoa (and maybe international) and link/information database.. blah blah
5. enzyme journal - printed version of Enzyme website.
6. my own stuff...

I'm very busy. (-: But once they get going, I'll give them over to who ever uses them and be free of cyberspace to get back to voluntary simplicity.

Simon Oosterman, Auckland based anarcho-communist and National Distribution Union publicity officer.

Chris Michael - Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland)
Kia Ora all, I'm in the South Eastern part of Auckland (at time of writing), I'm a student at Auckland University studying geography, environment, film, media and politics papers under an Arts Degree, hopefully ending with a Film major or Double major with film and geography, depending on what keeps my interest.

My main action zones are environmental issues, waste and exploitation particularly, Urban Sprawl is one of my deep interests (how to stop it, how to prevent it), hoping to assemble a documentry on Urban Sprawl in the East of Manukau (my home town) shortly.

I'm sort of an aspiring photojournalist, although lacking video equipment anymore due to some technical issues with it, I can usually be seen wandering with my digital or still cameras. I run a small hosting company as what was meant to be a funding pool for my techie needs, but now it just hosts my blog and some small community interest sites. I post on the Aotearoa IMC and in IRC under different usernames, best not documented though. I'm keen to get involved in anything which gets people off their computers and on to the streets to force the changes which are so obviously needed in our world. thats me for now.

Chris Michael.

omar - Takapuna
im omar from takapuna and am studying at auckland university. im involved in a number of different youth and student organisations. my main focus is Aotearoa Radical Youth.

Omar Hamed. involved in the Save Happy Valley Campaign and one of the "Urewera 17" arrestees>

Clearly Scoop is not entirely independent and has a close association with both Indymedia and some of the "Urewera 17"

Should Scoop be treated as an objective souce of information on the arrested activists?

Can an organisation with clear ties to anarchist extremists be trusted by the public and the MSM?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Who Else Was Linked to the Urewera Camps?

Only 17 people were arrested in the October 15th anti terror raids.

However, on reading the police affadavit, it was claimed that over 100 people had attended training.

The affadavit names several that were known to have attended, but for whatever reason were not arrested.

Most were Maori and several had extensive criminal records.

Several others were named as knowing about the camps, or advised of dates, but were not seen attending.

Some of those either attending or apparently aware of the activities of the "Urewera 17" included;

A former Auckland University Student Association Maori Students officer, well connected to Asian student radicals and known to have spent time in the Philippines and on the Thai/Burmese border.

A Maori tattooist

A Maori spiritual healer

A Maori tribal leader, former government consultant on Maori cultural and welfare policy, who has travelled to North Korea in recent years.

A well known activist who has given his young son, the middle name of "Zapatista."

A pensioner, allegedly involved in training some of those arrested.

A Maori radio journalist.

A prominent Tuhoe leader.

A North American Indian activist, currently resident in New Zealand.

A movie projectionist.

The daughter of a prominent Taranaki Maori activist.

A female Wellington anarchist, active in Peace Action Wellington and Peace Movement Aotearoa. Two arrestees, also both Wellington anarchists, Val Morse and the as yet unnamed Swiss national are also involved in Peace Action Wellington. This woman also has links with the anarchist HQ at 128 Abel Smith Street Wellington as have all three Baileys arrested-Simon/Rongomai, Ira/Tim and Emily, plus Val Morse and the Swiss national.

A Christchurch based male activist with the Save Happy Valley Campaign. Five arrestees-Val Morse, Ira/Tim Bailey, Emily Bailey, Omar Hamed and the Swiss national are also involved with SHVC. The Christchurch man, the Bailey's and the Swiss national were involved, late last year in a SHVC training camp. Another Christchurch SHVC member travelled north with this man, but is not known to have attended that particular (or any other)camp.

A young Tuhoe activist who attended the Nice n Native camp earlier this year, at a Waikato Marae, with arrestees Tim and Emily Bailey and Rangi Kemara.

Several individuals prominent in the campaign to paint the "Urewera 17" as innocent activists.

Monday, November 26, 2007

"Urewera 17" Affadavit Posted On Net

The 155 page police affadavit on the "Urewera 17" has been posted on the internet.

It appears on a US based website in the name of the New Zealand Civil Liberties Union.

Can't give you the link but a bit of patient Googling does wonders.

They Lie So Casually

This little snippet on Indymedia caught my eye.

It was posted by Scott Hamilton and advertises a party to be held in Auckland on Saturday to raise funds for the campaign against the Suppression of Terrorism Act.

While I am no friend of Labour's TSA, this campaign is an extension of the leftist support effort for those recently accused of undergoing terrorist training in the Ureweras.

Next Saturday's speakers will include Justin Taua, a long-time activist in the National Distribution Union and Maori rights movement. Justin, whose whakapapa includes many members of the Parihaka movement, has often been a critic of police treatment of Maori. He was heavily involved in the fight for justice for Stephen Wallace, the young man shot in the back by a Taranaki cop in 2000...

David Bedggood and Scott himself will also be performing.

A few points here;

Scott is about 12.5% of the Communist Workers Group, a Trotskyist organisation run by Aucland academics David and Janet Beddgood.

Justin Taua is also about 12.5% of the Communist Workers Group. He is also connected to the Kahui family-who's twin baby boys were brutally murdered some time ago. Their father, Chris Kahui is currently out on bail awaiting trial for their murder. Justin Taua wrote a piece, blaming capitalism for the twin's killing.

Stephen Wallace, to the best of my knowledge, was shot while ADVANCING on a policeman, while swinging a golf club.

What's the saying-"he is so respectful of the truth, he uses it only sparingly".

Bend Over, Australia

The left is gloating over the Australian Labor Party's emphatic victory in Saturday's general election.

From the Communist Party USA's Political Affairs Editor's Blog;

It is predicted that three-fourths of the ministers in the new Rudd Government in Australia will be trade unionists. Amazin!

This came from the fact that the single most unpopular part of the Howard government was its draconian Industrial Relations policies.

The first order of business will be to roll back the Howard WorkChoice program.

Also, a main focus will be focus on the educational programs that essentially destroyed the teaching profession in Australia. It seems like right wing government, like Howard's idol, Geo Bush, [NYC Mayor Bloomberg not a distant 3rd] focus on destroying the ability of young people to think for themselves. This area will be a top priority for Rudd and the teachers unions.

