Friday, June 04, 2010

Gaza - the Truth

Israel is coming under heavy attack on all fronts from the left. The country is being targeted for destruction. If we let Israel fall alone , we deserve the same fate.

Got these two vids this morning, from a close friend, a veteran of the Israeli Defence Force and I might add, a very 'liberal' guy.

They give a very different picture of the recent flotilla assault and life in Gaza.


  1. I will never understand why people defend Gaza when it's so blatant.

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Why is Egypt in such support of the Blockade if it's so unreasonable?

    Thanks for getting the truth out.

    Remember, folks, the Leftists want the truth to be shut down completely. Kagan, too, wants to count the "cost" before truth can be freely spoken and published.

  3. @Steven....maybe you would like it if Israel allowed itself to get destroyed? Islam is today's Nazism.

  4. Steve... is wrong... again... at least he's consistent.

    History started 70 years ago?

    Your stupidity shows when u say this shite, Mr. Northland.

    How about 2000 years? Here is a pretty good speech outlining 2000 years of Jewish history and persecution.

    Perhaps some truth will rub off on goofball-Steve... but don't hold your breath.

    "Israel is a victim not an aggressor in the Middle East
    A speech by Jonathan Hoffman, Co-Vice Chair of the UK's Zionist Federation at a debate by the Durham University Union, 14 May 2009"

  5. Cameron8:40 PM

    Anonymous asks why does Egypt support the Gaza blockade. I would say it is because Egypt has a nasty authortarian US backed government that doesn't care about human life.

  6. Steve Nice Guy Northland5:38 PM

    Ug-Am Lisa is back......gauchly expounding as a virtue her startling inhumanity.

    Which has her richly deserving of the appellation "Ug-Am-Zionistist"

    Now as we all kmow the Zionists are the world's new nazis.

    You cheeky thing......all the time you hung around bleating about Te Tiriti O Waitanga......and in fact from the very start you had a far more sinister "zionistist" kaupapa......Bad, Dangerous Girl!

  7. Mr. Northland... are you off your meds? What the hell are you talking about?

    google "pallywood" and here's another video for you about Gaza. The poster describes this as "Arab propaganda makes you believe that there is nothing but suffering in Gaza... Some images, though, will never be on your tv. Why ? Because Gaza is not at all what you think it is. And billions of oil money are spent to make sure that you will continue to think this way."

    Watch for yourself:

    p.s. Israel delivers 10,000 tons of aid/goods to Gaza each week. I think Gaza ain't grateful, eh

  8. Anonymous6:48 PM

    oh my God...the foolishness of most of the comments on this.. they would make me laugh if it wasn't so sad. I think the problem is that people have confused persecution of the Jews for 2000 years with permission to persecute others. The state of Israel, not all Jews, breaks international law, murders civilians and occupies other countries (Golan Heights and the OPT) breaks the Geneva convention and everyone says thats ok because of the Holocaust..well surely that Means that its ok for Islamic countries to do what they like beacuse of the Crusades? After all its documented that the european crusaders not only persecutes but butchered and sometimes even ate the Musims.
