Seek the "Truth"
After years in the wilderness, 120 year old "NZ Truth" is making a comeback as a hard-hitting crusading newspaper.

Truth lost its way around 1984 after then editor, the late Russell Gault left the paper.
Now under the able editorship of Jock Anderson, Truth is once again taking up the cudgels. Once again NZ truth is becoming a scourge of the left and political correctness.
The latest issue, hitting the streets today, carries a front page article on Tim Shadbolt's campaign against Labour's electoral Finance Act.
The article quotes Tim, David Farrar from Kiwiblog and John Boscawen.
Even better, Truth devotes the bulk of page 4 to an article on Greenpeace employing alleged Urewera military trainee, Kristin Gillies to lecture high school pupils on climate change.
The article also points out some Green Party/"Urewera 17" linkups through the Save Happy Valley Coalition.
Nandor Tanczos also gets a bit of a serve.
The article uses material from New Zeal and quotes yours truly.
So mosey on down to your local dairy and support the "Truth".

Truth lost its way around 1984 after then editor, the late Russell Gault left the paper.
Now under the able editorship of Jock Anderson, Truth is once again taking up the cudgels. Once again NZ truth is becoming a scourge of the left and political correctness.
The latest issue, hitting the streets today, carries a front page article on Tim Shadbolt's campaign against Labour's electoral Finance Act.
The article quotes Tim, David Farrar from Kiwiblog and John Boscawen.
Even better, Truth devotes the bulk of page 4 to an article on Greenpeace employing alleged Urewera military trainee, Kristin Gillies to lecture high school pupils on climate change.
The article also points out some Green Party/"Urewera 17" linkups through the Save Happy Valley Coalition.
Nandor Tanczos also gets a bit of a serve.
The article uses material from New Zeal and quotes yours truly.
So mosey on down to your local dairy and support the "Truth".
Bloody brilliant. I might see if they have a web presence!
Hi Clint.
Yes Truth is online but they are 2 03 weeks behind in posting stories.
loudy likes the truth cause they make articles out of his google intel
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