Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Obama File 93 Obama's Marxist Doctor Once Supported Google Health Advisor

Obama File 92 here

As the world's largest search engine, Google is the planet's most powerful information provider.

Google rankings can determine whether a story becomes "top of mind" for millions of people-or sinks without trace.

Healthcare is a huge issue in the United States. The Senate is about to debate a Healthcare Bill which could hugely impact the economic and political direction of the US.

A few years ago, Google established an Health Advisory Council;

We often seek expertise from outside the company, and health is no exception. To help us think about the ways we can contribute to the healthcare industry, we formed the Google Health Advisory Council. The Google Health Advisory Council is made up of healthcare experts from provider organizations, consumer and disease-based groups, physician organizations, research institutions, policy foundations, and other fields.

The mission of the Google Health Advisory Council is to help us better understand the problems consumers and providers face every day and to offer us feedback on product ideas and development.

Clearly this Council may have some impact on the way Google handles the health debate-or else why have it?

Therefore Americans should be concerned at the background and connections of one of Google's Health Advisory Board members-John R. Lumpkin.

On the face of it, John Lumpkin has impressive credentials.

He earned his M.D. and B.M.S. degrees from Northwestern University Medical School and his M.P.H. from the University of Illinois School of Public Health. He has served on the faculty of the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and University of Illinois at Chicago and has taught at Princeton University.

John Lumpkin, is responsible for the overall planning, budgeting, staffing, management and evaluation of all program and administrative activities for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Health Care Group.

He is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies and a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and the American College of Medical Informatics. He has served on the boards of directors for the Public Health Foundation and National Quality Forum, as president of the Illinois College of Emergency Physicians and the Society of Teachers of Emergency Medicine.

What his bio doesn't tell us is that John R . Lumpkin was once a publicly identified supporter of the Communist Party USA.

John Lumpkin is the son of two Chicago Communist Party stalwarts, Frank and Bea Lumpkin.

Frank and Beatrice Lumpkin, 2005

In their day, the senior Lumpkins were leaders of the Illinois Party.

In the 1980s both worked for the election of Chicago's first Black mayor, the radical Harold Washington-the man who inspired Barack Obama to first move to the "Windy City".

Working through his Save Our Jobs Committee Lumpkin also helped elect communist connected Senator Carol Moseley Braun in 1992. Barack Obama contributed too, through his work with Project Vote.

According to Communist Party USA paper Peoples Weekly World;

Lumpkin also led SOJ into independent political action. They played an important role in the election of Harold Washington as mayor of Chicago, a historic victory...Washington and Lumpkin had a special relationship ... Washington seemed to draw strength from Lumpkin's participation...

SOJ was also an important factor in the election of of Carol Moseley Braun, the first Black woman to serve in the U.S. Senate.

Barack Obama benefited from the same socialist/communist coalition when he won Carol Moseley Braun's former Senate Seat in 2004.

In 1979, John R. Lumpkin ran for Alderman in Chicago's 7th Ward.

Leading members of the "Committee to elect John R. Lumpkin" included Harold Washington, Carol Moseley Braun and Communist Party members Roberta Wood, Scott Marshall, Joe Kransdorf and Frank Lumpkin.

Timuel Black-now a member of both the Communist Party breakaway group Committees of Correspondence for Democracy Socialism and Democratic Socialists of America, was on the list. Blacklater became a close friend and supporter of Barack Obama.

Also there was Quentin Young, now a member of Democratic Socialists of America. For more than 20 years Young has been a close friend, personal physician and political mentor to Barack Obama.

Though he has denied Party membership, Quentin Young was a member of the Young Communist League in his teens. He was also accused of membership of the Bethune Club of the Communist Party ( a party doctor's group) by a government commission investigating the 1968 Democratic Party Convention riots in Chicago.

Quentin Young has been the US's most active proponent of "single payer" or socialzed healthcare for decades-firstly through his medical committee for Human Rights, then his Physicians for a National Health Program and his Health and Medicine Policy Research Group.

The next exhibit is a list of signatories to an Illinois Communist Party to an electoral petition for the 1976 US Presidential Elections.

John R. Lumpkin is listed, as are three prominent Party members , all of whom are active in the modern "single payer" movement and all of whom are close to Quentin Young-Mark J Almberg, Peter Orris and Linda Rae Murray.

Mark J. Almberg is still a leading member of the Communist Party USA in Chicago. Mark Almberg is also the Communications Director of Quentin Young's Physicians for a National Health Plan, one the US's main "single payer" advocacy groups.

Dr Peter Orris left the Communist Party in 1992 for the Committees of Correspondence , in which he now plays a leading role.

While still in the Communist Party, Orris helped Quentin Young to set up the Physicians for a National Health Plan.

Orris serves as Professor and Associate Director of the Great Lakes Center for Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health of the University Of Illinois School Of Public Health.

Orris holds several union advisory roles, including with SEIU and uses his positions to promote "single payer" at every opportunity.

Linda Rae Murray also left the Communist Party in 1992 and has since worked closely with Committees of Correspondence and Democratic Socialists of America.

Linda Rae Murray is a prominent Chicago health professional and the the immediate past president of Quentin Young's Health and Medicine Policy Research Group.

She is a leading and very active advocate for "single payer" and has just been elected president of the American Public Health Association-a post Quentin Young held in 1988.

