In this post I quoted from the Bebo site of Mr Geoff (Potangotango)Karena.
It seems that Mr Karena is a relative of Rangi Kemara of "Uruwera 17" fame and is also close to Kemara's colleague Teanau Tuiono.
Reading Mr Karena's Bebo blog is very interesting and if he is serious, more than a little chilling.
Here are some excerpts, with commentary from me.
From a post 21 days ago
this is the time to go to war.
well you may ask which war is that, is it like whats going on in iraq. no I tell you the war that is going on on a daily basis is here in kiwi land, NZ or aoetaroa to this supporter of independence for iwi is well on the cards and we have to be ready.
yes thats right is it time to take the bull by the horns and take that final step as we want to, and start a clear-earth policy as they have tried to on us. as well as the normal take them on in the trenches, in the streets, burglarising them, home invading them, bombing them...
within the baskets of knowledge are also that which is the iwi essence which is definately at risk of annihilation by these latest arrests, so we need the warriors of iwi to rise up and to take their positions.
with the arrest over the the last two weeks of tino rangatira supporters a clear message has been sent out to iwi, to the people of aotearoa and indeed to the rest of the world that the pakiha are going to begin the dawn raids and the illegal imprisonments as they have done since their arrival in 1800 so we have no alternative but to take them on.
Would this have been sedition, before the offence was recently abolished?
From a post 353 days ago
nga toa o te motu you are all invited to a hui to be held at a marae somewhere in the bay of islands feb 2 to feb the 7th 2007.
the hui will discuss how we/us you and all of us are going to take back aotearoa from the baldyheads to expel the britishers, the kaupapa of the hui is to set a plan of action in place to assist in bringing this about, independence and self determination we will all decide as to what and how we move on this ideally we want to perform an action on waitangi day that will shock the world.
we will be discussing how we are going to return mana motuhake of aotearoa to iwi or to the hui which ever will work for our people and what works best. for the purpose of being non hierachical making it safe for the wahine as well we thought we would come to the hui in scarves, balaclava's etc no faces allowed whether we continue that during the hui will be up to the first hui of the week no leaders, we are all the leaders we can elect spokes people or representatives or kai mangai kaikorero.
those organising the hui for instance are not the leaders they are the admin. so long as you are into independence and self-determination for iwi hapu and whanau then you are will be able to contribute to the hui all will be listened to
Is this as heavy as it sounds? Nga Toa o te Motu-roughly translates as warriors of freedom.
From a post 449 days ago
one up for the masses
the sacred fires of the gods was not extinguished in melbourne austrailia 2005, the aboriginal order of freedom fighters withstood police and pakeha authority harassment to maintain the sacred fire that was lit in protest at the blatant display of colonial theft by the commonwealth they were branded the stolen wealth games.
to commemorate their stance they have kept the fire alight to this day, never to be extinguished, its fire was sparked by mahuika and tane mahuta in remembrance of self-determination and independence for the indigenous tribes of austrailia for mana motuhake, so austrailia is returned to them.
the last report from our trusty iwi reporter Ana brown davis, said "there was great resolve in the aboriginal peoples council of war towards achieving this goal indeed with the help of all the indigenous peoples and now resident kiwi's kiwi pakeha Samoan, all peoples of the pacific that there has to be freedom in the pacific.
to effect this there are going to be a series of massed rangatahi young people protests on the doorsteps of the wto November 2006, 7, and 8, the world bank, imf, un headquarters, the G8, as well for the next twenty years. till they give it up, wherever there is oppression said davis we will be there to effect change however way that is achieved.
we want thousands no millions to march in brussels in 2008. it will be the year for change said URS anarchist in protest over the united states, nz, and canada's non ratification of the decolonisation act of 1960, and the non ratification of the indigenous peoples declaration 2006. this shows how these fake governments run by crooks and thieves left over after the elite the gentry, kings and queens fled to escape beheadings from the peoples in the twelve to eighteen hundreds onwards or they escaped to other colonies to wreak their madness.....are able to get away with the murder of our people for the last 170 years
Ana Brown Davis a major supporter of the "Urewera 17".
come along to a hui at your local freedom shop or go to indymedia, www.tinorangatiratanga.yahoogroups or googlise fro the "poor mans James bond" book, buy the book set up a cell and select some suicide bombers go to it. there are detailed video's on how to make suicide vests in it oye oye for the cause.
go to the one in wgtn at the oblong left bank cuba street that’s where you can find out about the fake us, canada, america and english pernicious resource stripping war mongering industrialists nations and how to overthrow them.
Suicide bombers??? Note the anarchist connection. Indymedia is anarchist run and two of its three editors were arrested in the "Urewera 17" raids.