The ACT, Australian Council of Trade Unions, will have in the drivers seat in these early days of the Rudd government.

So it's back to strict union control over the workforce and no parental say over their children's education.

Pity our cousins across the Tasman.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Julia Gillard Tells Fabians of Labor's Plans

Like its British counterpart, the Australian Fabian Society is highly influential inside the Australian Labor Party.

ALP deputy leader and probable new deputy Prime Minister, Julia Gillard is a proud Fabian socialist.

No doubt the Fabians will approve of the new ALP government's plans for Australia.

Excerpt's from Julia Gillard's speech to the inaugural Fabian Society annual dinner

Melbourne, 31 August 2007

Thank you.

It’s a great honour to be asked to deliver the address at this inaugural Australian Fabian Society annual dinner.

No address to the Fabian Society would of course be complete without acknowledging the lifetime commitment to the Fabian cause of Race Matthews – someone who played such a big role in helping elect the Society’s National Patron, Gough Whitlam.

It must be a source of great satisfaction to Race and Gough that the Society, now in its seventh decade, is as strong as it’s been in its history.

Let me also mention the Society’s national president and our candidate for Higgins – Barbara Norman. Barbara, you have the biggest, toughest and most important job in Australia – wiping the smirk off Peter Costello’s face on election night.

And let me mention the Society’s national secretary and someone I first met in student politics all those years ago – Evan Thornley – who has played along with so many others such a huge part in the Society’s revival.

Today the Fabian Society boasts contributions from some of the Labor movement’s leading figures – people of the stature of John Faulkner – and we’re going to need it to be a forum for new ideas regardless of the outcome of this year’s election.

Friends, it’s been a long, hard time in the electoral wilderness for the Australian Labor Party at the federal level.

For eleven long years we’ve seen the Howard Government take the easy option of coasting on the mining boom and benefiting from the hard reforms of the Labor Governments of the 1980s and ‘90s.

You know, I’ve heard some commentators argue recently that there’s so little difference between the parties these days that there’s not much point to the election.

They’re wrong. Dead wrong.

It’s true the world has changed dramatically in the last eleven years – and so, inevitably, has the ALP.

But on the great issues of the day there is still a world of difference between the parties.

Think of the three big symbolic issues for progressives today.

The first is Iraq. John Howard sent our troops there, intends to keep them there, and won’t apologise for making Australia a bigger terrorist target as a result.

Labor opposed the commitment of Australian troops from the beginning.

We regard it as one of the biggest blunders in Australian foreign policy since the Vietnam War.

And we will bring the troops home.

The second issue is climate change. John Howard doesn’t really believe that global warming is caused by human activity; he won’t support efforts to create new industries like renewables; and he won’t set a target for reducing carbon emissions.

Kevin Rudd and Labor’s frontbench have been asking “How can a Government of climate change sceptics be part of Australia’s climate change solution?”

A good question.

Labor accepts that climate change is man made; we have set out a target to reduce carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2050; and we will introduce a carbon trading scheme to create a new sustainable future for Australia’s energy generation and manufacturing industries.

Labor will ratify the Kyoto Protocol – John Howard will not.

And John Howard will set in train policy that will lead to the construction of 25 nuclear reactors across Australia – Labor says no nuclear reactors; there are other alternatives.

And the third issue is Work Choices. The Government is determined to use AWAs to reduce conditions, especially for the low-paid, erode job security and destroy people’s hopes for work-family balance.

Labor will get rid of Work Choices, give people the democratic right to bargain collectively in the workplace and prevent the creation of a low-skill Australian workforce – all while encouraging greater economic reform through enterprise bargaining and flexibility in our industrial relations system.

Emphasis added.

Will "Red Julia" Gillard Help Push Australia Left?

Will last night's electoral victory by the Australian Labor Party bring significant changes to Australia's domestic and foreign policies?

If likely deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has anything to do with it, I'm betting the answer will be yes.

ALP deputy leader Julia Gillard was the centre of controversy in the last few weeks, after Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello exposed her past ties to to a Communist Party linked organisation, Socialist Forum.

Initially Gillard admitted her association, but played it down.

Here's part of a 17th October Lateline interview with ABC journalist Tony Jones

TONY JONES: Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

JULIA GILLARD: (Laughs) Tony, I think that question shows how silly all of this is getting, though I suspect in this interview, probably the Howard Government would think you're the dangerous radical. After all, I'm only from the Labor Party, you're from the ABC.

TONY JONES: Well look, seriously, Peter Costello has thrown this out. Let's deal with it properly. What's the Socialist Forum? Were you an organiser for it? And when did that happen, if you were?

JULIA GILLARD: Tony, it's 2007 and I'm a 46-year-old woman. What Peter Costello is referring to is more than 20 years ago when I was in my 20s. I was a full-time university student and I had a part-time job for an organisation called Socialist Forum, which was a sort of debating society. It ultimately amalgamated with the Fabian society, which of course is a long-running ideas and debating group in Australian politics and indeed in British politics before Australian politics. I've worked in the cleric and administrative work.

TONY JONES: It wasn't a front organisation for Communists?

JULIA GILLARD: Certainly not. It was an organisation where people who identified themselves as progressives, some in the Labor Party, some outside the Labor Party, would come together and would talk about ideas. I did clerical and administrative work, Tony. This is so long ago. It's the days before modern computers and the internet, in the days where if you wanted to put out a meeting notice to people you wouldn't send an email, you'd get out an envelope and put it in your IBM electric typewriter and type up the address and then get the next one. That's the sort of thing I used to do.

Julia Gillard's vagueness with Tony Jones is surprising, as a week before the Sunday herald Sun's Lincoln Wright had published this story on

SCRAPPING the ANZUS treaty, twinning Melbourne with Leningrad and introducing a super-tax on the rich were among radical policies devised or backed by Julia Gillard as a student activist.

Labor's deputy leader was a key figure in a socialist group that pushed radical policies and social agendas in the 1980s and early '90s.

Founded in 1984 as a pressure group within the ALP, the Socialist Forum also wanted to sever Australia's alliance with the US, remove the spy base at Pine Gap, introduce death duties and redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.

