Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Republi-Can Van-the Man Fan Meg Canned by Huffington Lefty

Some light relief.

An heartless lefty at Huffington Post has mocked 2010 California Republican gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman because she is/was a huge Van fan.

Seems like one of Megs' less gullible real Republican rivals has decided to boost his own chances by using the Van Jones scandal against meathead Meg.

Meg Whitman, the fourth richest women in California, has been running for governor while refusing to debate an opponent, face an impartial interviewer, or address an unfriendly crowd. She has never held public office, rarely even voted, and has no readily apparent ideas. There's a word for this figure in Republican politics: Frontrunner.

She's committed $50 million dollars of her personal fortune to the race, she says, and so far she's won the has the full and passionate support of a woman named Pattie Sellers at Fortune magazine. It's like a groundswell.

Or it was, until now. That's all over. Because California just found out the sinister truth about so-called "Republican" Meg Whitman:

She loves black Marxists.

And not just any black Marxists. She specifically loves the black Marxist who connects ACORN to the SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION! A COMMUNITY ORGANIZER who actually believes in GLOBAL WARMING! A principal architect of THE PORKULUS! AN OBAMA CZAR! She loves VAN! JONES!

Who's black. And a Marxist. You might even call him a black Marxist. Because of how black he is. And because he's a Marxist.

But here, I'll let her tell you herself:

Apparently Meg has since distanced herself from her former hero.

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