Oblong is a meeting place at the anarchist run Freedom Shop in Wellington.
the poisoning of billions of people with skin cancer was anticipated with the depletion of the ozone layer they planned it who wants to live in a cold dreary place the rich have purposely cut the tree's they have purposely melted the ice to raise the water levels thereby the waters through its sheer weight will put pressure on the crust of the planet, forcing volcanic activity at the seams in the next two decades increasing eruptions will not only propel us out into space or if timed wrongly plummet us towards the sun whilst shifting the continents.
europe and russia will sink, amerika will sink the pacific will arise the climate will be warmer and brand new. the rich caused the ozone layer to get larger to turn the world into a sunny warm place. sweet by me we can see for ourselves the damage this selfish wish has created, I have genealogy in warm country's and have to agree with that thinking it will mean that the equator will become too hot to live on, in that this is what international capitalists are doing to our planet clever aye or are they crazy
No wonder this guy is upset.
A post from 450 days ago
Full and final settlement is theft
it's all very well to say that "the united nations” inspired waitangi tribunal is the only game in town that will heal all the ills of iwi. but in the long run what do Iwi get for taking the few pieces of silver they are offered and to admitting to a "full and final settlement", nothing absolutely nothing.
What if some are able to through wise investment and managed business opportunities to build the full and final returned claims monies into wealth producing empires. To do that they haveto become the capitalist pigs we detest, whom we have been fighting tooth and nail to overcome since marx identified it. We are supposed to use the monies from these illegal waitangi tribunal settlements to become the whitey contractors that will strip our own land of all its forests.
We will also use our "full and final" settlement monies to set up huge fishing fleets that will strip our waters of all living creatures, or we will use our "full and final" monies to build intensive farming operations to wrench the last ounce of blood profit out of our already overused lands. Why would we want to do this I ask, what so we can give this illegal government and its capitalist system legitimacy for the next one hundred years. Regardless we will still have to ask the minita of maori affairs if we can spend over one hundred dollars of our iwi money, bugger that. Do you want your grandchildren to have to put up with that crap. And if the reason some of our people want to accept full and final settlements so that they do not have to experience poverty, shame on you, its time for war.
Its time for war! Clearly Mr Karena sees no hope in the current system. What then can one do?
Therefore, this is not the "only game in town" there are others. Much like all those who refer to this as a game they also know that there are other games that will achieve for iwi the self-determination and independence outcome we are all striving for, of which the following examples can be seen to be practised with much success all around the world.
Example 1
The warlord game: this is where a group of whanau or hapu begin in their rohe a campaign of terrorising and confiscating their own lands from the local farmers and land stealers. Using ex-colonial soldiers and the thousands of disenfranchised youth of their whanau as the enforcers, and the local hapĆ¼ as their suppliers, with their local Iwi parliamentary member as their exonerator or supplier, a method that has been used successfully in: Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Columbia, Togo, Uganda, Somalia, now Caledonia etc.
Or Tuhoe country?
Example 2
There is also the occupation method, this is similar to the first one and includes the use of high powered long range weaponry. It uses military methods to lock down areas such as road-blocks delineating tracts of land to certain hapu and no trespass signs and declarations of independence and have their people defend their area's against incursions by the state. These were used successfully in Chechnya, Kenya, Yucatan, Georgia, Siberia, etc.
Example 3
Then there are the suicide bomber games, this requires complete
commitment to the cause of iwi self-determination and independence.
Example 4
Then there are the games the iwi gangs play, who amongst all iwi they are the best at, hook up with them influence them lead them to our way of thinking.
Example 5
There are the petty crime games, steal anything and everything it is muru. Burn it or destroy whatever you steal or distribute it if this is for example 1&2. It there is any profit from it give ten to 20% of it to any iwi political organisation, like the whanau.
Example 6
Kidnapping is another game that has found favour with indigenous freedom fighters. Snatch rich people, government officials, MP's, foreigners, tourists, cabinet ministers etc., hold them for millions of dollars, make it impossible for them to refuse and if the governments or families of the kidnapped do not pay up decapitate
them, video it and send it to tvnz. Assassination is another way to appeal to a recalcitrant government to leave a territory or a series of assassinations if they do not heed the warnings.
There are many more other games in town these are two I came up with
what other games do others have that they think would fit into this.
For extra info try this site for articles of how to wage war on the invaders where you can maximise you destructive capabilities, which will help you with your peoples aspirations.
two four six eight what do we appreciate
iwi independence and self-determination
A bit lost for words really. What do you make of all this?
Bloody hell!
ReplyDeleteInteresting, no comment from my leftie, "peace activist" friends eh Heine.
ReplyDeleteTheir silence may be taken as approval.
well ya crazed baldyheads, ya must be crazed to come to my/our country not your country and tell us we are nutters. You must be worried aye, but what can you do nothing, we want our land back and no amount of anonymous criticisms will make us go away