Friday, July 09, 2010

"I Fought For You"

If this don't bring tears to your eyes............


  1. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Wow watching this at work was a bad idea. I could barely hold it together and I am not a crying man.

  2. Anonymous3:41 AM

    We should be playing this everyday on TV in this country. We need to wake up and take a stand once again.

  3. Outstanding, sir! Indeed this should be played at assemblies in schools here, right after the Pledge of Allegiance is finished!

    (My only gripe is that the one lady soldier needs to learn how to salute properly!) :)

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Thanks for making cry at WORK Trevor. :)

    Thank you for posting that.

  5. I love it!. I also love your blog. It's amazing what you are sharing. Thank you!!!!!

  6. Cripes mate, more revisionist history taken straight-off the feed from Fox and scripted by David Irving.

    Flag waving, God and country BS.

    Fact: The Soviets lost 20,000,000 in WW2 against America’s 400,000 fighting for their countries freedom.

    New Zealand lost 12,000 in the same sphere meaning this countries sacrifice was far greater (per head) than Americas!

    Why not push own countries role in WW2 (remembering we fought the whole bloody thing and didn’t arrive on the scene after being forced two years in) over a foreign power like the U.S - the majority of which couldn’t even place New Zealand on a map?

    No one in America would even know New Zealand fought in WW2, so why inflate their egos which are already the size of one of Saturn’s moons?

    See ya.


  7. Anonymous8:05 PM

    wow cantebury atheist thx for insulting us americans alot of us are well aware of New Zealands sacrifices. Ooooo gee surprise surprise your a church of scientology member one of the biggest scams ever should be ashamed of yourself.Church of scientolgy = ponzi scheme
