Nandor Tanczos on Anarchism
Green Party MP Nandor Tanczos has been an anarchist since his teens.

But what does anarchism mean to Nandor?
Here are some quotes from an article "Anarchism and the Real World" Mr Tanczos wrote for the Waikato student newspaper Nexus (17th July 1989 p12,13).
The anarchism I agree with most is anarcho-syndicalism ("syndicalism" meaning revolutionary unionism)....
Anarcho syndicalism, to me, is organised anarchism, libertarian socialism.
Rather than sit back and wait for "The revolution"...anarcho-syndicalism was born when anarchists got their hands dirty in the day-to-day class war-as agitators, educators and organisors.
Real change will never occur on the say-so of smiling judges, top-cops or multinational murderers. A free society will only be built on the ruins of class rule and the laws that protect it....
Anarchism is seen in practice as the most militant and practical section of the working class movement.
Anarchism is not a game. It's a movement based on class struggle, against class society, for the liberation of all humanity...
And I thought Nandor Tanczos was just a peace loving Rasta... No wonder Mr Tanczos is not that keen to talk to police.

But what does anarchism mean to Nandor?
Here are some quotes from an article "Anarchism and the Real World" Mr Tanczos wrote for the Waikato student newspaper Nexus (17th July 1989 p12,13).
The anarchism I agree with most is anarcho-syndicalism ("syndicalism" meaning revolutionary unionism)....
Anarcho syndicalism, to me, is organised anarchism, libertarian socialism.
Rather than sit back and wait for "The revolution"...anarcho-syndicalism was born when anarchists got their hands dirty in the day-to-day class war-as agitators, educators and organisors.
Real change will never occur on the say-so of smiling judges, top-cops or multinational murderers. A free society will only be built on the ruins of class rule and the laws that protect it....
Anarchism is seen in practice as the most militant and practical section of the working class movement.
Anarchism is not a game. It's a movement based on class struggle, against class society, for the liberation of all humanity...
And I thought Nandor Tanczos was just a peace loving Rasta... No wonder Mr Tanczos is not that keen to talk to police.
My biggest issue with Nandor was his ardent promotion of cannabis. As a father of teenage girls, I was horrified how much they and their friends thought he was cool.
However in his defence, he was the only MP I saw at the Innocence Project conference in Wellington at the weekend. This looked at the issue of miscarriages of justice in cases like Peter Ellis, who has been denied justice thanks to the hard work behind the scenes of one Val Sim, whom you mentioned when she became a law commissioner.
Nandor might not be keen to talk to the police who put guns to peoples heads and made false arrests under trumpeted up 'terror' charges.
The same police who worked with Helen Clark and the rest of the high security circle, including the SIS to monitor peoples lives and homes from upwards of 15 months.
Yet you still claim to represent 'freedom' even when you defend the actions of Labour, the SIS and the police in full black suits who carried out KGB style armed raids on people around the country, including the home of the eco show organiser.
If it had instead been a neo-nazi group, would it not have been the police being praised and the arrestees condemned?
Poneke-I actually consider Nandor as one of the best of the Greens-though that's not saying much.
I can understand your concerns over the dope issue. As you've probably seen me write, I'm a legaliszer-because in my opinion, if done right it would actually reduce drug abuse.
I congratulate Nandor for supporting this worthy project-its just a pity he's blind to the real criminals on his side of the political divide.
Poneke-I actually consider Nandor as one of the best of the Greens-though that's not saying much.
I can understand your concerns over the dope issue. As you've probably seen me write, I'm a legaliszer-because in my opinion, if done right it would actually reduce drug abuse.
I congratulate Nandor for supporting this worthy project-its just a pity he's blind to the real criminals on his side of the political divide.
Anon-too true. We all know the left is lying through its teeth on this issue, which is understandable.
They see themselves as brave resistance fighters against fascist global capitalism.
To them lying to the police and the public is the right and proper thing to do.
To them it is like French resistance fighters lying to the Nazi occupiers.
Who can blame them for lying to protect their comrades?
But never the less, lying is what it is.
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