The Sunday Herald Sun has gained access to the forum's archive – held in the Baillieu Library at the University of Melbourne.

The archive contains material revealing the radical past of Ms Gillard, including her links to former members of the Communist Party of Australia.

Ms Gillard, who could be Australia's next deputy prime minister, was on the management committee of the forum for many years. She acted as its public officer, secretary, and legal adviser on the drafting of its constitution.

Her signature is on liquor licence applications for the forum's social events, such as theatre nights.

In a pamphlet from the mid-1980s, Ms Gillard describes herself as a "socialist and a feminist" and someone who joined the ALP at 16.

"Contrary to what may have been suggested, Socialist Forum is not a secret organisation nor is it a sub-caucus with the Socialist Left," Ms Gillard says in the pamphlet.

"The members of the forum are drawn from varied backgrounds. Around 45 of the forum's members left the Communist Party of Australia in the division of a year ago and about 80 are members of the ALP. The largest group are not members of any political party."

The 200-plus member forum sought to influence Bob Hawke's Labor government, especially on foreign and economic policy, through the free discussion of ideas.

One key document is the 1985 "Pine Gap - Planning a Strategy", drafted by Philip Hind, who recommends a long-term policy of abrogating the ANZUS Treaty, removing Pine Gap and eventually closing all US bases.

Mr Hind visited the former Soviet Union and came back praising the reforms of president Mikhail Gorbachev. He recommended stronger ties with the USSR, including making Melbourne a sister city of Leningrad (now St Petersburg).

The archive also reveals the forum's debate over tax policy was based on a Communist Party tax pamphlet titled "A Case for Radical Tax Reform".

"We argue that there is only one effective way to reform the tax system, by a sweeping redistribution of the tax burden which now hits hardest at low and middle-income earners," the pamphlet says.

In reality Socialist Forum was almost wholly a vehicle for former leaders of the Communist Party. I quote Australian Marxist-Leninist paper Green Left Weekly from an article from 30th November 1994 on late Communist Party of Australia leader Bernie Taft.

The end was in sight by the early '80s, and Taft, most of the Victorian leadership and a quarter of the CPA National Committee departed to form Socialist Forum, an ALP ginger group. The rest of the CPA slowly folded over the remaining years of the decade.

Gillard came semi-clean about her long term involvement in Socialist Forum in a 23rd October interview with Melbourne radio station 3AW

JULIA GILLARD: I’ve been predominantly asked about the time I worked there and so I’ve talked about that, I’ve answered all of those questions. What happened is I worked there for a period of time when I was at university. I then finished my university career and moved into my legal career. To do that, I did the course you could do instead of being an article clerk, Leo Cousins; that was a full time course and to support myself through it I waitressed three nights a week. And then I went and got a job at Slater and Gordon, worked pretty hard there, made partner in three years. So whilst I kept a membership of Socialist Forum, I sort of drifted out of active involvement with it. So yes, I would have attended the occasional meeting, but…

NEIL MITCHELL: When would you last have gone to a meeting?

JULIA GILLARD: Oh, look I really couldn’t tell you that, honestly Neil but a very long time ago. In the sense that as my legal career got more and more intense, as a partner I didn’t have time left over for other things, so…

NEIL MITCHELL: So were you on the Management Committee until 1994 at least?

JULIA GILLARD: I would’ve been. I mean, certainly the records show that I would’ve stayed on the management committee. But Neil, this is a voluntary organisation; a couple of hundred members. Once you’re on the management committee of something like that it can be hard to get off because no one wants to step up and take your place!

NEIL MITCHELL: Did you ever resign? Did you ever resign from the Socialist Forum?

JULIA GILLARD: No, it petered out, what…

NEIL MITCHELL: Well, it sort of became the Fabian Society, didn’t it?

JULIA GILLARD: Yeah, what happened is, its membership went into decline - it was only ever a very small thing. You know, its membership went into decline. It entered an arrangement with the Fabian Society and what was then the Evatt Foundation in Victoria which was also a bit of an ideas think tank. Entered an arrangement to share offices and share costs and all the rest of it. That happened in 1997, I think. And sort of slowly after that the Forum petered out. And now…


JULIA GILLARD: …people who want to join that sort of thing join the Fabian Society.

NEIL MITCHELL: So are you a member of the Fabian Society?


NEIL MITCHELL: And what, you just sort of went from Socialist Forum to Fabian Society?

JULIA GILLARD: I hold a membership of the Fabian Society, I do support people getting together and talking about ideas. I think that’s all to the good.


JULIA GILLARD: I, obviously, with all my responsibilities am not a regular attendee at Fabian Society events…


JULIA GILLARD: They generously invited me to address their recent dinner which I did.

Julia Gillard was still listed as a member of Socialist Forum as late as 2002.

As Julia Gillard is only one of many leading ALP figures from left/union backgrounds, I'm betting Australia is about to undergo a leftist shift in foreign policy similar to that suffered by New Zealand in 1984.

Domestic and monetary policies may also shift to the left as the ALP lacks the Roger Douglas faction that moderated New Zealand Labour's left extremism in 1984/90.

Interesting times ahead.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Who Is Subcomandante Marcos?

If you want to know why Maori radicals and anarchists were running around the Ureweras with guns and napalm-ask this man.

A near legendary figure, the always masked Subcomandante Marcos leads the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Zapatistas), from the impoverished southern Mexican state of Chiapas.

Marcos has yet to reveal his true identity, but Mexican authorities claim he is Rafael Sebastián Guillén Vicente, a son of Spanish immigrants, born in Mexico.

Guillén graduated from Mexico City's Metropolitan Autonomous University and then earned a masters' degree in philosophy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, before working as a professor at the same institution.

Caught up in the student radicalism of the late '60s, Guillen joined the Maoist oriented guerilla group, the National Liberation Forces.

In the early '80s, Guillen and some of his followers moved to Chiapas in southern Mexico to work through the local Mayan peasantry.

From the US Military Review May/June 1997;

Cadres of what became the EZLN began to secretly organize in the early 1980s. The EZLN claims it was founded in 1982. Formed in part by members of old splintered groups and drawing on a predominantly indigenous following, EZLN's evolution was complex and is still debated. During its formative years, the group gave little indication of its existence, a posture that fit well with most Mexicans' perception that guerrillas were an issue of the past.

