Monday, February 18, 2008

2003 CID NGO Travel Fund Analysed

As promised, I am going to analyse the Council for International Development NGO Travel Fund from 2003 to 2007.

I am particularly looking for grants to socialist/anarchist activists and coonections to leftist groups or causes. Readers are welcome to point out anything I might miss.

This is your money we are talking about, after all.

In 2003 the CID's NGO Travel Fund gave NZAID/taxpayer's money to these individuals and organisations.

Geoff Keey Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of NZ Inc.World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg South Africa July 2002 $3,500

Geoff Keey is a long time left political and environmental activist.

In recent times Keey has been an active supporter of the anarchist/socialist led Save Happy Valley Coalition. He is currently a political advisor for Greenpeace New Zealand.

Rebecca Lineham Amnesty International NZ.Post Conflict Reconstruction: Lessons Learnt and Best Practice Conference September 2002 $3,500

Rebecca Lineham was an East Timor activist at Massey University in the mid 1990s. She was also the author of at least one anti US, pro Cuban letters to the Massey student paper-"Chaff" 26 1994.

Susan Battye Te Raukau Hua O Te Wao Tapu The 2nd East African Theatre Institute Festival, Mbarara, Uganda September 2002 $3,500

Professor Jane Kelsey ARENA Our World Is Not For Sale Meeting – Oslo, Norway September 2002 $2,000

Our World Is Not for Sale is a worldwide network of organizations; activists and social movements committed to challenging trade and investment agreements that advance the interests of the world’s most powerful corporations at the expense of people and the environment.

Jane Kelsey is a well known leftist activist. ARENA is an anarchist/socialist organisation.

This was not just a meeting. It was a mass action against the World Bank conference being held at the time.

From the website of the Committee for a Workers International

More than 10,000 demonstrated in Oslo, the capital of Norway, on 24 June, against the opening of the World Bank’s so-called ABCDE Conference. This was achieved despite a vicious scare mongering campaign conducted by the press and the police.

"Our World is not for sale", was the main slogan, adopted by the organisers, ‘Oslo2002’, a rainbow coalition. Many of the slogans and the speeches were directed at the World Bank’s neo-liberal agenda. However, the struggle against privatisations, de-regulations and cuts is global as well as local.

The speeches by protest organisers were anti-capitalist, but did not mention socialism. The Left and the trade unionist activists sang the Internationale, the signature tune of international workers’ solidarity and struggle.

In the mid '90s Ms Kelsey was involved with several former Workers Communist League members and supporters (including Sue Bradford, Robert Reid and Don Clarke)in the "Building Our Own Futures" project.

Shane Cave Transparency International New Zealand The Fourth International Budget Project Conference, Mexico City, Mexico January 2003 $2,900

Tim Chiswell Red R/Caritas RedR Australia Communications and Security Course, Dookie, South Australia June 2003 $1,265

Caritas New Zealand is a left leaning Catholic aid agency, known to have employed some left and anarchist activists in recent years-including Louise May and Lisa Beech.


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    What is needed is an official register of left wing activists which would be submitted to all Government funded NGOs banning any funding to them.

  2. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Trevor, you need to get out more!
    havent you got a job or something productive to do?

    Mr G

  3. Could it be that people on the right generally aren't as interested in helping the poor, or don't believe in development, and therefore don't apply?

  4. Since your departure point for what constitutes an anarchist/socialist is so bizarre as to make Dad4justice look like a reasoned proponent on Occams razor, forgive me I don't actually bother reading your "analysis" for anything beyond it's unintentional comedic value.

  5. Anonymous1:25 PM


    You mean helping the poor with other people's money -- the taxpayers. What these activists are doing is stealing from taxpayers to fund their pet political hobbies

  6. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Due to their recent activities, and going by overseas experience, I think left wing extremists need to be subject to a strict curfew and also be excluded from certain areas of cities like for instance Cuba st Wellington and Karangahape Road Auckland. Also their dole should be reduced since they have received so much state funding. Perhaps even electronic tagging may be of some use.

  7. Anonymous12:15 AM

    No don't come down on the lefties like that. Shut the bludgers out of Wellington cafes and a whole COFFEE industry will collapse.

    There is no cure apart from a magic machine to clear the crap out of their brains. Since there's no chance of that we just have to tolerate these loons, but that doesn't mean going so far as letting them cruise the world on taxpayer money.
