Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Socialist International Works on "Global Governance" agenda, Obama allies in attendance

Cross posted from KeyWiki Blog

The Socialist International recently met in New York to affirm, what is essentially a blueprint for the destruction of U.S. and Israeli independence and the advancement of a "World Governance" agenda.

At the Meeting of the Council of the Socialist International, United Nations, New York, 21-22 June 2010

Socialist International, New York, June 2010

U.S. delegates included Puerto Rican Independence Party members Ruben Berrios Martinez and Fernando Martin Garcia and from Democratic Socialists of America, Frank Llewellyn, Joseph Schwartz, David Duhalde, Alejandro Duhalde and George "Skip" Roberts, a former aide to D.S.A. member, Obama friend and ally and former Hawaii Congressman Neil Abercrombie.

Many leading Democrats and members of the Obama Administration have close ties to Democratic Socialists of America, not least, especially President Obama himself.

Participants at the SI included representatives of the Socialist Party of Albania (formerly communist), the MPLA of Angola (formerly communist), Bulgarian Socialist Party (formerly communist), Socialist Party of Chile, the Sandinista National Liberation Front of Nicaragua (marxist), Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (formerly communist), the Democratic Left Alliance of Poland (includes communists), the African National Congress of South Africa (communist dominated) and the Movement for Socialism of Venezuela. Observer parties included Polisario from Western Sahara (marxist). Consultative parties present included Fatah from Palestine (marxist/terrorist) and the highly democratic All-Nation Social Democratic Party of Kazakhstan.

The meeting addressed four main issues and priorities of the social democratic movement in its agenda: "the Global Economy in the run-up to the G8 and G20 Summits in Toronto, peace in the Middle East, working for an international unified response to Climate Change; and recent developments in the field of Disarmament and Non-proliferation".

The gathering issued statements on each area.

The statement on the Global Economy recommended;
Moving to a more progressive tax system will not only increase the sense of social justice, but also help stabilise the economy, as such taxes act as automatic stabilisers.

Today China has an increasing role in the world economy. Therefore it is vital that China be ready to appreciate its currency and give room to domestic demand.

The world must find a political way to solve the problem of global imbalances at the G-20 level. Extended multilateralism and a new financial code of conduct are needed to balance economic

Substantially more and better regulation than we had before the crises is needed. There is also a need to increase transparency and strengthen enforcement of the regulations. We must further act to dismantle tax havens and create automatic tax record exchange systems.

When we are thinking about fiscal exit strategies it is essential to remember that it was not the public sector, but the private speculative banking sector and the application of the neo-liberal ideology, which caused the sub-prime bubble and speculative boom, which were the underlying cause of the economic and employment crisis. And it was precisely the public sector monetary and fiscal stimulus, which prevented the financial crisis from turning into another Great Depression.

This must be remembered if global and regional financial sector taxes are to be implemented, which would contribute substantially to the costs of the crisis and prevent speculation and irresponsible risktaking in financial markets. We must oblige the financial sector to pay their fair contribution. A financial transaction tax should be implemented on a global level. This tax could bring substantial revenues and also balance boom and bust cycles in financial markets, which make economic recessions deeper. The Socialist International recognises with satisfaction that European Union is ready to endorse this new idea.

At the global level the Socialist International welcomes the agreement of the G-20 nations to create a Financial Stability Board, which should be given enough resources and authority to assess systemic risks at the global level. The Socialist International also expects new regulation for hedge and private equity funds.

Global governance is needed, The G-20 has made important commitments to repair both institutions and the arrangements for managing globalisation. For instance, while giving China and other emerging markets more voting rights is desirable, More fundamental reforms, such as double majority voting should be considered.
On Global Development
Human security and sustainable development will only be successful if more democratic and effective institutional structures are created for the political system of world society. Democratic global governance is urgently needed.

Global institutions – as part of the whole multilateral and multilevel global political system – must be given the capacity, flexibility and authority to meet the mounting expectations and demands of world society’s citizens concerning a secure and viable future. ..

A world order committed to the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including civil and political rights, and committed to human security and sustainable development can only function if it envisages full participation of all regions – and thus of all citizens – around the world. Reform of the United Nations Security Council and establishing a Council of Sustainable Development remain urgent challenges for all states.
On the Middle East
The Council of the Socialist International has addressed the current situation in the Middle East, together with representatives of its Palestinian and Israeli member parties. The Council is committed to contribute to find once more the path for dialogue, negotiation and progress to achieve peace, an utmost priority today for the peoples of the region and the international community.

In this regard, the Socialist International:

1. Affirms the right of the Palestinian people for self-determination and calls for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land within one year and withdrawal to the 1967 borders, including East Jerusalem.

2. Calls for the establishment of an independent, sovereign and viable democratic Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, within one year from now. This state should exist side by side with a secure Israeli state.

3. Calls on Israel to end all settlement activities, as well as the building of the separation wall and bypass roads and to guarantee freedom of movement of Palestinians within Palestinian territory. It also calls for the release of all Palestinian prisoners and the Israeli prisoner.

4. Calls upon the Israeli government to end the blockade of the Gaza Strip. All goods and merchandise destined for Gaza should be allowed in accordance with internationally accepted screening procedures and standards.

5. Encourages all Palestinian political parties and groups to reinstate Palestinian unity and democracy, and supports the Palestinian efforts for state building.

6. Decides to send a delegation of representatives of member parties without delay to Israel and Palestine to discuss with its Israeli and Palestinian member parties the tragic events of 31 May with the purpose of establishing the facts and to report back to the International.
On Climate Change
With days before the G20 in Toronto and at less than six months of COP16 in Cancun, the Socialist International recalls that the challenge posed by climate change retains its full attention and priority.