However, the guerrillas were not gone from every area of Mexico. Reports of secretive armed groups training in the mountains were as commonplace locally as they were heatedly denied by Mexican authorities...

On 1 January 1994, 15 years of official government and public complacency ended abruptly when the EZLN publicly announced its existence with the brief occupation of several towns in Chiapas, resulting in sharp clashes with the army that left nearly 150 dead.

Since the initial rebellion, Marcos's Zapatistas have formed a semi autonomous state in Chiapas and have worked to build bridges to radical and anarchist groups throughout Mexico and the world.

The Zapatistas have proved masters of communication and have spread their ideology to indigenous and anarchist groups worldwide via the internet and regular international conferences.

According to Wikipedia;

From 1992 through 2006, Marcos wrote more than 200 essays and stories and published 21 books in a total of at least 33 editions, amply documenting his political and philosophical views...

Although Marcos's political philosophy has sometimes been characterized as "Marxist," his broadly populist writings concentrate on unjust treatment of people by both business and the State, giving Zapatista ideology a strong anarchist tinge.

In 2005, Marcos launched the "La Otra Campaña" (The Other Campaign) to coincide with the 2006 mexican elections. The Zapatistas did not run or endorse candidates, but instead called for a new constitution prohibiting privatization of public resources and providing autonomy for an estimated 57 indigenous populations. More than 900 organizations joined The Other Campaign.

Subcomandante Marcos is an icon for the new anarchist/indigenous and anti capitalist left that has disrupted nearly every major international political and financial gathering since the Battle in Seattle in 1999.

It is no so surprise that he is admired by many of those arrested in the New Zealand "anti terror" raids of October 15th.

Aussie Communists Back Greens.

It is no surprise that the Communist Party of Australia wants John Howard and his Liberal led coalition out.

However, the CPA is not urging its supporters to vote Labor, but to give their first preference to the Australian Greens.

The CPA clearly reasons that a strong green party ifluence will help drive Labor further left.

From the Communist Party of Australia's Guardian

Labor will be caught between these expectations and the realities of capitalism, and will not be helped by its commitment to neo-liberal policies.

In reality, with the independence of the RBA, the floating of the dollar (by former Labor Treasurer Paul Keating), past privatisations, and other deregulatory measures, a Labor Government will have little control over interest rates and the big corporations, many of them foreign owned, which control most of the economy. The international (and local) financial markets are beyond the control of any capitalist government.

A Labor Government could, however, given the political will and the support of the electorate, implement progressive reforms that ameliorate some of the worst features of capitalism.

With the support of The Greens, with their policies for peace, justice, the environment, support for the public sector, the repeal of WorkChoices and other valuable alternatives, the balance of power in the Senate could prevent the Coalition from blocking progressive legislation such as trade union rights, withdrawing from Iraq, signing the Kyoto Protocols and taking other climate change measures, re-introducing a commonwealth dental scheme, proper funding for health and education etc.

The Communist Party of Australia advocates giving The Greens the number 1 vote in both houses and putting the Coalition parties last.

Sadly, Communism is Far From Dead

From an editorial in the Communist Party of Australia's Guardian

In 1991 when the Soviet Union broke up and its leadership destroyed the Soviet Union's socialist system, the Sydney Morning Herald came out with an exultant front-page banner headline — COMMUNISM IS DEAD!

A statement of confidence issued at that time by the Executive Committee of the Socialist Party of Australia (as the Communist Party was called then), expressed conviction that "socialism remains the best and only system capable of meeting the needs of the working people of all countries, is capable of eliminating unemployment and exploitation, doing away with the booms and slumps of capitalism by democratic economic planning. Only socialist societies consistently uphold the necessity of preserving peace on our planet".

At the international conference of Communist Parties held at the beginning of November this year and which commemorated the 90th anniversary of the 1917 socialist revolution in Russia, the head of the delegation from the Communist Party of China proudly declared: "I bring greetings to this conference from the 73 million (yes, million) members of the Communist Party of China".

An estimate submitted to the conference was that there are now over 100 million Communist Party members throughout the world and that 40 percent of the people of the world live in countries where the Communist Party either heads the government or participates in the government.

These countries are in different stages of economic, political and social development. Some are developing rapidly such as China, Vietnam and Cuba, where the rate of economic development runs at around 10 percent each year. Others are in the transition stage or have put their foot on the first rung of the socialist ladder.

In a number of countries the Communist Parties are in alliance with other progressive parties or trade union organisations, such as in South Africa.

Politically the developed capitalist countries are a long way behind countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia in particular. They were the first capitalist countries and became rich from the savage exploitation of the colonial people.

In the United States, Britain and other European countries the same process went on. In these countries there was a certain "trickle down" and working class organisations were also able to force concessions but their struggles did not go any further than knocking some of the rough edges off capitalism.

This process is now coming to an end as the inevitable crises which have always beset the capitalist economies once again come to the surface. Furthermore, the former colonial countries and the emerging socialist economies are becoming steadily more powerful economically, politically and militarily.

Communist parties have survived the onslaught of capitalist attacks and ideological subversion in the developed capitalist countries as well. Communism is not dead there either.

One of these smaller communist parties is the Communist Party of Australia. In his contribution to the meeting of international parties held in Minsk and referred to above, the CPA representative said among other things: "Ours is the future and we can gain confidence and optimism from the revolutionary, anti-imperialist and socialist sweep of the peoples of South America, the African continent and in Asia."

Friday, November 23, 2007

New Zealand "Official" Backs Iran

A New Zealand "official" (and socialist) backs Iran.

From Iran's Islamic Republic News Agency

New Zealand's National Advisory Council for Disarmament Ex-Chairman Robert James Rigg said on Thursday that the report presented by IAEA Director General Mohamed Elbaradei to IAEA Board of Governors indicates that Iran's nuclear dossier should be referred to IAEA.

Speaking on the sidelines of the international seminar on "Iran's nuclear program and ElBaradei's report, he said it was an excellent report which indicates that Iran's nuclear issue should be resolved by IAEA and there is no room for interference of UNSC.

ElBaradei's report also indicates that Iran's nuclear dossier should be merely resolved through peaceful and diplomatic means.

