Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Obama - Immigration Amnesty in Return for Enforcement

Speaking on Chicago Public Radio in 2004, Barack Obama calls for a trade off - increased border security in return for amnesty for illegal aliens already in the country.

This is the Obama agenda on immigration reform. There will be no significant commitment to increased border security, until amnesty is granted to 12 million illegals.

Worse, there almost certainly be only minimal, if any real improvement under an Obama administration , even if amnesty is granted.

Obama and the Democrats are not going to turn away millions of new Democratic voters from Mexico and Latin America, if they have any choice at all in the matter.


  1. Anonymous4:17 AM

    My six year old does crap like this - so why should the people of the USA submit to extortion, Chicago-style?

    It is the old protection racket run against us by the government - and only gives us words as to what they "will" do. We know those words, remember them? In New Orleans - they were something to the effect of "never again will we allow this kind of environmental disaster. never again!" Never again, eh?

    Throw these prevaricating politicians back into the tar pools from which they crawled. Please?


    ON MONDAY, a number of Senators led by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) Sen. Hatch (R-Utah), Vitter (R-La.), Bunning (R-Ky.), Chambliss (R-Ga.), Isaakson (R-Ga.), Inhofe (R-Okla.), Cochran (R-Miss.) demanded answers of a possible plan by the White House to provide an Amnesty to the nation's estimated 11-18 million illegal aliens through an executive order. The move would take immigration enforcement out of the hands of Congress and place it in the hands of the Executive Branch. Call, Fax, Email or see your Members of Congress at (202) 224-3121 to express your outrage at Pres. Obama's plan to provide Amnesty through Executive Order. READ THE LETTER SENT TO PRESIDENT OBAMA BY THESE LAWMAKERS AT NumbersUSA. Already over 112.000 faxes have been sent by irate Citizens-legal residents to legislators throughout the country.


    ON MONDAY, a number of Senators led by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) Sen. Hatch (R-Utah), Vitter (R-La.), Bunning (R-Ky.), Chambliss (R-Ga.), Isaakson (R-Ga.), Inhofe (R-Okla.), Cochran (R-Miss.) demanded answers of a possible plan by the White House to provide an Amnesty to the nation's estimated 11-18 million illegal aliens through an executive order. The move would take immigration enforcement out of the hands of Congress and place it in the hands of the Executive Branch. Call, Fax, Email or see your Members of Congress at (202) 224-3121 to express your outrage at Pres. Obama's plan to provide Amnesty through Executive Order. READ THE LETTER SENT TO PRESIDENT OBAMA BY THESE LAWMAKERS AT NumbersUSA. Already over 112.000 faxes have been sent by irate Citizens-legal residents to legislators throughout the country.

    Every citizen-resident must realize this also influences--YOU--and your children's future, wages, culture, language and the deterioration of our most sacred document--the US Constitution. by Leftist extremists. THROW OUT ALL PRO-ILLEGAL ALIEN POLITICIANS? Since when did--MEXICO--or any other foreign country have a right to interfere with the "Rule of Law" in the this United States? How can they even reason of an--AMNESTY, when 15 million Americans and permanent residents are jobless?

    If you want to stop 20 to 30 illegal immigrant invasion, it's overpopulation potential and reduce the amount of money stolen from your pay check to pay for their welfare, education, health treatment join the growing numbers of NUMBERSUSA. There are billions of dollars going overseas, across the border from those illegally working here--there feeding off us like parasites. Over a million people now realize we must unite to stop this epidemic--JOIN NUMBERSUSA--as a silent activist and remain anonymous, where radical open border zealots cannot torment you with racist slurs.

    Many Americans and legal residents stay in the shadows because of the chance of being verbally or even physically attacked. Have a voice in this travesty of our immigration laws.Learn who your enemies are--the ACLU, US Chamber of Commerce, Council of Foreign Relations. THIS IS CORPORATE WELFARE--WHAT YOU THE TAXPAYER PAYS FOR? Learn the poor immigration grades of pro-amnesty politicians and eject them from office.Throw Harry Reid of Nevada and Madame Clinton, Morton, Holder, Pelosi. out on their backsides. They are anti-sovereignty as many Liberal Democrats, Republicans are? Numbersusa is building an army of anti-illegal immigration advocates and we need your vote, to stop this violations of our freedoms, our right. ONE FLAG, ONE LANGUAGE, AND THE US CONSTITUTION. California--A SANCTUARY STATE- Liberal-Democratic corrupt lawmakers have already sold their state to the illegal immigration occupation, that is why they are 20 billions of dollars in the red and fighting off insolvency?

    Fight for the Arizona policing law and mandate similar for every state, city, town and community in our Union. Ask why only 1200 troops on our border to defend innocent Americans in fighting the drug cartels and other criminals, but will send 17000 national guard for oil cleanup? Ask why only a single border fence and uncompleted. Ask why not the two as planned, complete with razor wire. Fight back against the Instant Citizenship "Anchor Baby" law which has been misinterpreted, from the 19th Century slave emancipation post Civil War law. If they keep to the 14th Amendment as it is, then the child remains a citizen--but the Mother isn't (nor the Father) One parent--MUST--be a citizen?. If not--They must be deported.

  4. I was following this on Fox Nation, around the Sen. Jon Kyl issue. SJK, was, however widely, and easily dismissed as a lier ~ unfortunately he has no means of proving that the discussion had actually taken place, and not been exaggerated or misinterpretted(for those that don't know; at a Tea Party townhall meeting, he talked about a conversation he had with Obama, where Obama stated much the same thing as in this radio clip, albiet much more directly).

    However, as far as I see, this clip New Zeal has very kindly provided offers some concrete evidence that this is truely Obama's mindset.

    As am I am not a US citizen myself, I have no way of knowing if this has caused a political storm in the US, or is being swept under the rug ~ although the blogosphere appears fairly tame on the issue. Which is a true shame, as it epitomises the current US admin, and so many other socialist governments, in the face of a crisis. "Never let a good crisis go to waste..." - just as with the recession, the oil spill, and now immigration - socialist governments appear to be actively aggravating major national/international problems, in the hope of justifying far greater state intervention than possible through quick, decisive action. When the banks started creaking, small-scale, decisive action could have corrected the issue cheaply and easily, but governments waited until total collapse so they could justify massive extensions in public spending, and financial reform. The oil spill could have been controlled much more effectively, but again the state held back (including dismissing offers of foriegn technological aid, on the basis of 'red-tape'), so that the problem would swell, and be used as justification for energy/environemntal reform, and general corporation-bashing.

    Now the Obama admin seems happy to hold the populations of the southern states hostage to an influx of Latin-American crime, by conciously withholding action to defend the border, so they can justify immigration reform, namely a large-scale amnesty of existing illegals.

    And yet parties of the right are so often refered to as 'nasty'...
