Auckland Animal Action activist, Suzanne Carey died recently.
A friend of Ms Carey's related this incident on an Indymedia thread;
One funny story I can relate now about Suzy was how she got a small scar on her face. One night bricking shops in West Auckland a friend hiffed a large brick that bounced because it was aimed at the middle of the window rather than the edges and hit Suzy in the face. Seriously funny later but a little difficult to explain to A&E that night when she was bleeding badly.
Says something about the casual criminality of the "animal rights" movement.
The "animal rights" movement is also engaged in promoting the radical Veganization of society as well Trevor.
ReplyDeleteI detail it on my two blogs on their anti-Kosher inquisitions. The anti-Kosher propaganda is reministic to the anti-Jewish propaganda coming from the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Even the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler promoted this radical veganization of German society to incite non-Jewish Germans against German Jews and other European Jews.
The "animal rights" movement seems to be doing this on a more lite version of it.
What about the named swiss terrorist Urs Peter Signer of aro valley wellington?
ReplyDeleteEr, how about being protective of the diets of other cultures? Muslims like Jews also have a similar diet I believe. You're anti-Muslim for promoting Veganization of society?
ReplyDeleteever been to a factory farm trevor?
ReplyDeletego to a battery farm, take a photo of yourself with several thousand caged chicken or sow crate pigs and then you are allowed to have an opinion on animal rights with some substance to it.
it is criminal the way animals are treated in this country, until the law changes, bricks are the least the animal abuse industry has to worry about.
Property rights and the rule of law apply to everyone Anon, not just people you find morally acceptable.
GODWINNED! Mah's side loses.
ReplyDelete"GODWINNED! Mah's side loses."
ReplyDeleteSo, George you support a ban on Kosher slaughter? Even slaughter to which is also promoted in the Koran on similar diet? I thought people like you were "for" Muslims. Oops, only if it involves agitating Muslims to go after Jews. Never mind.
"go to a battery farm, take a photo of yourself with several thousand caged chicken or sow crate pigs and then you are allowed to have an opinion on animal rights with some substance to it.
ReplyDeleteit is criminal the way animals are treated in this country, until the law changes, bricks are the least the animal abuse industry has to worry about."
It's criminal to lecture how people like you should have government to change the diets of people whom have had it for ever since the founding of the religion.
I'm probably sure you favor banning Kosher meat-by-products as well as also similar diet meat for Muslims whom also keep a similar Kosherized line of diet.
Mah, your ignorance is profound.
ReplyDeleteThere are many many Jews who support animal rights, and you can quite happily practice kosher while being a vegetarian or a vegan - as indeed a number do
The animal rights nutters are happy to make use of medical and scientific advances that were safe to introduce because they were tested on animals.
ReplyDeleteWhat gives them the right to think their cause exempts them from the law and civilised behaviour?
Human beings are omnivorous. End of argument.
It is morally justified to kill an animal to save a human, as in putting down
a pit bull terrier. It is therefore morally justified to sacrifice animals to save human lives through medicine.
It is not (not) morally justifiable for animal rights activists to try to force their views on a democratic society by using violence, vandalism, and terrorism.
"Mah, your ignorance is profound.
ReplyDeleteThere are many many Jews who support animal rights, and you can quite happily practice kosher while being a vegetarian or a vegan - as indeed a number do"
And people like you are bringing Jews away from Judaism. It's required by the original testament that Jews should keep Kosher. Not ban it. It's quite frankly G-dless.
Cruelty to animals is an early indication of psychopathic personality according to a popular current TV programme with psychologist Latta.
ReplyDeleteHowever, killing an animal is not necessarily cruel. Putting down a badly injured animal in great pain may be the most civilised response.
Similarly when a hawk kills a mouse for food it is just the natural course of Nature. Similarly when man, an omnivorous species by evolution, culture, nurture, and energy needs, humanely kills sheep, cattle, pigs etc at a meat works it is just the natural course of life.
Get over it Vegans!
The only wording I can see in the original Jewish Torah testament that is against animal cruelty is eating animals while they're still ALIVE. Other than that, there's no wording within the Torah of damning Jews for eating meat.
ReplyDeleteI will answer some of these questions.
ReplyDeleteFrom mah: "So, George you support a ban on Kosher slaughter?"
Absolutely. And a ban on halal slaughter too. They are inherently cruel. We have animal welfare laws in this country for a reason, and if certain religions think it is fine to cut an animals throat without prior stunning then those religions should be mocked for the cruel and bacward beliefs that they hold. We should have one set of rules in this country for everyone - with no regard to religious teaching. Watch any of these videos and then tell me that kosher slaughter is not cruel:
"It's criminal to lecture how people like you should have government to change the diets of people whom have had it for ever since the founding of the religion."
Want to try again so it's clear what you are trying to say there? If you are trying to suggest that it is criminal for someone to argue that the government should make certain cruel practices illegal, then shame on you. We have free speech in this country (or at least we once did), so people are free to say whatever they want.
From anonymous: "Human beings are omnivorous. End of argument."
That's not an argument, it's a (false) statement. I am not an omnivore, and neither are all the othe vegetarians and vegans in the world. Are we still human beings?
"It is morally justified to kill an animal to save a human, as in putting down a pit bull terrier. It is therefore morally justified to sacrifice animals to save human lives through medicine."
