Monday, February 08, 2010

"Global Disastrification"

Best "Global Warming" spoof ever.

Somebody needs to send this to John Key.

1 comment:

  1. Trevor, PajamasMedia are campaigning throughout the blogosphere to "follow the money trail" re the IPCC, Al Gore, Maurice Strong etc.

    A commenter has noted that...

    "Another avenue worth pursuing would be Carole Browner. Between her gigs as Clinton’s EPA chief (remember the wiped hard drives?) and Obama’s climate czarina, Browner was a member of the Socialist International’s “Commission on Global Governance.”

    Tie that into the language in the draft Copenhagen Treaty imposing just that, or at least a transnational taxing-regulating-rationing authority so close to having governmental powers as makes no nevermind..."

    Can you help shed more light on this lady ?