Progressive thought over the last years has identified and highlighted certain points that must be taken into consideration when negotiating or finalising an international instrument which is at the
same time ambitious and realistic.

This is a collective challenge and an efficient response can only be a common one, shared challenge, responsibilities for developed and developing countries, but with differentiated obligations.

The negotiations must conclude with a binding text, with clear commitments by the parties involved, an efficient system of follow-up of the proposed objectives and corrective measures for cases of eventual failure to comply with the accepted obligations.

The developed countries must advance their efforts for technological transfers towards developing countries. The use of ecologically sustainable technologies involves important transformations in the developing countries and this requires technical assistance and economic resources. The international funds already in existence to support this process of re-conversion must be strengthened and new instruments adapted to the most particular needs must be implemented.

The world of work, in developed and developing countries must be given special attention at the moment of carrying out these substantive transformations. Thus, the Socialist International reiterates what was expressed at the Council in Budva concerning the work-environment alliance and the planning of a fair transition in the transformations that the production processes go through.

The agreement to be reached must have as a minimum standard the reduction of emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to 350 ppm, a level of gas concentration in the atmosphere that will allow the fulfilment of the goal of a maximum temperature rise of 2° Celsius above the level of the preindustrial era.

Finally, the Socialist International declares that it will continue making all efforts to advance, continuing its struggle against climate change with a progressive perspective and reiterates its trust in the building of a global model of green development as the only alternative for a sustainable world society.
On Disarmament
The ever more rapid proliferation of nuclear weapons, nuclear know-how and nuclear material over the past 15 years has taken us to a nuclear turning point. There is the very real possibility that the deadliest
weapons ever invented may fall into dangerous hands.

The presidents of Russia and the United States as well as the United Nations Security Council have pronounced themselves in favour of a world without nuclear weapons.
The Socialist International continues to do its utmost to support all the efforts and initiatives that have helped generate a new political momentum and made the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons more tangible.

We welcome the conclusion of the new START treaty on the verifiable reduction of strategic nuclear weapons. This is an important step forward enabling both the global nuclear powers to fulfil their obligations under Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), thus contributing in a major way to its revitalisation.

We demand the immediate ratification of the new START treaty and negotiations between the USA and Russia at the earliest opportunity to initiate further steps towards nuclear disarmament.

We also welcome the USA’s Nuclear Posture Review. The clear message it has sent out is that in future nuclear weapons will not be used for warfare but only to avert nuclear attacks. This corrects President Bush’s untenable doctrine of 2002 that envisaged nuclear deterrence to counteract any serious threat to America.

We welcome the joint declaration issued by all the 189 States Party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty at the NPT review conference held in New York in May of this year. We regard this as a major compromise, which serves to emphasise that the ultimate objective of the complete abolition of all nuclear weapons is a binding target of the NPT (“All states shall pursue policies that are fully compatible with the objective of achieving a world without nuclear weapons”).

We demand a new arms control agreement on limitation and the setting up of a cooperative missile defence system incorporating Russia. This is urgently needed to prevent a new arms race in missile defence systems.

We therefore appeal to the governments of the nuclear powers to make systematic progress in disarmament on the road towards a world free of nuclear weapons. Common security can only be achieved by disarmament and cooperation.
On Gun Control
Internationally binding export rules are a crucial element in the fight against the transfer into crisis areas of small arms and light arms – “weapons of mass destruction in slow motion”, as Kofi Annan called them – which are the main type of weapons in most violent conflicts and internal wars.

Small and light arms should be part of the Arms Trade Treaty so that an overall framework can be established for international arms transfers.

We call for the negotiations to be joined as partners by amnesty international, Oxfam and the International Action Network on Small Arms, the instigators and organisers of the ongoing Arms Trade Treaty campaign initiated in late 2003, and other national and international disarmament NGOs.

In addition to the conclusion of an Arms Trade Treaty, existing regional and global arms trade control instruments must be strengthened, faster progress made in incorporating international standards into national law and guarantees provided of their implementation.
That's the Socialist international's vision for the future. A global welfare state administered by international bodies with the power to enforce their dictates.

An impoverished and disarmed United States government, unable to influence world affairs, but able to enforce global dictates over its 2nd Amendment deprived citizenry. An emasculated Israel at the mercy of its neighbors. A green/red future "paradise" for your children and their children and their children...............

This is no pipe dream. the Socialist International groups more than 170 parties world wide, many of them ruling, many of them still communist, or semi communist . The Socialist international has huge influence within the United Nations and other world bodies.

Most of all it has significant influence inside the U.S. government through Democratic Socialists America and its ties to both the more than 80 strong Congressional Progressive Caucus, many U.S. Senators and President Obama himself.

The Socialist International agenda will become the U.S. government agenda, unless the Democratic Party is swept from office in November.

1 comment:

  1. Highball12:52 PM

    Thank you for this post. So what we have here is a meeting of the planet's hopeful collectivists, never reconciled to the fact of socialism's utter failure and degradation throughout history. Maybe it would be nice at their future meetings if the Council would invoke the dead souls and destroyed lives of millions that where lucky enough to live in this recurring utopia going back through the ages. Who among them has begged forgiveness for their socialist ancestors plague on the human race? What they are asking for now is really nothing but a modern Trotskyism, or democratic communism. Socialism demands control of every aspect of individual and societal life. To anyone, if you have time read Solzhenitsyn's: "Warning to the West" of 1974 and his foreword to Igor Shafarevich's: "The Socialist Phenomenon" which is also an excellent background on the scourge of mankind's social, political and economic history.
