Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Obama Got Elected

This is tragic, hilarious and enlightening.

Hat Tip The Real Barack Obama


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Trevor, you're still dancing around the birth certificate issue tiger, (and Obama's real place of birth being Kenya and therefore he has no constitutional right to be president.) Its getting bigger every day.

  2. That's because I fear it to be a red herring RB. I have seen a copy of Obama's birth notice in a Hawaiian newspaper. Looked pretty genuine to me. I will post it soon.

    I wish it were true RB and that Obama could be forced out constitutionally, but I just don't think its going to happen.

  3. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Yeah I know that is why you don't cover it Trevor, and its the same reason I guess a lot of other commentors choose likewise. Big hit on your credibility of you're wrong. (Well, not really but of course the left will portray it so.)

    I shared your doubts initially, and of course still have them, but there are two issues that make me think there is perhaps more to it.

    1) On Free Republic there is an image of the BC provided by Obama. It is placed next to a genuine such BC provided by a member of the armed services stationed in Honolulu whose child was born around the same date as Obama. The two documents are totally different. Obama's document, in this context, has fake written all over it.

    2) With the growing number of law suites aimed at uncovering the BC (at least 10 AFAIK) why doesn't Obama just release it and put an end to it if its the nonsense he claims it to be? Wouldn't you?

    ..and there is a third thing, not so definitive tho. More speculation. The MM is staying well clear of this. Given they're so deeply in the tank for Obama, maybe they already know this will bring about his downfall.

  4. "That's because I fear it to be a red herring RB. I have seen a copy of Obama's birth notice in a Hawaiian newspaper. Looked pretty genuine to me. I will post it soon."

    I actually feared this was a plant to get Rightist bloggers in trouble for pushing the Obama = Kenyan illegal immigrant concept quite similar on the lines of the blunder of Dan Rather back in 2004.

    I speculated about this on my blog to what if this entire thing might be used by Obama's supporters to get the "Fairness" Doctrine to be promoted against right-wing blogs. That's why I didn't touch the issue as much.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Further to this issue-

    It is reported that Obama's half sister who was definitely born in Indonesia, also has a Hawaii BC. Obama's mother apparently manipulated the system so as to make it appear both children were born in the US.

    I can't find anything yet to verify this claim.

    However, comprehensive article on the issue here-
