Tuesday, June 08, 2010

More Kiwis KeyWiki'd

We've begun some more Kiwi profiles on KeyWiki

Check out Green Party co-leader and "former" Marxist, Russel Norman

Race Relations Commissioner and "semi-respectable and oh so reasonable" Marxist, Joris de Bres

Socialist Aotearoa leader and "up-front, in your face" Marxist, Joe Carolan

Socialist Party of Aotearoa leader and "beavering away in the background" Marxist, Brendan Tuohy

Check them out. Get to know where your local radicals are coming from.


  1. I'm really glad your documenting the radical left and making it publically available. Those of us involved in activism are usually to busy to record our history and their is some really cool stuff in there.

    Every time I read one of your profiles my respect for the activists involved grows hugely. There is some pretty shit stuff which goed on in the left but almost everything you publish raises my confidence and respect for those involved in left wing activism.

    Thanks for your tireless commitment.


  2. Happy to help John.

    Buggered if I can find that photo of you though.

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Haha I'm keeping my mouth shut.