Iran should mobilize the world public opinion in support to its legitimate rights because the world public opinion can force governments to recognize Iran's rights, he said.

Once More For Freedom, Johnny!

Good luck tomorrow, Australia.

Christchurch Anti Electoral Finance Bill March


Protest March Victoria Square to Cathedral Square

Wednesday 28 November 12.30. March starts 1.00pm.

Organiser of the Auckland and Wellington marches

John Boscawen will speak.
The last week has seen the most blatant display of political hypocrisy in the nation’s history. At a time when MPs have voted themselves more of your money to express their views, your right to express your own views will be gagged. If this Bill becomes law NZ will have the most restrictive electoral law in the western world.

The New Zealand Human Rights Commission called the bill ‘inherently flawed’ and its provisions a ‘dramatic assault’ on the rights you cherish. Its call on the government to withdraw this bill has been ignored.

Its time to stand up and be counted!

Be there this Wednesday at Victoria Square by 12.30!

Authorised by

John Boscawen,

P.O. Box 42267, Orakei

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Roy Stands In Wellington Central, Prebble Offers Words of Wisdom and Encouragement

ACT deputy leader Heather Roy, has been named as ACT candidate for the key seat of Wellington Central in 2008.

In a speech to last night's candidate launch at the Museum Hotel, former ACT leader and one time Wellington central MP, Richard Prebble gave his views on Wellington Central and it's significance for 2008.

Wellington Central could pick the next government.

It is a statistical fact that Wellington - the country's smartest electorate - is politically astute, and has been willing to switch its vote to lead the country.

When I put my name in for Wellington Central, ACT was at one percent. In the first opinion poll I was the fourth-ranked candidate. I won because the electorate realised that, by electing me, it would be gaining MMP and electing another Party into Parliament. Even though I gained more votes when I lost than when I first won the seat, the electorate realised ACT was going to win and I was going to be in Parliament whether I won or lost the seat.

Wellington Central voters can have an even bigger impact on this election. While many media commentators think it a foregone conclusion that National will win the next election, they're forgetting that this is MMP.

No party since the 1951 waterfront election has won 50 percent and, despite the current polls, National will not get the 50 percent to govern alone.

According to latest polls, Labour could form a government even with a huge swing to National. Indeed, we could have the electorate move to the Right and the Government move to the Left with a Labour/Green/Maori Party government. If the Maori party wins all seven Maori seats and few list seats, a likely result will be an overhang as to get proportionality Parliament will have more than 120 seats.
Winning Wellington Central could easily be the balance of power. When Wellington Central activists suggested I stand for this seat I said: "But I'm the man who drove through the civil service reforms. Civil servants will never vote for ACT". The activists said "Not so, the civil servants know how bad the waste is."

Heather Roy has been a critic of the extraordinary growth in bureaucracy, and the civil servants know she's right - 20,000 extra employees and no increase in service. That's not my view; that's the result of a study by the Treasury.

There's another reason Wellington needs Heather Roy. Let me be as polite as I can be about Marian Hobbs, but she wasn't dropped from the Cabinet because of her effectiveness.

Labour's nominee has likely been selected because of his support of the Left faction, rather than their ability to represent this electorate. It's ironic, but it is very challenging representing the capital.

You would think it would be easy - most Ministers live here; politics is this city's business. Representing the capital should be a piece of cake. The reality is, however, that it's the opposite. It's easier to be the MP for the West Coast; there, the MP is the only MP for 400 kilometres. He's the only representative for the region and his views are accorded real weight - not just by the voters, but also by Wellington.

In the capital, the local MP is competing for attention from the whole of Parliament. Ministers think that, because the live here, they know the issues. They don't, but they THINK they do.

The voters also often by-pass the local MP and go directly to departments. The result is that decisions are made about Wellington by central government that Ministers would never consider making if it were Auckland or Southland.

To be heard and effective, the MP for Wellington Central has to be much better than your average MP.

Heather Roy is well qualified. She was ranked number two for very good reasons. ACT was acknowledged as having - man for man, woman for woman - the best caucus, and that Party recognised her as the most effective.

Heather Roy is a Wellington Central girl.

I have no doubt she will be the most talented of all the candidates and I know she is standing to win.

Sam Buchanan's Reply

I challenged Wellington anarchists, particularly Sam Buchanan and Asher Goldman to distance themselves from the pro-violence views of Mr Geoff Karena.

Here's Sam Buchanan's reply with some comment by me in the first section.

Sam Stretching it a bit here aren't you, Trev? If you have issues with Mr Karena shouldn't he be the one you approach for comment? Or is this you're socialist streak coming through again - your deep tendency to group people together and hold them collectively responsible for each others views? I wouldn't expect you to take responsibility for what other people say...expect me to?

New Zeal I asked you to distance yourself from and to condemn Mr Karena's writings. I gave you as a well known anarchist and friend and colleague of several of those arrested on October 15th, the opportunity to condemn terrorism. I did not say you were responsible for Mr Karena's views. You are fudging the point here Sam.

Sam By the way, you still haven't replied to my offer to correct the errors in your piece about me, and the mis-lablelled photos you still have up, for a reasonable price. This seems a bit irresponsible of you.

If you want my thoughts on political violence, you are welcome to fund me to write and publish a small book on the subject. Please let me know your terms.

New Zeal I have removed two photos of Val Morse on the request of her lawyer, Mr Lilico. I have also removed one of Tim and Emily Bailey because I found that their images are still under suppression orders.

I don't believe I have stated any falsehoods about yourself. I Blog for free (though if anyone would like to sponsor me, feel free to offer), for my own gratification and as a public service. That's an ethos I'm sure you'll appreciate, Sam.

I would be willing to pay for some info Sam, but not the kind I think you'd be willing to reveal.

Sam However, here's something for free - it's already in the public domain anyway. A short piece I wrote for a newsheet at the time of the public transport bombings in London a few years back. It also refers to the idiots who grafittied an Auckland mosque in response. it's somewhat terse, and the language is a bit untypical of me, but I was pretty angry at the time.


Sam Buchanan


The bunch of fuckwits who put bombs on public transport in London and the politicians who ordered the bombing Baghdad are on the same moral level.

