Monday, June 14, 2010

Bachmann - Palin Overdrive Takes on "Liberal" America

What would a Palin - Bachmann ticket in 2012, do to leftie America?

Check it out.


  1. That was great! I loved seeing all the Libs heads exploding.

  2. Most perfect article title of all time.

  3. An Alaskan12:12 PM

    A Palin/Bachmann ticket is worth casting a vote for.

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Hey, cool. Somebody else actually sees the possibilities. I attended their rally here in MN, and even made up a beautiful sign reading: "Palin/Bachmann 2012. Michele got to see it the next day at the Tea Party Express bus stop but sadly, Sarah didn't get to see it. Though I did write it on her FB page many times.
