Friday, November 20, 2009

The Polar Bears Are Doing OK Too, Thanks

From the Washington Times

The lead bureaucrat for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is calling scientists at the India Ministry of Environment and Forests "arrogant" for producing a 60-page study of Himalayan glaciers concluding there is insufficient evidence to say global warming is causing a retreat of Himalayan glaciers...

The report, "Himalayan Glaciers, A State-of-Art Review of Glacial Studies, Glacial Retreat, and Climate Change," analyzes 150 years of glacier data throughout the Himalayan Mountains. It is authored by the deputy director general of the Geological Survey of India, a doctoral scientist who has been studying Himalayan glaciers for decades.

The U.N.'s Climate Change Panel (IPCC), by comparison, is a group of scientists and nonscientists chosen by the U.N. political arms. Among its lead authors are staffers from Environmental Defense and Greenpeace. Though IPCC claims humans are probably causing a significant rise in global temperature, even within IPCC there is substantial disagreement that gets swept under the rug.


  1. In the scheme of things the Himalayan ice cap has little to do with the issues that are said to be affecting the stability of the earths climate and the stability of ocean levels.

    The main concern is the Greenland ice sheet which unlike mountain ice caps or floating ice, the Greenland ice sheet exists mostly on land and out of the ocean.

    Unlike Antartica and most other land masses that exist on floating continents, Greenland is one big series oceanic Islands that are extensions of the ocean floor rather than a floating land mass balancing delicately above the ocean floor.

    As ice melts from the Antartic continental ice shelf, Antartica is rising due to its loss of weight and the fact that its a floating continent therefore countering any ice loss that is not replaced.

    However the islands under the Greenland ice shelf are not rising as the ice shelf melts due to the fact that they cannot as they are a part of the ocean floor. The center area of Greenland is also 30 metres below sea level due to the length of time and size and weight of ice that has covered those islands with some 3 kms of glacial ice compressing the land mass.

    Ice displaced from the Greenland ice shelf that is not replaced in following winters through snow fall, move into the sea causing both sea levels to rise and salinity to drop.

    This is why so much focus is on Greenland vs mountenous ice caps, alpine glaciers, floating ice (Artic) or continental ice shelfs such as the Antartic ice shelf.

    There is enough ice on top of Greenland that if for example for some freak and unknown set of circumstances, resulted in all that ice being melted into the sea, then sea levels will significantly rise because every unreplaced gallon or fresh water that melts and enters the sea from Greenland is a new gallon that is not being counter-balanced by a rise of a land continent, or is in itself displacing a melting floating ice pack such as in the Artic.

  2. In case you hadn't seen it, it appears that the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit was hacked, and their emails & files where posted on line:

    Hotair: Do hacked e-mails show global-warming fraud? Looks authentic...and damning.

  3. Trevor, my apologies for this contact via the comments section, but I am working away from home with a mail programme I can't access.

    Re AGW/Al Gore/Fenton Communications/Real Climate/Gavin Schmidt...

    The blogosphere is on fire after a hacker or internal whistleblower ditsributed a huge ammount of material from Hadley CRU UK.

    See for an update.

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  5. The news from the Blogs on the CRU is something good to wake up to....
