Kiwi Friends of Israel
Blog media release
Group concerned by Auckland protest

A recently formed pro-Israel advocacy group, Kiwi Friends of Israel, says an Auckland protest against the situation in Gaza was hijacked by extremists.
The protest's leaders led chants of "Support the Intifada!" and "Allahu Akhbar!", as well as some protesters brandishing signs with the Star of David alongside a Nazi Swastika. One protestor was also seen wearing a t-shirt with the slogan "9/11 was an inside job". Another sign described the biblical claim that Jews were the "chosen people" as "bullshit"
"This sort of hate speech does nothing to promote peace between Israel and the Palestinians. It's the sort of extremism that undermines rational debate," says Kiwi Friends of Israel.
The word intifada means rebellion or uprising in English, and refers to the Second or al-Aqsa Intifada, referring to the wave of Palestinian terrorism since 2000.
Allahu Akhbar is an Arabic phrase meaning "God is Great" and has commonly been associated with Islamic extremism and terror. It features on the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran and was chanted during the execution of American citizens Nick Berg and Daniel Perle.
"The organisers of the protest should front up and say whether or not they support this behaviour, and if they don't they should apologise and condemn it," says the group.
Is there an online contact for KiwisForIsrael?
ReplyDelete"Allahu Akhbar is an Arabic phrase meaning "God is Great" and has commonly been associated with Islamic extremism and terror. It features on the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran and was chanted during the execution of American citizens Nick Berg and Daniel Perle."
It's also part of the Muslim prayer ritual every day.
Sounds like this group really needs to think before they publish.
I agree with Reid Asher. I can understand you not being a Zionist Asher, a lot of Jews aren't. However I struggle with those Jews who side with Hamas etc.
ReplyDeleteThe word "suicidal" comes to mind.
Burning flags in Auckland? Gosh - today they burn flags, tomorrow they will burn people. Is it a protest against Israel or maybe a protest FOR violence? I don't trust the Hamas, they even kill their own children in those bomb attacks - I suggest the Palestinian migrants here to support peace, and not violence of any kind!!
Asher, this wasn't a prayer meeting. Allahu Akbar has taken on more than a religious dimension, and it is sad to see it misused by protestors like this.
ReplyDeleteWho sides with Hamas? I hate the fuckers. My enemy's enemy is not necessarily my friend.
ReplyDeleteSee the recent post on my blog, "No State Solution In Gaza" - for an expansion on that.
Or my post from during the last Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006, "My enemy’s enemy sure as hell isn’t my comrade" -
honestly people out there need to read more and become more aware of the true facts of the Israel/Palestinian situation. Israel's Zionist government have broken truces and ceasefires many many times more than the Palestinians. The Israeli army are once again invading sovereign territory (admittedly territory they only recently gave control back to) as in 1967 contravening the numerous UN resolutions and International Law. Hamas might be targeting civilians but the Israeli Defence (perhaps Offence would be better) Force are also and not with a few rockets but the full might of one of the most highly armed armies in the world. They attack infrastructure, soft targets like schools. Instigate curfews and collective punishment. Israel portrays itself as the victim but they are a doberman being attacked by a kitten. The kitten has claws but it has no chance agains the larger enemy but still will fight for its life. I do not support Hamas's use of suicide bombers nor do I support any use of violence but realistically what do the Israelis expect after 60 yrs of Palestinian subjugation
ReplyDelete"Israel's Zionist government have broken truces and ceasefires many many times more than the Palestinians."
ReplyDeleteAnd what the hell do Qassam rockets from Gaza been firing at Israel was for? Wasn't the firing of those Qassam rockets part of the reason why Hamas broke the cease-fire along with other terrorist groups involved?
The words Allahu Akbar, not "Akhbar", do mean God is Great, they are used several times in each of the 5 muslim daily prayers and is mentioned 33 times after every prayer as well. So unfortunate that people wish to associate this with terrorism - but then again they have associated all Muslims with terrorism, so that's no surprise.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the Auckland protest - it is a protest and it's an open event, people turn up from different backgrounds and supporting different causes. I was present, but certainly do not support the burning of flags as a means of demonstration, I actually got really annoyed by that action. But that's my opinion, in another person's opinion that may be a suitable way to protest. We live in a democratic country.
