Green Party File 7 here
Green Party MP Sue Bradford runs a partially taxpayer funded training school for radicals at her property near Wellsford-the Kotare Trust.
Hundreds of activists have gone through the place.
I recieved this email last week from one of the trainees (name real name supplied).
It could be a hoax, but if it is, it has fooled me. I will pass it on to the appropriate authorities for investigation.
Hi Trevor,
As someone who has been to Kotare workshops, I was disgusted to hear that the two long-term resident caretaker/cooks (employees of Kotare) were forced to resign and leave recently due to a long unfixed health and safety issue....a greenie sewage system that hasnt/doesnt work and spews raw sewage onto the ground a lot!!
Not only that, but they are still holding workshops there without warning people that they may be exposed to sewage-borne infections and illnesses...hardly looking after the people i would have thought!
Would like to sign my name, but too wary of the payback!
so just call me
No Poos For People.
Here's an excerpt from the Kotare newsletter of Autumn 2007 which gives the story some credibility.
Shona and Lance are the home team and they provide a most excellent building report. The February meeting included a special sewerage report by Gordon. This meeting was particularly good for those of us who integrate our understanding with our action – we took a walk around the grounds and checked out the various concerns and celebrations – including wonderfully growing plants, new chickens, the wetlands, sewerage filter station, and where we will plant our trees to off set carbon emissions generated by travel...
"Shona and Lance" are Shona and Lance Manchester, both Kotare staffers. Shona was formerly Shona Solomon, a well known Wellington activist.
Will report back on any action, or lack of, from the authorities.
Green Party File 9 here
What “appropriate authority”? your SIS minder perhaps?