Friday, July 23, 2010

Gen. Paul Vallely Speaks Out

An excellent speech from retired U.S General Paul Vallely.

Vallely clearly points out the major threats to US survival-Russia, China, Jihad, looming war in the Middle East, financial problems, much of the US media and most of rulers in Washington DC.

Vallely calls for constitutionalist candidates to take back America from the "progressives" before it is too late.

It is so heartening for foreign freedom lovers, like myself, to see so many Americans willing to stand up for their Constitution and their country.

Thanks to KiwiGran.


  1. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Vallely tells it like it is... we had been too complacent, thinking since we live in America, we would always be free.. thinking all people running to be president LOVED our nation.. but alas.. the enemy is in the whitehouse and needs to be removed ASAP.
    Maybe Vallely should be the RNC chairman. NO MORE PC BS!!!

  2. the general is a great patriot and has started the organization veterans for the defence of america. i urge all veterans to join with the general who has joined forces with act for america another great organization. our country needs us all again. i joined last month and just think what we can do if all patriotic americans joined these groups we would dwarf the commies and socialists and put a stop to creeping sharia. god bless america.