Regarding Hamas, they are the only resistance force fighting the occupation at the moment. The case of the occupation goes back 60 years as Asher mentioned, it does not go back to the last 6 months and the truce and the rockets and all that jazz. Have a longer memory of the situation please. Also note that Gaza has been STARVED in sanctions during the truce, and Israel launched attacks on Hamas during the truce. They say it's because they knew the targets were Hamas militants who will be eventually firing rockets. Well, I'm not sure if they understand the meaning of "truce" in war. It means you do not hit your enemy even if you know your enemy will kill you after the truce is over, unless the truce is broken by the other side.
I disagree with the use of senseless violence because civilians get caught in the middle of an idealogical war, but from a justice perspective, if someone was to come to my home, NZ, and drive me out of my land aggressively, using terrorist means like the Jewish gangs did in the 1940's, you can be damn sure that I will get armed like all other NZers would, and I would fight this aggression, and I would teach my children and grandchildren to fight this aggression. Politics and diplomacy do not work with aggressors, look at Gaza now, 900+ Palestinians dead in 18 days, how do you bring yourself to come to a table and sign a truce with a state that illegally occupies your land, has made you a refugee in your own land for 60 years, and has only just killed 900+ of your people? And on top of it all, the aggressor wants you to start the truce, not them. How logical is that!
The Israelis can't take the rockets anymore? Try living as a refugee, not even a 2nd class citizen, a refugee, in your own land, for 60 years. No hopes of education, growth, nothing. Unfortunately ordinary arabs drown themselves in conspiracy and blame everything on the jews - but the shameful state of the arab world has been reflected in their governments' reaction to the current war. What shambles. The Muslims have no problems with Jews, ignorants and extremists may have mislead ideas, but the Muslim issue is with the injustice happening there. And the Israeli PR machine is slowly trying to turn the eyes of the world to look at Israel as the victim, not the aggressor. We live in a very strange world.
It's very unfortunate that you have chosen to narrow your mind like most others who support this war, and think that Hamas is the biggest problem here.
ReplyDeleteHamas is a resistance group, their goals are clear, to resist the population and restore the Palestinian lands. They are a small force in the bigger picture of the Israeli aggression. I do not have to support Hamas, but I cannot protest the resistance to an aggression, it just does not make any sense to do that.
The Palestinian cause is about restoring justice from the Israeli aggressors, who have taken their land through the use of terrorist means, and this is well documented stuff that nobody can deny. Even now, look at the Palestinian death toll, that in itself is proof that Israel is an aggressor. Look at how angry the Israeli settlers get, and how some run away from their homes because of the rockets fired at them. Then look at how the Palestinians would sleep on their homes even if they are made into rubble. This in itself is proof that the Palestinians are people who have a case, and that the Israeli settlers are cowards who know deep down that they have oppressed people to get this land. If not them, then their parents did.
Do not try to flip this situation about Hamas. Hamas is a resistance group, they will resist in any accessible way to them, and Israel will never disarm them because they will get their arms one way or another, that's just the nature of resistance groups. Hamas may have a corrupt leadership, it may kill woman and children through their rockets which is absolutely wrong. But in the bigger picture, they are a minor player. The bigger picture is Israel was formed through terrorism and oppression of the Palestinian people, and those people have the right to fight until they get justice or until they have been eradicated by their enemy. What is unfortunate is that the world fails to do anything about this aggression.
Nobody has labeled Hamas as liberators, they will not liberate anything. They are a resistance force which will keep the fight going until there is justice. They will not win any war against Israel obviously, but they are required as a resistance to keep the cause alive. If the Palestinians do not have a resistance force now, they will be served with injustice, not be given any land, and not be given any peace. Look at how they have lived since the 1948 occupation, check points, the wall, military everywhere. This is not justice, this is a death sentence. It's terrorism, how do you expect people to live like this in their own land? By God if this was to happen here in NZ, I would fight the aggressors for my rights until I die, and I will make sure my children do so too. The occupation of Palestine is an aggression against its people, and the fight will never be over until justice is served. It does not mean driving Israel to the ground, but it does mean for Palestinians to live peacefully, for them to own land and farms like they used to, for them to exercise their rights as first class citizens in their land, not as refugees!
"Hamas is a resistance group, their goals are clear, to resist the population and restore the Palestinian lands. They are a small force in the bigger picture of the Israeli aggression. I do not have to support Hamas, but I cannot protest the resistance to an aggression, it just does not make any sense to do that."
