Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Urewera Arrestee Launches Book at Green Party HQ

The Green Party lets Urewera arrestee Val Morse launch her new book at their Christchurch HQ.

Why do are Greens so supportive of "peace activists" facing firearms charges?

From Indymedia

Valerie Morse, author, activist, and one of the “Urewera 16” arrestees is soon to be in Christchurch to launch her book Against Freedom: The War on Terrorism in Everyday New Zealand Life. She will speak about the “War On Terror” and her experiences during the raids and in prison.

Friday 18th, 7:30 @ The Green Room, 16 Bedford Row
Against Freedom: The war on terrorism in everyday NZ life

This book details the agenda against freedom, from the legislative changes since 9/11to the suppression of dissent and the media manipulation of public understanding, in order to provide an alternative view of what is happening and what can be done to stop the war.

Also available at the launch will be Can't Hear Me Scream, a 14 page zine written by Valerie while she was in prison, detailing life in prison, the bureacracy and arbitrary exercise of power, and how those on the outside can support those trapped within.

The book launch is presented by Katipo Books, who will have a large selection of other radical books and zines for sale at the event.


  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The greens are dominated by extremists. Locke and bradford joined the greens as they could see their boat wasn't going anywhere.

  2. Anonymous2:00 PM

    "Why do are [sic] Greens so supportive of "peace activists" facing firearms charges?"

    Maybe it's because, unlike you, they believe people are innocent until proven guilty.

  3. Anonymous8:29 PM

    A point I have made earlier is that many on the left did not care whether they were innocent or guilty because they were sympathetic to what the 16 were doing either way.

    If the arrestees had be neo-nazis then the reaction from the left would have been a polar opposite - condemnation of the arrestees and praise for the police.

  4. 100% correct anon.

    It doesn't matter whether those arrested were guilty or not.

    Many leftists would say they were innocent regardless.

  5. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Will there be a striptease at this function, given some of the demo's Morse has taken part in???

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    The Greens are now aeons away from their beginnings as the successor to the Values Party.

    The far-leftists have made a practice of hijacking moderate protest organisations throughout Western democracies. They then turn them into far-left front organisations.

    The Greens no longer represent middle New Zealand environmentalists. They are too heavily infiltrated by left anarchists, communists, trotskyists, and generally demented losers.

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM

    "If the arrestees had be neo-nazis..."
    Yeah they seem to be getting away with it scot free no...see:

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    RE the survive club pics in the previous post.

    They are disturbing. I think I recognise a well known extremist local-body politician in one of the pictures. If so, he has already been punished for destruction of some of his Maori relatives' property in an early-life outburst.

    The Urewera extremists should be punished too. The Survival Club looks to be as nitwitted as they are. No doubt the Green Party will rally to defend the Survival Club. Yeah right.

  9. Anonymous10:09 PM

    The far lefties who support Morse are even active in the ratepayer funded Christchurch City Libraries (formerly Canterbury Public Library).

    The organisation has bought about half a dozen copies of Morse's book. And how's this from the library's description of the contents:

    "The agenda of the 'war on terrorism' is very different to the propaganda we are being sold by politicians and the mass media. It is an agenda of domination and control over our lives and the extension of state and corporate power .."

  10. Anonymous6:05 PM

    The survival club don't need defending. They were not arrested on trumped up charges.

    I can't comment on the Ururewa arrests except to mention that SWAT style tactics seem totally over the top in New Zealand, but I do know the Wellington arrestees, and I know that most of them would not know which end of a gun to point, let alone possess one. And after all, the police have not exactly covered themselves with glory lately have they (Think Shipton, think Schollum, think Dewar, think Beazley report).
