Friday, November 30, 2007

China Supports International Communist Movement

Despite apparently embracing capitalism, China is playing an increasingly influential role in the world communist movement.

What up?

From the Communist Party USA's Political Affairs;

CPUSA National Board member John Bachtell attended the international meeting of the Communist and Workers' Parties held in Minsk, Belarus in early November...

The second major factor, I thought, was the participation of the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China has 73 million members, a huge party, the biggest in the world. And in all the previous international meetings they have only been observers. They have generally sat in the back of the meeting and not mixed in much.

At this meeting, however, they played a very active role in the meeting itself. They spoke right up front. The Chinese representative reported on the 17th Party Congress in China, about the problems they are confronting in building socialism and what they are trying to do about them.

The representative also spoke later on in Moscow, where there was a big celebration that we all went to marking the 90th Anniversary. In his remarks there, he said that the revolution in China had its roots in the Great October Revolution, and that the Great October Revolution introduced Marxism to China.

You got this feeling of tremendous unity in the world Communist movement because of their participation. As we know, there have been some divisions in the past, but the Chinese delegation was fully a part of this meeting and fully a part of the whole process, which I think is a really important sign of the vitality of the international communist movement.

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