Tuesday, January 06, 2009


The Communist Party released the following statement on Jan. 4.

The Communist Party of the USA expresses its outrage at Israel's invasion of Gaza, carried out in defiance of world public opinion.

The entry of ground troops into Gaza at a time when the United Nations and many others were working toward a cease-fire and a return to negotiations is arrogant and irresponsible. It will cause many more deaths and injuries and untold destruction of the essential infrastructure of a community already devastated by economic blockade. It is an illegal action and a major threat to regional and world peace, and carries a grave danger of setting off a wider war.

The Israeli government justifies the invasion as necessary to stop Hamas rocket attacks. Although we condemn those attacks, we believe that by its actions Israel is pursuing more far-reaching aims in the region than stated by its representatives. The attacks by Hamas could be quickly ended in the context of a cease-fire.

Launching a ground offensive into Gaza is also designed to box in the Obama administration and new Congress and prevent them from changing US policy vis-à-vis this conflict.

We repudiate the outrageous speech made by President Bush yesterday, which gave a green light to a new Israeli escalation of the conflict. With this act, Bush leaves an even uglier legacy to our country and the world.

We also strongly condemn the attempt by the U.S. delegation to the UN to block the Security Council from taking action to stop the invasion.

We repeat our call for an immediate cease-fire to be strictly monitored by the UN and other international organizations. It should include the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops as well as an end to the bombing of Gaza and a cessation of the rocket attacks into Israel.

It is urgent that Gaza be open immediately to receive food, medicine and other humanitarian aid, and that Israel end its economic blockade.

There is no military solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict. We call for an immediate return to negotiations for a peaceful solution based on the two-state concept, which will address the national aspirations of the Palestinian people as well as the security interests of both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples.

We hope that as soon as President Obama takes office, he will pursue a new policy in the Middle East that contributes to peace, justice and stability in that region.

Finally, we urge the American people to add their voices to the millions worldwide protesting the invasion and calling for a cease-fire on both sides and for a just peace.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Chillingly instructive that Loudon should mutter "Diddums" at a current toll (still counting) of IDF 125 Palestinians 1.

    Instructive but not surprising. That is the ugly psychosis of the objectivist, exceptionalism for Israel, mind.
