Leading Green Party Activist Linked to "Urewera 17"
A Green Party leader has been linked to the "Urewera 17."

Catherine Delahunty is a senior member of the Green Party.
She is next on the Green Party list and would theoretically enter Parliament, should Nandor Tanczos or another MP stand down.
Delahunty has been Green Party co-convenor and is allegedly a leader of the hard left cabal around Sue Bradford and Russell Norman seemingly intent on controlling the party.
Delahunty comes from a well known Wellington communist family and been a left activist since her teens.
Currently Delahunty has been a board member and is currently head teacher at the Kotare training school situated at Wellsford, north of Auckland.
Kotare teaches Marxism and radical activism to activists as young as thirteen. Two members of its board, Green MP Sue Bradford and Quentin Jukes are former members of the Workers Communist League.
Kotare trains activists at its Wellsford base and in seminars across the country.
In June 2005, Delahunty, her partner and fellow Kotare board member Gordon Jackman and Kotare trainer Shona Solomon, held a training session in Wellington;
Sustaining Our Activism Sustaining Ourselves
Shona, Gordon and Catherine facilitated this workshop with some inspiring younger activists in Wellington. Many of these people had been fighting the motorway bypass and/or global capitalism at international protests...
The Wellington anti bypass campaign had two wings, the Green Party run Campaign for A Better City and the allied, anarchist controlled Anti Bypass Action.

Anarchist involved in the campaign included Alexander Wright, Emma Wills, Lenka Rochford, Ken Simpson Ira/Tim Bailey and his sister Emily Bailey.
The Bailey siblings were both arrested in the October 15th police anti terror raids and both face firearms charges over their alleged activities in the Ureweras.
In this email thread Emily Bailey writes;
June 18/19 - Kotare Trust (Catherine Delahunty etc) are holding a free sustainability in activism workshop here, after a request from some of us.
The email thread later refers to another meeting at 128 Abel Smith Street Wellington.
All the above named anarchist activists are linked to that address, including the Bailey siblings.
Two other "Urewera 17" activists, Val Morse and Marama Mayrick are also linked to 128.
Another of the "Urewera 17", Omar Hamed is also believed to have links with Kotare.
Omar Hamed's Radical Youth colleague, John Darroch is on Kotare's Youth Advisory Committee as is Frances Mountier, former flatmate of Kristin Gillies-also suspected of training in the Ureweras.
Another member of the committee, Tali Williams has close ties to the Wellington anarchist community.
There are clear links between the Green Party controlled Kotare School, Catherine Delahunty, the Wellington anarchist community and the "Urewera 17."
Why does the MSM apparently not consider these ties worthy of investigation?

Catherine Delahunty is a senior member of the Green Party.
She is next on the Green Party list and would theoretically enter Parliament, should Nandor Tanczos or another MP stand down.
Delahunty has been Green Party co-convenor and is allegedly a leader of the hard left cabal around Sue Bradford and Russell Norman seemingly intent on controlling the party.
Delahunty comes from a well known Wellington communist family and been a left activist since her teens.
Currently Delahunty has been a board member and is currently head teacher at the Kotare training school situated at Wellsford, north of Auckland.
Kotare teaches Marxism and radical activism to activists as young as thirteen. Two members of its board, Green MP Sue Bradford and Quentin Jukes are former members of the Workers Communist League.
Kotare trains activists at its Wellsford base and in seminars across the country.
In June 2005, Delahunty, her partner and fellow Kotare board member Gordon Jackman and Kotare trainer Shona Solomon, held a training session in Wellington;
Sustaining Our Activism Sustaining Ourselves
Shona, Gordon and Catherine facilitated this workshop with some inspiring younger activists in Wellington. Many of these people had been fighting the motorway bypass and/or global capitalism at international protests...
The Wellington anti bypass campaign had two wings, the Green Party run Campaign for A Better City and the allied, anarchist controlled Anti Bypass Action.

Anarchist involved in the campaign included Alexander Wright, Emma Wills, Lenka Rochford, Ken Simpson Ira/Tim Bailey and his sister Emily Bailey.
The Bailey siblings were both arrested in the October 15th police anti terror raids and both face firearms charges over their alleged activities in the Ureweras.
In this email thread Emily Bailey writes;
June 18/19 - Kotare Trust (Catherine Delahunty etc) are holding a free sustainability in activism workshop here, after a request from some of us.
The email thread later refers to another meeting at 128 Abel Smith Street Wellington.
All the above named anarchist activists are linked to that address, including the Bailey siblings.
Two other "Urewera 17" activists, Val Morse and Marama Mayrick are also linked to 128.
Another of the "Urewera 17", Omar Hamed is also believed to have links with Kotare.
Omar Hamed's Radical Youth colleague, John Darroch is on Kotare's Youth Advisory Committee as is Frances Mountier, former flatmate of Kristin Gillies-also suspected of training in the Ureweras.
Another member of the committee, Tali Williams has close ties to the Wellington anarchist community.
There are clear links between the Green Party controlled Kotare School, Catherine Delahunty, the Wellington anarchist community and the "Urewera 17."
Why does the MSM apparently not consider these ties worthy of investigation?
i suggest you do labour party member profiles next
what a sad existence trev. reading through the list archives of the wellington indymedia group, perving around.
Well done Trevor.
I hope you have a good ale or something to restore the mind after having to read indymedia garbage.
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