Wednesday, November 25, 2009

600,000 Hits

The site-meter ticked over 600,000 hits today-adding about 100,000 in the last three months.

Thanks for your support, comments and links.

Also the doantions that come through the PayPal button to the right.

Research can be expensive-travel, copying, phone calls, time etc.

Every donation is gratefully received and responsibly used.

Please stay tuned lots of good stuff to come-including a wee ripper tomorrow.

Thanks again.

Trevor L


  1. Tiger Mountain5:47 PM

    I am pleased to donate my opinion thus:
    You are obviously running low on NZ SIS recycled handouts Trev, so are now onto disparaging US working class activists. If 10% of what you claim is true about the influence of marxists on President Obama I would be most happy. By the way I have it on good authority that the SIS is slowing the flow of old activists files as too many of your scabby mates were being outed!
