Tuesday, January 29, 2008

China Arming Beyond Defence Needs-Why?

An overly diplomatic way of saying that China is preparing for war.

From AFP

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The United States said Monday it was "troubling" that China's weapons systems capability exceeded the level Beijing defined as necessary for self-defence.

The head of the US armed forces in the Asia-Pacific, Admiral Timothy Keating, said he was told by Chinese leaders during a visit to Beijing that its so-called "area denial weapons" were "to protect those things that are ours".

But he said, "we find it troubling that the capabilities of some of these weapons systems would tend to exceed our own expectations for protecting those things that are 'ours'".

Keating said the United States had "intelligence that reinforces my opinion that China is developing, fielding and has in place weapons that could be characterized as having, amongst perhaps other purposes, an ability to restrict movement in and around certain areas on the sea, in the air or under the sea.

"I'll go back to the point we made a couple of times already -- that we understood PRC (China's) intentions, not just their transparency, not just the fact that these weapons exist. We know they exist
," he said.

"It's why are they being fielded," Keating asked, speaking at a Washington forum of the US-based Asia Society.

The Pentagon fears China's area-denial arms, including missiles, can be used to attack US aircraft carriers and ships, reports have said.

"The PLA (China's People's Liberation Army) appears engaged in a sustained effort to develop the capability to interdict, at long ranges, aircraft carrier and expeditionary strike groups that might deploy to the western Pacific," according to the annual Pentagon report last year to the US Congress.

"Increasingly, China?s area denial/anti-access forces overlap, providing multiple layers of offensive systems, utilizing the sea, air, and space," the report said.

The United States fears a Chinese military buildup could blunt any US intervention in a conflict over Taiwan and challenge US naval access to the Asian region.

Hat Tip Zionist Anti Communist


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    So don't shop at the Warehouse (or to put it another way):globalisation doesn't come cheap. We get junk they get to place their arses here.

  2. I don't if I can help it anon.

    I'm strongly opposed to trade with h China as I have posted on many occasions.

    Not a big fan of Stephen Tindall, I am anon.

  3. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Don't you wonder who owns the news?

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    "...challenge US naval access to the Asian region"

    Good old colonial powers and their traditional hypocrisy! How dare these Asians threaten US military access to Asia? Almost as shocking as other countries interfering in China's invasion and oppression of other countries.

    As Colonel Blimp once said: "There can be no naval agreement unless everyone is conceded superiority, especially Britain."



  5. Anonymous3:21 PM

    The Chinese steals everything from us, even things we have yet to invent.


  6. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Yes, how dare any country arm beyond its defense needs! That's the sole prerogative of the United States and its allies!

  7. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Dear Sick, Is that your name?

    It would be most comforting to see you electing yourself to be the sole saviour of all oppressed people of the world. It is clear that everyone has got cancer and you have the cure.


  8. Anonymous7:32 PM

    There has been only ONE country in the entire history of mankind up to now that actually used nuclear weapons (not just threatening to use them). I suppose you want to dispute that too.

  9. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Who is "us"? I'm pretty sure the "red Chinese" have yet to develop missiles capable of reaching good old NZ. And no, I'm not a shill, whatever that is. And I despise the Chinese government.

  10. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Their defense need would be no more than a water pistol plus 2 molecules of water. Only we can define what they need for defense. Beyond that, it is a threat.

  11. "Mao murdered only Chinese. Why are you so uptight? I thought you would secretly hope for China to produce more Mao-like murderers. Wouldn't that be the least of your problems?"

    Hello? China is pointing missiles right directly at the U.S., the totalitarian Chinese government is aligned with Iran which supports Hezbollah. Russia and China had a few "war games exercises" targeting an "unknown" enemy. Do the math.

  12. "There has been only ONE country in the entire history of mankind up to now that actually used nuclear weapons (not just threatening to use them). I suppose you want to dispute that too."

    Oh knock it off. You think having Imperial Japan having concentration camps throughout Southeast Asia was swell? How about the Rape of Nanking? Or how the Japanese refused to surrender or how about the invasion by conventional means would have killed more civilians?

  13. "Their defense need would be no more than a water pistol plus 2 molecules of water. Only we can define what they need for defense. Beyond that, it is a threat."

    Oh sure, give Communist China the upper hand here. Never mind that it's a not so free nation.

  14. Anonymous2:08 PM

    How do you talk to a man who only believes in his own propaganda?

    Mr Sick will always stick to his circular logic/ argument - you are a shill, period.

    I think that is why we have wars ...

  15. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "How do you talk to a man who only believes in his own propaganda?"

    Indeed. Which is why I can't understand why MAH keeps trying to debate with the likes of you Anon.

    You are deaf,dumb and blind to anything outside your far-leftwing worldview.

    And I bet you think you are smarter and more moral than us evil baby-eating members of the VRWC too.


  16. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Obviously, you should be going to China to face up to the Chinese. You can do a much better job than Admiral Timothy Keating ... tell the Chinese to f**k off or else.

    Better still, why don't you just tie yourself to a nuclear-tip cruise missile and have yourself delivered to China. You will be doing the free world a big favour. There will be no more threats from Red China.

    Or at least sign up for a tour of Iraq. You are a man of balls, aren't you?

  17. "Obviously, you should be going to China to face up to the Chinese. You can do a much better job than Admiral Timothy Keating ... tell the Chinese to f**k off or else.

    Better still, why don't you just tie yourself to a nuclear-tip cruise missile and have yourself delivered to China. You will be doing the free world a big favour. There will be no more threats from Red China.

    Or at least sign up for a tour of Iraq. You are a man of balls, aren't you?"

    Oh knock it off you pro-totalitarian shill. That's what you are since you certainly don't seem to care that Red Chinese missiles are pointing at the U.S. A top Russian general who is also allied with the Red Chinese has threaten to use nuclear pre-emptive strike against the U.S. and Western Europe.

    You're so brainwashed to the anti-American core that you don't give a damn about this sort of threat.

  18. Also, a top Chinese dissident was arrested by the Chinese secret police. Hmm, why does a totalitarian power like China have so much arms that are not really meant for defense? What are they really "defending" themselves against?

  19. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Yeah the Chinese are a peaceable lot. Ask the Tibetans. Or the Uighurs from the north-west Turkish-race areas that China has colonised.

    Forced abortions of Tibetan women, and forcing Uighur girls to work in Shanghai in the hope they will marry the mainstream Han Chinese. The minorities will never get anything like the Waitangi Treaty. It's a case of be absorbed or die.

    Racism, genocide, and colonisation have been practised as much by the lunatic left as by the old colonial powers. As well as China think of the Russian influx into Estonia and Latvia.

    As for the atomic bomb. America is the only one to have used it because they developed it first. If the Japanese, the Germans, or the Russians had it first they would have used it to subjugate th world.