The glib liberal slogan “one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter” is claptrap. Terrorism is terrorism – it doesn’t matter how worthy your cause is or what means you use to deliver it. Whether a bomb is in a suitcase, or dropped from a B-52 makes fuck all difference to the victim.

Terrorism is trying to gain a political aim by frightening a population into submission. The term was first used to describe government’s who terrorised their own populations in order to stay in power, still the most common form of terrorism.

Meanwhile the press trumpets the ‘defiance’ of ordinary Londoners who go to their jobs as if nothing has happened. Do they have any choice? Are they choosing to show their courage by taking the bus and leaving their armour-plated limousines in the garage? Unlike their bosses and leaders they don’t have country houses to flee to, or an army of police and soldiers to stand between them and their attackers. They can’t stay home until the threat has receded – if it ever does.

Do Blair and Bush really think they can fight wars overseas and not have their own cities attacked? Could they care less? Behind the smiles and rhetoric another dead Londoner, Spaniard, Iraqi or Sudanese is a detail of history, or worse, a handy PR opportunity, for these great colonial statesmen.

Meanwhile, some opportunist losers in Auckland take the opportunity to slide their own sick little agenda forward on the blood of the victims of the London bombing. Blaming Auckland muslims for the attacks is like blaming the local branch of Youth for Christ for an IRA attack on the grounds that all Christians are the same.

New Zeal Thanks for that Sam.

Wellington Anti EFB Rally

Some photos from yesterday's anti Electoral Finance Bill rally in Wellington

From Not PC

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Asher Reads the Riot Act

Wellington anarchist, Asher Goldman, had several friends and colleagues arrested in the October 15th anti-terror raids-including his two Indymedia co-editors.

He's not happy at the lack of security in the anarchist movement.

From Indymedia

Where do you stand? Shutting the fuck up to not risk our freedom

In the wake of the October 15th raids, there are a few key points regarding security and dealing with the Police and media that demand restating. Too many people who should have known better ended up saying things they shouldn't have to the Police, whether directly or via the corporate media.

Soon after the raids, those being called in for questioning were reminded on Aotearoa Indymedia that "There is no such thing as a harmless conversation when it comes to police questioning." This lesson, however, was apparently not learnt.

There can be no doubt that being asked questions with a gun to your face is one of the scariest things that can happen to someone, and so I won't delve too much further into those specific situations, except to say that the main thrust of my argument still holds true - not saying anything is always a better option for the overall safety and liberty of everyone concerned.

Too many people however, when confronted by Police without firearms (whether at their houses or after being called in for questioning) still talked. Too many people talked to the media, armed with only microphones. The excuses for this have been varied, from thinking one was doing the right thing, to not thinking at all, however in all cases talking had a negative effect, whether directly or indirectly.

The Police intelligence gathering in Operation 8 had two aspects - information gathered specifically to aid in the prosecution of those individuals arrested on October 15th (and any further arrests that Police stated they wished to make), and information gathered to help in building an overall picture of the Tino Rangatiratanga, anarchist and activist movements and communities across Aotearoa with a sinister eye to the future.

Some people answered simple questions like "Do you know person X?", thinking that either the fact that they knew them didn't matter, or assuming that the Police already knew the answer was in the affirmative. In doing this, they assisted Police to further enhance their maps of who is connected to who, who works with who. Regardless of whether or not it had relevance to Operation 8 in specific instances, it certainly will help them in investigating any future activity.

When confronted by Police at your house, if they don't have a warrant, make sure they leave your property immediately. No ifs, no buts. Don't answer any questions, don't let them walk around your back yard uninterrupted, don't leave them alone unwatched until they're gone. If they have a warrant, then let them in and watch them for as long as possible (theoretically, you should be able to watch the entire search, but Police aren't exactly known for obeying the rules). While watching, make sure you don't tell them anything. Don't answer questions, don't engage in idle chit-chat. Cops aren't friendly except for when they think that will help them in finding out the answers to their questions - if they're being nice, it's not because they're nice people, it's because they want to lull you into talking. Don't fall for their trap.

If you feel like you need to answer a call for questioning, either talk to a lawyer first, or if you can get a pro bono lawyer, take one in with you. Again, don't answer anything. Don't sign anything either, there is no requirement for you to do so. Try to recall everything they ask you - it could prove useful for working out their lines of enquiry, or discovering the extent of their surveillance.

Perhaps the worst example of talking to the media during the aftermath of Operation 8was the front page story in The Press in Otautahi/Christchurch, with quotes from somebody claiming to be a friend of one of the people called in for questioning. This friend was quoted as saying things which should obviously not have been said to anyone, let alone a journalist from a large media organisation. A saying which is apt here is "If you don't know anything, don't talk about it. If you know a little, say even less."

This isn't a game. This isn't about your moral indignation that you have "nothing to hide". Operation 8 was not the usual bullshit charges of Disorderly Behaviour seen at a protest, where one could have a reasonable expectation of being found not guilty, if the charges ever reached trial.

The potential charges in Operation 8 could have resulted in some serious, long term jail time, and even the lesser Arms Act charges still carry a potential of up to four years. This isn't a game, and those talking to the Police or the media are risking the liberty of those they claim to call friends. The coercive arm of the state arrived on our doorsteps – and will potentially use the information gathered for many years to come. Inviting a cop in for a cup of tea undermines the good work you and many others have been doing, and can put waste to organising that has taken months or years of effort to do.

At the end of the day, it comes down to a simple question of where you stand. Do you stand with those fighting for justice and liberty, or with those who seek to repress it? If you stand with the former, then it should be second nature that we do not do anything to help those who stand with the latter. One of the lessons learnt since October 15th is a very simple one, one of who can be trusted, and of who breaks trust placed in them. It would do us all well to remember that.

Some Questions For Wellington Anarchists-Especially Asher and Sam

This is Oblong Inernet Cafe, Cuba Street Wellington, run by and for Wellington's anarchist community. It is often used as a meeting place by the activists running anarchist newsite, Indymedia.

Inside is the Freedom Bookshop where one can buy anarchist books,'zines and posters.

Geoff Karena, who claims to be friend and relative of "Urewera 17" arrestee, Rangi Kemara and who advocates suicide bombings and war on pakeha recommends Indymedia and the Freedom Bookshop.