I assume you are arguing that if a pitbull terrier was attacking a person, then it is justifiable to kill the dog to save the person? Is that what you are trying to say? If it is, then you have a point. If an dog attacked my dog or a member of my family, I would do whatever it took to save the life of my dog or family member. However, by comparing a dog attack to vivisection in the name of medicine, you are making a mistake. There is a lot of evidence that testing on animals (whose bodies do not react the same way that humans' do to various things) results in danger to the people who take the drug and not to mention the untold number of animals who have been killed during the course of the experimentation. It is not morally justified to sacrifice an animal's life to save a human. And that sacrifice is not even necessary.
Chris Harrowell
Property rights and the rule of law apply to everyone Anon, not just people you find morally acceptable.
if you believe in property rights they do, i dont.
i believe in the commons which was thefted by the enclosures.
land was thefted by colonization so i dont see corporate 'ownership' as legitimate.
there were no named terrorists as no terrorist charges were laid, there were arms charges.
ReplyDeleteyour about as accurate as trev on this one anon. there was no terrorism,
there was an international police survelience operation paid by ures and my taxes and prob organised largely by jon white, the police no2 who is big on CIA style big brother state control of citizens, he is very anti activist and and pro strong state law enforcement.
What about the named swiss terrorist Urs Peter Signer of aro valley wellington?
there are vegan jews and arabs. most asian societies dont use much or any dairy.
ReplyDeletejews don't eat pork. a lot of food from india is vegetarian.
nz has most of its emissions coming from the energy water and emissions intensive dairy industry.
nz could be food indepenent if it cut its dairy exports.
we cld survive with a lower meat intake no problem
"Even the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler promoted this radical veganization of German society to incite non-Jewish Germans against German Jews and other European Jews."
ReplyDeleteRespecting religious beliefs is one thing but as far as I know, your religious beliefs do not compel you to eat meat as part of some ritualistic part of your day. As far as I understand it, its not a tenet of the beliefs of most religions to do so either.
Ahhh you all are going all over the place with this post folks.
ReplyDeleteThe true story here is that these people are so flippant about the destruction of private property and nobody seems to care about it. You guys don't either. That is why these idiots are getting away with this behaviour.
Well spotted Clint.
ReplyDeleteNo I don't care about it Heine. Well spotted - you are a true genius.
ReplyDeleteStopping animal cruelty is more important to me than private property rights.
Property is minority owned. Not in New Zealand mate!
ReplyDeleteIf the commons had not been enclosed, we would be farming one-eight acre plots, there would be starvation and real poverty.
Lefties' communal farms were disastrous compared with even tiny peasant holdings. But larger privately owned holdings allow a tiny proportion of the NZ population to support the country, including a swag of left-wingers bludging on the state.
Why are far lefties so dumb??
fonterra produces 90% of its dairy for export. that is not feeding nz.
ReplyDeleteif oil cut out we cldnt bring in food or export kiwifruit to korea anymore.
why do we buy oranges from california?
there are many kinds of enclosures of theft of the commons. an enclosure doesnt ensure starvation, it forces people of to work for someone else rather than be self suffecient or communal.
riverside community and koanga gardens/kohatu toa are two very succesful organic village/farms in aotearoa today.
the point is land is becoming largely foreign owned in nz and owned by older and old people. hense when the majority do not 'own property' respect for property 'rights' is a very different issue.
fonterra sells milk and dairy at world prices to new zealanders, so it isnt helping u or i with our needs. they export milk to cuba, china, america, south america and europe and also australia. they are the 4th largest dairy company in the world and using vast amounts of nz water.
ReplyDeletethey also use coal and heaps of fossil fuel based fertiliser.
they dont respect 'property' they respect the stockmarket and payouts. fonterra isnt helping many people and it largely desides nz climate and environment policy.
how is agri farming effecient? it is energy and resource intensive, emissions intensive, water intensive and antibiotics intensive, inhumane and export based.
why was chapter 13 left out of the MFE report.....?
If it weren't for cow cockies and other farmers New Zealand would be sinking from the Third World into the Fourth World!
ReplyDeleteThe farmers feed New Zealand and they earn the currency to buy computers, cars, and the coffee and rice for Greenies.
Without our modern farming on economic size farms the State would have no money to keep bludgers like those in the marijuana country allegedly trying to save snails.
And what would Greenies do with water if we had no farms to irrigate? Create giant hydroponic marijuana plantations?
Why can't the no hopers go to Australia instead of good working people and their families? Go and save the witchetty grubs!
Human being are naturally omnivorous. That's why they grow carnivore teeth!
ReplyDeleteIf you feed a tiny proportion of lions that are held in captivity non-meat diets, it doesn't mean lions are non-carnivores.
Most people eat and like meat, fish, eggs as well as vegetables and fruit. If some people choose to be vegetarian or vegan it doesn't disprove that humans are ominivorous any more than shaven-headed skinheads prove baldness is the natural state of male humans.
It means that you can't lump all humans in together. Some eat meat. Some do not. You cannot therefore say "Humans are omnivores", as some are not. Dumbo.
ReplyDeleteRead the words above! Humans are NATURALLY OMNIVOROUS. No-one said "humans are omnivores". Obviously some are vegetarians, some are vegans, some are carnivores, and the rest are omnivores.
ReplyDeleteThe animal rights wackos probably think we have some teeth designed for meat eating because we are werewolves.
They reckon a vegetarian diet takes the aggression out of humans. With animal rights nutters blowing up laboratories and threatening mayhem the proposition that vegetarians are all like Ghandi is clearly rubbish.
ReplyDeleteAnd you base this on our teeth? I am interested what you think the meaning of the word "natural" is. If some of us do one thing and others do something else, how can you say that we are all "naturally" such and such? It makes no sense.