Friday, May 14, 2010

Chris Christie Talks Blunt

Imagine if all politicians spoke like this man.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, take a bow.

Thanks to Nick.


  1. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Great response from the Gov.

    I like that he points out that standing up for the government our Founders created is not about being "nice" or being obfuscatingly academic. Nor is debate a bad thing. You won't see the MSM denigrating and demonizing politicians or citizen activism when the Progressives are obstructing or protesting some action of a conservative or even some old moderate Dem like I was once (before I discovered the Marxist vampires had drained my Party of its original lifeblood and soul) --- or when the Progressives demonize and smear (because they can't back up their accusations with factual evidence) --

    So many of us are weary from their Alinsky tactics.

    This is a breath of fresh air.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    The poor little leftist news guy got his feelings, hurt........It is sooooo refreshing to see and hear a man with BALLS, and direction for the people. After listening to the Howdy Dowdy president we are stuck with for so long I though all men had lost their balls, or at least were wooden! I was we are taking the hill in November....

  3. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Isn't there a difference in listening to an adult rather than the girly-men/boys that run Washington?

    And he did it without a teleprompter!