He says;

come along to a hui at your local freedom shop or go to indymedia, www.tinorangatiratanga.yahoogroups or googlise fro the "poor mans James bond" book, buy the book set up a cell and select some suicide bombers go to it. there are detailed video's on how to make suicide vests in it oye oye for the cause.

go to the one in wgtn at the oblong left bank cuba street that’s where you can find out about the fake us, canada, america and english pernicious resource stripping war mongering industrialists nations and how to overthrow them.

I'd like to ask the Wellington anarchists who occasionally comment on this Blog, such as Sam Buchanan and Asher Goldman if they endorse Mr Karena's statements?

Are you proud to have someone who seems to recommend suicide bombing and civil war associated with your news site and bookshop?

Considering that several of your friends and colleagues were recently accused of involvement in terrorist related activities, surely you would want to distance yourself from Mr Karena's writings?

You are both involved in the peace movement-surely you must strongly oppose Mr Karena's apparently pro-violence views?

I am happy to post your replies unedited-defamation excluded of course.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hide On Labour's Fascist Electoral Finance Bill

A press release from ACT leader, Rodney Hide

The Electoral Finance Bill is the most serious assault on free speech and political expression ever seen in the developed world - and the recent amendments to it have changed nothing, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today.

"Absolutely nothing has been changed by these amendments - they simply fiddle with the details and leave the Bill's abhorrent concept and principles untouched," Mr Hide said.

"Free speech is vital to a democratic system, but this Bill indefensibly restricts the ability of New Zealanders to fully participate in the political process - under this Bill, New Zealanders will have to register with the Government in order to express a political view every election year; political expression and debate will be subject to Government regulation and control.

"It's shocking that the Greens, New Zealand First and Labour have signed up to a Bill that undermines Kiwis' ability to express their political views freely and openly. It is unnecessary, unjustifiably restricts political expression and breaches fundamental human rights.

"This isn't a Bill to regulate political Parties - it's a Bill to regulate every New Zealander. The country is right to be upset and angry over what the Labour-led Government and its support Parties are doing - after all, free speech is something that previous generations of New Zealanders fought and died for; it's now to be taken away from us in peace-time by the Government rushing legislation through before Christmas,"
Mr Hide said.

Who is Geoff Karena?

Geoffrey Fuimaono Karena is a Wellington based activist and musician. He is of mixed Maori/Samoan descent and hales from the Bay of Islands.

He has been a long time Maori sovereignty activist and protestor.

Photo from Teanau Tuino's Conscious Collaboration's website.

Mr Karena studied at Victoria University in Wellington from at least the mid '90s to the early '00s.

In 2001, the year he stood unsuccessfully for the Wellington mayoralty, he was aged 46 and studying for his Masters in International Relations.

He stood unsuccessfully for the '95 and '96 VUWSA presidency.

In 2002 Mr Karena served on the executive of Victoria University's Maori student's organisation Ngai Tauira, where he was a colleague of Kaye-Maree Dunn.

In 2002/3 he was the president and sole staff member of Te Mana Akonga, the national federation of Maori Student organisations.

Around that time Te Mana Akonga was affiliated with Radical Society and NZUSA to the radical leftist Asian Student's Association.

In 2003 Mr Karena floated the idea of a National Iwi Independence Party of Aotearoa.

More From Mr Karena

In this post I quoted from the Bebo site of Mr Geoff (Potangotango)Karena.

It seems that Mr Karena is a relative of Rangi Kemara of "Uruwera 17" fame and is also close to Kemara's colleague Teanau Tuiono.

Reading Mr Karena's Bebo blog is very interesting and if he is serious, more than a little chilling.

Here are some excerpts, with commentary from me.

From a post 21 days ago

this is the time to go to war.

well you may ask which war is that, is it like whats going on in iraq. no I tell you the war that is going on on a daily basis is here in kiwi land, NZ or aoetaroa to this supporter of independence for iwi is well on the cards and we have to be ready.

yes thats right is it time to take the bull by the horns and take that final step as we want to, and start a clear-earth policy as they have tried to on us. as well as the normal take them on in the trenches, in the streets, burglarising them, home invading them, bombing them...

within the baskets of knowledge are also that which is the iwi essence which is definately at risk of annihilation by these latest arrests, so we need the warriors of iwi to rise up and to take their positions.

with the arrest over the the last two weeks of tino rangatira supporters a clear message has been sent out to iwi, to the people of aotearoa and indeed to the rest of the world that the pakiha are going to begin the dawn raids and the illegal imprisonments as they have done since their arrival in 1800 so we have no alternative but to take them on.

Would this have been sedition, before the offence was recently abolished?

From a post 353 days ago

nga toa o te motu you are all invited to a hui to be held at a marae somewhere in the bay of islands feb 2 to feb the 7th 2007.

the hui will discuss how we/us you and all of us are going to take back aotearoa from the baldyheads to expel the britishers, the kaupapa of the hui is to set a plan of action in place to assist in bringing this about, independence and self determination we will all decide as to what and how we move on this ideally we want to perform an action on waitangi day that will shock the world.

we will be discussing how we are going to return mana motuhake of aotearoa to iwi or to the hui which ever will work for our people and what works best. for the purpose of being non hierachical making it safe for the wahine as well we thought we would come to the hui in scarves, balaclava's etc no faces allowed whether we continue that during the hui will be up to the first hui of the week no leaders, we are all the leaders we can elect spokes people or representatives or kai mangai kaikorero.

those organising the hui for instance are not the leaders they are the admin. so long as you are into independence and self-determination for iwi hapu and whanau then you are will be able to contribute to the hui all will be listened to

Is this as heavy as it sounds? Nga Toa o te Motu-roughly translates as warriors of freedom.

