Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Radical Oborg is Here!

RBO (Real Barack Obama) reports on a new initiative to Accountability Now push the US democratic party even further left and to "make space for Obama to be more progressive".

Accountability NOW? A new political action committee? Just the next step in what RBO and Trevor Loudon have been writing about for months! The radical OBORG has finally arrived to assimilate us all — or at least to drive non-conforming politicians from office and non-compliant voters from the polls.

First the official “news” report: Jim Rutenberg writes in today’s New York Times:

"A group of liberal bloggers said it was teaming up with organized labor and to form a political action committee that would seek to push the Democratic Party further to the left.

Soliciting donations from their readers, the bloggers said they were planning to recruit liberal candidates to challenge more centrist Democrats currently in Congress

Left-leaning” founding bloggers include Glenn Greenwald from and Jane Hamsher of Support will come from SEIU (you know — the one that helped spawn ACORN) and, which will “concentrate more fully on candidate recruitment on a statewide level.

Greenwald said “We’re going to be about targeting incumbents to make space for Obama to be more progressive, … There may be other times when the Democratic Party, as led by Obama, is being unresponsive, so yeah, we have the potential to push back against that as well.”

Hamsher said Accountability Now “might also involve itself in Republican primary contests, though the focus for now seemed to be primarily on the Democratic side,” Rutenberg wrote.

The AN home page states that SEIU, and will be joined by, Howard Dean’s Democracy for America, 21st Century Democrats and BlogPAC.

Read the rest here. RBO is one of the best sources of Obama news on the web. Add it to your "favorites".

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