Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Thanks Everybody

Wow! Over 35,000 hits in the last day and a bit.

Lots of links, hundreds of kind emails, a tiny bit of abuse, some very kind donations and some very useful information.

Glenn Beck, you can give me a plug anytime, just lend me a secretary to cope with the inflows!

Thanks everybody, will answer emails as fast as I can.


  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    God Bless you and Glenn Beck for all the work you have done and are doing. I've passed links to your site and/or copies of your obama files since before the 2008 election.

    I've copied and pasted many of them so I could forward specific files to many friends.

    Keep up the GREAT work!!!

  2. Anonymous12:56 AM


    I'm so glad Beck spoke of you.

    I stumbled upon your blog some months ago -- and was astounded.

    You have sacrificed so much of your life, time, energies, so that we might have the information we must have.

    Thanks again for your work. God Bless you, sir.

    MB In Bristol, VA

  3. My husband found your site even before Beck mentioned you, I enjoy looking at it every day....keep up the good work, we need people like you sounding the alarm! Glen Beck is a longtime favorite of ours, he got his big break in Tampa, FL after resurfacing through his recovery phase and we have always felt he is open, honest, sincere and we thank him for his hard work every day! Thanks to New Zeal, we need you now more than ever!!
    Maggie, Tampa, FL, USA

  4. Hi
    Doing great job, Keep it up

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    We need to get more than 35,000 hits to this site so more people are aware of Obama's true background. Beck has a huge radio audience and a couple of million viewers of his TV show, so hopefully the word is getting out. Thanks to you, Glenn Beck and the contributors to Breitbart's blogs like Scott Baker and Liz Stephens.

    You're doing god's work.


  6. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Thank you so much for your great work! I heard of you when Glenn Beck mentioned your site. Thankfully I am able to follow you faithfully. I have shared your URL with my Twitter friends! More people need the information that You and Glenn Beck provide.

    May God Bless You!