Quentin Young and Linda Rae Murray (left), Barack Obama (right) 2003.

John Lumpkin grew up in the Communist Party, most of his his extended family were, or are still Party members. All of them, in line with Communist Party policy, strongly support "single payer' socialized healthcare.

John Lumpkin supported the Party. He benefited from the assistance of Party members in his own short political career. He worked in the incestuous "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" world of Chicago left politics.

Now his old comrades are making considerable progress towards their dream of socialized healthcare. If an Healthcare Bill is passed, the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America and the Committees of Correspondence will not rest until the US health sector is completely socialized.

Several of John Lumpkin's old allies are now vocal single "payer advocates". One of them, Quentin Young is the father of the US socialized healthcare movement and proudly admits to having tutored his friend Barack Obama in the subject.

John Lumpkin himself is an advocate of more government involvement in healthcare provision.

The question is, could John R. Lumpkin use his position at Google to influence the public health debate in a more socialist direction? A direction his old friends and comrades would approve of?

Obama File 94 here


  1. Jeeebuss... I think Senator McCarthy was on to something, crikey...

    Unfortunately in Chicago, people are too busy trying to find jobs to not freeze to death, lots of politics get ignored (not kidding, I'm from there)...

  2. Steve Nice Guy Northland10:57 PM

    Well Loudon, and Ugly American Lisa G, you can forget about your bullshit Obama File 93 carry on.

    Give us some answers about your old love-perk fraud, hypocrite perk-buster Rodney Hide, leader of ACT.

    Appointment with the strange talking Terminator Governator indeed !

    Schwarzenegger ? No..... .more like Egg on Facennegger I reckon

    Such idiot children you are. I've said it many times. Grow up ! I suggest you start all over and re-read Enid Blyton (Blighton ? - 50 years on I'm not sure).

  3. I dub thee "Stefan the Not-Very-Nice-rather-nasty-&-fond-of-name-calling, Person-Of-Questionable-Sexuality, living-in-La-La-Land"

  4. Here's more to expand a bit on this group. It brings Bill Ayer's into the fold of Quentin Young and Obama:

    “I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,” said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. “[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor.”

    Obama and Palmer “were both there,” he said.

  5. Exactly what is the point besides the fact tht you can joint the conferacy of dunces opposing the President of the United States and crying wolf at the site of "communist" influence.

    It is the forces of capital that have sold out America. Communists have no political power here.

    Oh I forgot, you want us to believe the President is a Kenyan with Communist mother and father andan Islamo Facist infiltrator. Right???

    Dude, get a life!!! You and Glenn Beck, what a joke.

  6. This is really some interesting stuff. I went to high school with Mr Lumpkin and know EVERYONE mentioned in this article personally. I am sure John will use his position to influence Google.

    You guys will never get it. The world will continue to change and you will be left behind in your little ideological mousetraps. Wondering how you got stuck there as time marches on.

    As far as I can tell then is not that much difference between a baptist and a commie. Both convicted, both convinced they got to "serve sombody." God or humanity, take your pick.

    Joe McCarthy, reborn in New Zealand and now on the internet. Did Cohen make it down there too?

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM

    "I dub thee "Stefan the Not-Very-Nice-rather-nasty-&-fond-of-name-calling, Person-Of-Questionable-Sexuality, living-in-La-La-Land""

    What on earth does all that mean Lisa G? I think perhaps you need to return to the la la land of Chicago. Perhaps you need to learn to spell as well! And understand the history of Aotearoa New Zealand. (Having read some of your previous comments about our history!)

    You would probably get on very well with Mah29001 - wherever he is these days.


  8. Wasn't talking to you Anony-mouse. Just responding to silly troll-boy Steve... I took a class in the lefty Alinksy method!

    Yep, Chicago is "la la land" ... A strange place with lot more people living in harmony than NZ... ya'll try living with 10 million people, in a busy rat race with 1/2 the year below 0 and snow... and let me know how you go... probably couldn't hack it if ya tried

    Learn NZ history? well, you have 150 years worth so won't take too long...

    here are couple questions for you:

    Maoris are 15% of the NZ population... so why make special laws for them and give them all kinda free stuff? Why do the other 85% non-Maoris have such fascination of Maori culture? Why Hakas for "all" special events? what is great about a primitive ritual warning other tribes they may get eaten?

    Hey, can we form other political parties just by racial lines to keep the separatist movement growing? (yeah! guess I'll form a "Scandinavian-Polish-American-NZ-immigrant" party... cool)

    NZ = green? You know the best source of "green" energy is nuclear, right? ... so why the ban? yep, real "green" here... & I love how your government now wants to tax business (ETS) for non-existent AGW... makes real sense: help grow NZ economy by making up new taxes on...air?

    Trev does excellent blog work so I will continue to comment anywhere, any time until Trev kicks me out... SO LOOK OUT ANONY-MOUSE

  9. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Lisa G go home kore take.


  10. You go home huuuhaaaana

  11. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Good on ya Lisa G.You make more sense than most.
    Kore take ,indeed.Halfwit huhana.

  12. I see you must be reading those children books again Stefan

  13. Steve Nice Guy Northland1:29 AM

    Well....only a few posts back I did urge you to pick up your Enid Blytons....clearly you haven't....silly manuhiri.
