Cuban Flag Flies at Arizona Protest
Protesters turned out in Phoenix, Arizona to protest Arizona's new immigration law.
Promoting liberty in New Zealand and beyond
posted by Trevor Loudon at
8/01/2010 11:22:00 PM
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One of the federal government's constitutional responsibilities is to protect the states from invasion.
Arizona is a state and it is being invaded by foreign influences.
Federal government - do your job.
Che would've imprisoned, and likely murdered, anyone on either side of the argument over illegal immigration vs standing up against ineffective central government.
Come on people. Beat the crap out of these aholes. That's all they understand. You can't talk to them. Beat the crap out of them and drop them in the middle of some Mexican desert or the middle of the Gulf. Time for talking is over.
These people are idiots. No citizen would stand with a group that positions itself with murderers and tyrants like Fidel Castro and Ernest "el Che" Guevara. The radicals are desperate for a win. You watch. Violence comes next as their beloved leader Mao has said.
They want a physical confrontation, let them shout and make jerks of themselves.
The Cuban flag with Che and the Mexican flag give away their true loyalties. Aren't they blessed that Che isn't in Gov. Brewer's seat?
@Anonymous #1
"Time for talking" isn't over, don't be a troll.
Right on, Paul! Here's more proof of that tea party hate for you:
Bless those Tea Parties!!
Paul - Where did you see the signs you list above. Can you provide video footage to back up your claims. If so, post the links so everyone can see and judge for themselves. Otherwise readers will know there is no truth to these seemingly endless accusations.
As an a American of Cuban descent, I find it DISGUSTING that those criminals would use the Cuban flag with Che's image. Why doesn't the US send them all to Communist Cuba? OR why don't they "immigrate there? If they love Che, let them run to Castro's Cuba. We Cuban Americans are probably THE only Spanish descent community in the USA that FAVORS the Arizona law. NOW YOU KNOW WHY. These bastards are ANTI-AMERICAN! They HATE THE USA. Cubans do NOT! WE HATE SOCIALISM and DESPOTS. WAKE UP AMERICA or this will become the Socialist Republic of America.
Dear nameless Doubting Thomas,
I took the signs straight off this You Tube:
This amusing video also highlights the plethora of imbecilic Tea Party banners:
What a bunch of red-neck numb-skulls these Tea Party supporters are.
They are totally embarrassing, an indictment on the U.S educational standards and the average I.Q's of the membership.
So there ya go!
All the best.
PS: Plethora means a lot - just in case you were wondering?
Did Paul get lost on his way to the daily Kos, HuffPo or Media Matters?
Thanks Trevor, I've lived in AZ for a couple of years, and the only protestors are always shipped here by bus from crazy communist California! SEIU had 500 CA members there, and the communist party.
Here are more pics from a protest in May that contained anarchists, socialists, LaRaza, etc!
Surely CA people have something they can protest n their own state... if only we could seal the boarder between AZ and CA, our police wouldn't be so busy arresting these civil disobedient liberals.
The Mexican's put a bounty of 1 million for our Sheriff Joe.
Oh how I would love seeing how caring and open minded lefty moonbats are. I shan't hold my breath it would ever happen.
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