Thursday, February 26, 2009

Scrap Jobs "Talk Fest", Just Listen to Sir Roger

Prime minister John Key could save the taxpayer thousands by cancelling tomorrow's timewasting Jobs Summit.

Instead he simply needs implement the proposals laid out in ACT MP Sir Roger Douglas's latest press release.

Jobs Summit Must Look At The Big Issues

Hon Sir Roger Douglas, ACT New Zealand

Thursday February 26 2009

The problem with the upcoming job summit is that it is likely to be a distraction that concentrates more on minor issues - that is cents, at a time when New Zealand needs to look at the dollars, ACT New Zealand Finance Spokesman Sir Roger Douglas said today.

"While the summit will take a micro-look at how we might produce a few jobs in the short term, it will not address the fundamental issues we must address if we are to expand the number of well-paying jobs over the longer term," Sir Roger said."What we need is an overall strategy to place the country at the forefront of productivity growth among the developed countries.

This would primarily require:

* Concentrate on big issues, rather than the inconsequential.
* Stop wasteful expenditure.
* Reduced tax to restore incentives to work and save - by ending wasteful government expenditure.
* Improve productivity in government services via the introduction of competition, both private and public.
* Remove central planning and political interference on major infrastructural areas.
* Remove the disincentive that currently exists in the New Zealand income transfer systems - ie high effective marginal tax rates for low-income families
* Continue the wind-back of excessive regulation.
* Put in place constitutional laws to help ensure economic progress is achieved – eg expenditure limits.

"As they look to government departments for innovation, National and Finance Minister Bill English must realise that long-term growth won't be achieved without a dramatic increase in productivity.

"Some of the ideas that will be laid out by various interest groups at this summit may as well be from Mars - while they might help individual companies, they won’t help New Zealand.

"If the Government chooses to pick winners, rather than allowing the markets to decide, it will find itself on the slippery slope to disaster. Rather than Mr English choosing a policy of permanent restraint in our monopolised and taxpayer-fu

"Future innovation will come from the introduction of competition in the State sector - which is where much of the waste lies. Competition is the main ingredient needed to achieve the sought-after objectives of the job summit."

Hear, hear Sir Roger. Add total labour market de-regulation to the mix and you have the the problem licked.


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    "Improve productivity in government services via the introduction of competition, both private and public."

    Such as the reported moving of procurement contracts for defence equipment from Swazi in Levin to companies in China?

    Another winning idea from the free-marketeers!


    Sam Buchanan

  2. Government procurement is hardly free-market Sam.

    Worse is the fact that the NZ Army is getting its most likely future enemy to make its equipment.

    How dumb and unethical is that?

  3. Anonymous9:46 PM

    30 Anti-Capitalists cut through horrendous rush hour traffic to slap up a boisterous and humourous picket of John Key's Job summit today. There were some angry exchanges between the protestors and Rodney Hide, some of NZ's 200 top CEOs and leading bankers, whilst John Key was spirited away without running the red flagged gauntlet...

    Full report and pics here-

  4. Anonymous10:35 PM

    劈腿 劈腿測驗劈腿剖析劈腿調查 劈腿大剖析 外遇捉姦 徵信社 通姦 通姦罪 抓猴 捉猴 外遇 外遇剖析 外遇調查 外遇案例 外遇諮詢 偷情 第三者外遇話題 外遇發洩 感情挽回 徵信社 外遇心態 外遇 通姦 通姦罪 徵信徵信社偵探外遇 外遇 抓姦徵信協會徵信公司 外遇 徵信 包二奶 跟蹤 監控 夫妻 徵信社 徵信 徵信社 大愛徵信 離婚 抓姦 離婚 抓姦 婚姻 婚前徵信 前科 查址 個人資料 外遇 第三者 徵信社 偵探社 抓姦 外遇 離婚 通姦 偵探社
    劈腿 劈腿測驗劈腿剖析劈腿調查 劈腿大剖析 外遇捉姦 徵信社 通姦 通姦罪 抓猴 捉猴 外遇 外遇剖析 外遇調查 外遇案例 外遇諮詢 偷情 第三者外遇話題 外遇發洩 感情挽回 徵信社 外遇心態 外遇 通姦 通姦罪 徵信徵信社偵探外遇 外遇 抓姦徵信協會徵信公司 外遇 徵信 包二奶 跟蹤 監控 夫妻 徵信社 徵信 徵信社 大愛徵信 離婚 抓姦 離婚 抓姦 婚姻 婚前徵信 前科 查址 個人資料 外遇 第三者 徵信社 偵探社 抓姦 外遇 離婚 通姦 偵探社

  5. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Roger Douglas is a name that reminds a lot of people of a time they would rather forget.

  6. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "Government procurement is hardly free-market Sam."

    Of course not., but it's been the free-marketeers insisting that government procurement must not favour local suppliers - take a look at WTO debates on this sort of thing.



  7. I'm in favour of free markets Sam-not the WTO-which I view as a very real threat to national sovereignty.

    The WTO ENFORCES "free" markets which is a contradiction in terms.

    We don't need a WTO bureaucracy to enforce free trade, we just need to remove the protectionism in our own backyard.