ReplyDeleteHow the hell do you call Hamas to be a "resistance" group when Hamas, prior to the invasion fired a Qassam rocket which fell short of its Israeli target, killing two Palestinian girls and injuring one Palestinian man?
You state that you "care" about the Palestinians but where have you come up with one peaceful solution which doesn't include groups such as Hamsa, Fatah or Hezbollah being enabled again to wage war against Israel?
And speaking of Palestinian refugees, since people like you whine about them, why haven't you done something about it instead of attacking Israel? Have you established money for the Palestinian refugees? Have you established a community for Palestinian refugees so that they could live in your neighborhood and be taken care of, so that they can go back and get their land if you say it was "stolen" from them?
Like Israel's Arab neighbors, people like you have done little to help Palestinian refugees. Israel on the other hand, is the non-Arab Middle Eastern country that has certainly done more for Palestinian refugees. These same Palestinians during the Gazan war are being accepted into Israeli hospitals in the numbers, while the aid supplies people like you state you give to Hamas has never ever reached them.
I also do not see people like you also condemning what happen in New Zealand of a cafe owner whom happens to be pro-Palestinian to refuse service to two Israeli women. Funny how you also try to use other historical revisionisms of comparing Israel to Apartheid South Africa, but I guess some forms of apartheid to you are more equal than others.
ReplyDeletes put here in NZ who have raised money for Plaestinaian medical relief, for refugee camps for other things. We have not establish communities for the rfefugees in NZ because 1- they want their own land back (but in many cases Israeli families are now living in their family hmes. 2- Israel have ensured there is very little way for Palestinians to leave Gaza and th OPT. 3- Palestinians have a passport of kids which is recognised by some but not alll countries (NZ dfoes however) so when they can get out they hgave few option of where to go and 4- if they leave how can they re-enter the country? Re Hama's rockets misfiring. was very terrible thaat kids were killed by their rockets of course Maybe if they had the might of the UK and US weaponry behind them then there wouldnt be any civilian targets....hmmm but it seems the IDF have "accidently" hit the Reuters office, the UN compund, numerous schools and civilian target
ReplyDeleteIn other words, Ana, you simply are allowing the aid that is suppose to go to the Palestinians only going to their corrupt leaders in both Fatah and Hamas.
ReplyDeleteAs for that U.N. compound, do you care that Hamas terrorists were using that to shield themselves from the Israeli military? That's where your aid is going instead of setting up communities in New Zealand for Palestinians to not be indoctrinated by these terrorist groups.
Sorry if you took offense to me calling your views extreme. Your reaction shows to me that I've hit a soft spot :)
ReplyDeleteLook mate, I do not represent hamas, don't put words in my mouth. I do not support injustice anywhere, I do not support hatred against Jews, in fact the Jewish faith is very close to mine, so I do not have anything against Jews, and will not support injustice and hatred against them. I do not support the protest of the NZ cafe owner, even though I can understand his frustration - his protest was just not appropriate.
Don't put words in my mouth and portray ideas about me when the only thing you know about me are 3 comments on this blog post.
One thing that's worth commenting on from your feedback:
"Israel is targeting Hamas, and is trying to minize the number of caulsities."
Yes that is indeed very clear, 1100 Palestinians dead so far, most of whom are civilians, women and children. Two UN buildings, red cross ambulances, etc. Yes indeed the Israeli army is very careful when it comes to civilians. Get real mate. I watched on the news a 6 year old girl carrying her 6 month old baby brother, both of whom are in a hospital, they are the only members of the family left. Children who were stuck under destroyed buildings watching their dead family for 3 days. Minimize casualties? That is an absurd suggestion. Do you want to compare this to the Israeli casualties? The "fear" of the Israeli settlers? There are kids who are left without families, there are families who are left without their kids, are you blind or do you choose not to believe these facts?
Israel stated 2 objectives in this war:
1. Stop rocket fire
2. Destroy Hamas
They have not and will not achieve either of those. If they want to complete the mission, they have to go inside Gaza and fight the man to man war, but they're a cowardly army, they'll spill the blood of hundreds of civilians to minimize the bloodshed of their army in a war they cannot win. And the cowardly Israeli settlers go out on picnics to the Gaza border to watch and cheer on as the Israeli army bombards these civilians. What a bunch of cowards, the settlers and their army are.