Friday, January 30, 2009

Marxist Exploits Tragic Accident

Don Franks of the Workers Party (ex Wellington Marxist-Leninist Organisation, ex Workers Communist League, ex Socialist Worker) has the tragic accidental police killing of Halatau Naitoko all sorted.

From Indymedia

The NZ police are the armed forces of the capitalist class and it is vital to the establishment that the cops right to shoot and get away with it is protected. Hence the orchestrated pr snow job every time the cops kill someone. Paul Chase, Steven Wallace, and now Halatau Naitoko, who was not even a suspect. Deep seated social changes are needed.

Deep seated mental changes by Don, more like.

Anonymous has added this thoughtful remark;

kiwi pigs are murderers plain & simple, what I have witnessed in the last 10 years makes me wonder how on earth these clown could call someone else a criminal,, we need a civil war is what we need.


  1. They've been doing this in Oakland, California over the death of Oscar Grant. Even when the rioters in Oakland have been targeting black owned stores, and vandalizing their cars!

    These people do not care if dignity is retored to law enforcement, or justice done for the family of the victim of police brutality.

  2. Oscar Grant was murdered in cold blood. He was lying face down on the ground with several pigs sitting on him and forcibly restraining him, and the police officer pulled out his pistol and shot him in the back in cold blood. Videos of this clearly show what happened. Does the murdering bastard who did this deserve his "dignity" to be restored?

  3. "we need a civil war is what we need"

    Yes absolutely despicable comment. Reminds me of this one I saw recently:
    "It is the right and duty of New Zealand citizens to throw off this government, which has long evinced a desire—nay, a compulsion—to subjugate us to absolute despotism."

    Hmmm the authors name eludes me at the moment....

  4. "Loudoon"

    Stop making stuff up. You think idiots on some forum whom are agitating riots over something like that is fine? What does it good for the family of the particular individual whom was killed by that police officer?

    Does it provide closure for them? Tell me? If I were a prosecutor in a case like this, I wouldn't just only charge the incompetent, rogue police cop or any of his buddies, I'd also attack anyone whom is idiotic enough to make the situation even worse than it already is.

    That includes people like you to stop being provocators for riots over something like this.

  5. Rioting over the death by a stupid, rogue cop doesn't bring closure is my measure to the victims of police brutality.

    How the hell is it appropiate to celebrate these riots? To tear up a country like Greece? To ruin black-owned shops in Oakland? To threaten a civil war in New Zealand?

    Even when rational citizens whom would wish to charge those police officers with the deed in mind, but not have additional results such as this?

    If people like you like you were in power, you'd be worse than any rogue police officer, because you're just as power hungry, or perhaps even more than they are.

  6. I'd also like to add to any cheerleaders for riots, that when I was a child in Los Angeles, I had to live in fear because of idiots like you whom encouraged riots over the beating of Rodney King.

    It's not a good thing to see police officers to abuse their powers like this. Yet it's not alright for YOU to make matters worse.

  7. MAH this was an accidental killing, which happened during a hostage situation.

    There was no rogue cop in this incident, just a stray bullet that killed an innocent party.

  8. "MAH this was an accidental killing, which happened during a hostage situation.

    There was no rogue cop in this incident, just a stray bullet that killed an innocent party."

    I know, I was referring to the Oscar Grant situation, where stupid provocators caused riots over his death. We don't need this kind of reaction here.

  9. Anonymous1:28 PM

    'Hmmm the authors name eludes me at the moment'

    The authors name is Linsey Perigo.
