Thursday, January 14, 2010

Go Scott Brown!

A new poll has come out from Rasmussen showing the Massachusetts Special Election for U.S. Senate is a dead heat. The poll has Democrat Martha Coakley (49%)leading Republican Scott Brown (47%) by just a 2% margin.

The previous Rasmussen poll had Brown surging but down 9%. This new poll shows the momentum continues to be with Scott Brown.

If Scott Brown can take the late and unlamented Ted Kennedy's seat off the Democrats, the party of socialism will lose its 60/40 filibuster proof majority.

This will further slow down the Dem's destructive agenda.

Here's Scott Brown speaking as a true people's representative should.

Best of luck Mr Brown.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I wish there was an address for his campaign because I would like to send a donation, and hope that he wins.
