Saturday, July 31, 2010

We Won!

We won the Watcher of Weasel's weekly blog post competition, for this post
This week’s winning non-council post, Noisy Room’s Socialist “JournoListas” is mostly a list. But the list shows:

"It was a network of high level opinion makers, united by a “progressive” vision for America. They believed that their superior judgment and insight obligated them to present Americans with a view of reality that they would be too stupid and reactionary to grasp unaided."

To the degree that the “Journolist” folks shaped our news narrative, it shows that our media, that seemingly accepted most of their spin, is not merely liberal, but a strong socialist bent too.


  1. WooHoo- good job Trevor!

  2. And a much deserved victory it was. Congratulations!

  3. Thanks for the nomination and the honor Bookworm.
