From Philippine Revolution Web Central
Excellent conditions for revolutionary upsurge in the face of the worsening global capitalist crisis
Communist Party of the Philippines
October 15, 2008
The world capitalist system is undergoing a deepening recession that can only result in the massive destruction of productive forces and further concentration of capital in the hands of a few. This global economic malaise is now causing production slowdowns, massive job losses, worsening impoverishment and intensified exploitation and oppression of the proletariat and ordinary people in the capitalist centers, with even worse consequences for peoples in the Third World...
The current crisis of the global capitalist system provides excellent conditions for revolutionary upsurge as the working class and other oppressed and exploited people all over the world who have been pushed to the wall have no other recourse but to further intensify their revolutionary struggles and advance their interests.
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and the entire international proletarian revolutionary movement anticipate the reinvigoration and resurgence of the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist movement and the heightening of working class and people's revolutionary struggles the world over.
The worsening socio-economic crisis in the Philippines is pushing millions of workers, peasants and other democratic sectors to wage people's struggles and advance and support people's war. The CPP calls on all revolutionary mass forces to take advantage of the current situation to step up recruitment, consolidate their ranks and intensify their struggles.
In the midst of the worsening crisis of the present system, the New People's Army (NPA) will further intensify revolutionary armed struggle, launch more tactical offensives against the fascist armed forces, deal heavy blows on the US-Arroyo regime for its pro-imperialist, anti-democratic and antipeople policies and punish it for inflicting great harm and misery upon the people.
Hat Tip Zionist Anti-Communist
Here's hoping!