Sunday, February 07, 2010

Former KGB Man Explains Subversion

Worth repeating.

This guy is right on the button. This is how the Marxists destroy a nation.

This scenario is being played out in every Western country today.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Excellent! Right on point!

    My message to democrats who are obsessed with the promotion of communism, has always been that: someone who has shown himself to be a traitor to his own liberty cannot be trusted to faithfully support a despotism.

    You will soon hear a knock on your door in the center of the night and will be hauled off by the secret police to some gulag some where--provided you are fortunate enough to escape a firing squad--and no one will ever see or hear from you again. That is the way things are done in a communist country.

    And you will deserve what you will get.