From a post 449 days ago

one up for the masses

the sacred fires of the gods was not extinguished in melbourne austrailia 2005, the aboriginal order of freedom fighters withstood police and pakeha authority harassment to maintain the sacred fire that was lit in protest at the blatant display of colonial theft by the commonwealth they were branded the stolen wealth games.

to commemorate their stance they have kept the fire alight to this day, never to be extinguished, its fire was sparked by mahuika and tane mahuta in remembrance of self-determination and independence for the indigenous tribes of austrailia for mana motuhake, so austrailia is returned to them.

the last report from our trusty iwi reporter Ana brown davis, said "there was great resolve in the aboriginal peoples council of war towards achieving this goal indeed with the help of all the indigenous peoples and now resident kiwi's kiwi pakeha Samoan, all peoples of the pacific that there has to be freedom in the pacific.

to effect this there are going to be a series of massed rangatahi young people protests on the doorsteps of the wto November 2006, 7, and 8, the world bank, imf, un headquarters, the G8, as well for the next twenty years. till they give it up, wherever there is oppression said davis we will be there to effect change however way that is achieved.

we want thousands no millions to march in brussels in 2008. it will be the year for change said URS anarchist in protest over the united states, nz, and canada's non ratification of the decolonisation act of 1960, and the non ratification of the indigenous peoples declaration 2006. this shows how these fake governments run by crooks and thieves left over after the elite the gentry, kings and queens fled to escape beheadings from the peoples in the twelve to eighteen hundreds onwards or they escaped to other colonies to wreak their madness.....are able to get away with the murder of our people for the last 170 years

Ana Brown Davis a major supporter of the "Urewera 17".

come along to a hui at your local freedom shop or go to indymedia, www.tinorangatiratanga.yahoogroups or googlise fro the "poor mans James bond" book, buy the book set up a cell and select some suicide bombers go to it. there are detailed video's on how to make suicide vests in it oye oye for the cause.

go to the one in wgtn at the oblong left bank cuba street that’s where you can find out about the fake us, canada, america and english pernicious resource stripping war mongering industrialists nations and how to overthrow them.

Suicide bombers??? Note the anarchist connection. Indymedia is anarchist run and two of its three editors were arrested in the "Urewera 17" raids.

Oblong is a meeting place at the anarchist run Freedom Shop in Wellington.

the poisoning of billions of people with skin cancer was anticipated with the depletion of the ozone layer they planned it who wants to live in a cold dreary place the rich have purposely cut the tree's they have purposely melted the ice to raise the water levels thereby the waters through its sheer weight will put pressure on the crust of the planet, forcing volcanic activity at the seams in the next two decades increasing eruptions will not only propel us out into space or if timed wrongly plummet us towards the sun whilst shifting the continents.

europe and russia will sink, amerika will sink the pacific will arise the climate will be warmer and brand new. the rich caused the ozone layer to get larger to turn the world into a sunny warm place. sweet by me we can see for ourselves the damage this selfish wish has created, I have genealogy in warm country's and have to agree with that thinking it will mean that the equator will become too hot to live on, in that this is what international capitalists are doing to our planet clever aye or are they crazy

No wonder this guy is upset.

A post from 450 days ago

Full and final settlement is theft

it's all very well to say that "the united nations” inspired waitangi tribunal is the only game in town that will heal all the ills of iwi. but in the long run what do Iwi get for taking the few pieces of silver they are offered and to admitting to a "full and final settlement", nothing absolutely nothing.

What if some are able to through wise investment and managed business opportunities to build the full and final returned claims monies into wealth producing empires. To do that they haveto become the capitalist pigs we detest, whom we have been fighting tooth and nail to overcome since marx identified it. We are supposed to use the monies from these illegal waitangi tribunal settlements to become the whitey contractors that will strip our own land of all its forests.

We will also use our "full and final" settlement monies to set up huge fishing fleets that will strip our waters of all living creatures, or we will use our "full and final" monies to build intensive farming operations to wrench the last ounce of blood profit out of our already overused lands. Why would we want to do this I ask, what so we can give this illegal government and its capitalist system legitimacy for the next one hundred years. Regardless we will still have to ask the minita of maori affairs if we can spend over one hundred dollars of our iwi money, bugger that. Do you want your grandchildren to have to put up with that crap. And if the reason some of our people want to accept full and final settlements so that they do not have to experience poverty, shame on you, its time for war.

Its time for war! Clearly Mr Karena sees no hope in the current system. What then can one do?

Therefore, this is not the "only game in town" there are others. Much like all those who refer to this as a game they also know that there are other games that will achieve for iwi the self-determination and independence outcome we are all striving for, of which the following examples can be seen to be practised with much success all around the world.

Example 1

The warlord game: this is where a group of whanau or hapu begin in their rohe a campaign of terrorising and confiscating their own lands from the local farmers and land stealers. Using ex-colonial soldiers and the thousands of disenfranchised youth of their whanau as the enforcers, and the local hapü as their suppliers, with their local Iwi parliamentary member as their exonerator or supplier, a method that has been used successfully in: Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Columbia, Togo, Uganda, Somalia, now Caledonia etc.

Or Tuhoe country?

Example 2

There is also the occupation method, this is similar to the first one and includes the use of high powered long range weaponry. It uses military methods to lock down areas such as road-blocks delineating tracts of land to certain hapu and no trespass signs and declarations of independence and have their people defend their area's against incursions by the state. These were used successfully in Chechnya, Kenya, Yucatan, Georgia, Siberia, etc.

Example 3

Then there are the suicide bomber games, this requires complete
commitment to the cause of iwi self-determination and independence.

Example 4

Then there are the games the iwi gangs play, who amongst all iwi they are the best at, hook up with them influence them lead them to our way of thinking.

Example 5

There are the petty crime games, steal anything and everything it is muru. Burn it or destroy whatever you steal or distribute it if this is for example 1&2. It there is any profit from it give ten to 20% of it to any iwi political organisation, like the whanau.

Example 6

Kidnapping is another game that has found favour with indigenous freedom fighters. Snatch rich people, government officials, MP's, foreigners, tourists, cabinet ministers etc., hold them for millions of dollars, make it impossible for them to refuse and if the governments or families of the kidnapped do not pay up decapitate
them, video it and send it to tvnz. Assassination is another way to appeal to a recalcitrant government to leave a territory or a series of assassinations if they do not heed the warnings.

There are many more other games in town these are two I came up with
what other games do others have that they think would fit into this.

For extra info try this site for articles of how to wage war on the invaders where you can maximise you destructive capabilities, which will help you with your peoples aspirations.

two four six eight what do we appreciate
iwi independence and self-determination

A bit lost for words really. What do you make of all this?