Hat Tips: Gateway Pundit/Jean Stoner/Brian B./Nancy Jacques/Knowledge Creates Power/Larwyn
From the heavens to the roots of civil rights, Beck rocks the Lincoln Memorial and G-d brings Americans to their knees in prayer and the progressives to their knees in anguish.
Terresa Monroe-Hamilton - NoisyRoom.net
Updated through the day. Stay tuned Beck fans...
Restoring Honor – ‘Fundamentally Transforming’ America.
Back at the Lincoln Memorial, 47 years on
Restoring Honor rally
Beck: USA has 'wandered in darkness' too long...
'We must advance or perish'...
Bachmann: A million people came...
NBCNEWS says closer to 300,000...
SOUR SHARPTON: 'March will change nothing'...
WIRE: Rally signals election trouble for Dems...
‘Restoring Honor’: The Day After Wrap-Up & Whitewash
‘Restoring Honor’ at the Lincoln Memorial; Update: Live Stream Included
Glenn Beck: Obama Practices Type of Marxism Disguised as Religion (Video)
CROWD ROARS at Restoring Honor Rally as MLK’s Niece Alveda King Declares: “I Too Have a Dream!” (Video)
Bummer. Al Sharpton’s Counter-Freedom Rally Attracts Only 3,000 Supporters
RESTORING HONOR RALLY – 500,000 Patriots Gather to Honor America I hear a cool 1 million showed...
ALBERT PUJOLS WOWS THE CROWD at “Restoring Honor” Rally in DC (Video)
Sarah Palin Speech at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” Rally – Video 8/28/10
Shame on The Washington Post... Worse than that - blatant incompetence - the WaPo front page touts Sharpton's rally for being on the 37th anniversary of MLK. Dude - it was the 47th anniversary - so did Sharpton actually hold his rally ten years ago? Waiting for an answer... I'm sure one will be forthcoming any second now from WaPo.
Notice anything funny about the WaPo’s internet coverage today? *UPDATED, often*
From Kim Priestap - her Dad took the pic:
The Entire Glenn Beck Restoring Honor Rally
Rally to Restore Honor Gathers Half a Million Americans, Makes History
Restoring Honor Rally… 8.28.10 - A God Inspired Dream
A Tale of Two Rallies on the Mall: Clean Conservatives vs. Filthy Libs (Video)
A quote someone posted from twitter:
“Of course Christians and tea bags go together — the hotter the water, the stronger the tea.”
Glenn Beck Appeals to 'Restore' the U.S., Al Sharpton Commemorates Martin Luther King
Sarah Palin: 'We like what we're doing'
Glenn Beck Rally Attracts Estimated 87,000 The numbers on this article are way off, but the pics are good... 87,000 my arse!
Media strives to cover D.C. rally with ‘Honor’
At Lincoln Memorial, a Call for Religious Rebirth
Beck & O’Reilly bet: If more than 100-200k come to 8/28, Beck can have the 8pm slot
Amanpour Offers Bitter-Clinger Variation To Explain Beck Rally Success
Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally: What Do You Think Now?
Glenn Beck makes history: Washington rally shows power of conservatism in America
Ted Hays Debates Rev. Eric Lee on Glenn Becks Restoring Honor Rally in Washington DC
Glenn Beck Rally Picture Guaranteed to Drive Media Crazy
"Tens" of thousands rally while hundreds "pack"
Dream Crowds: King vs Beck (But Who's Counting? Life, PBS, Wiki, InfoPlease... or CBS?)
Chris Matthews' 'Nightmare': 'Right-wing Boys and Girls Singing Praise for Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin'
CBS to Black Beck Rally Attendees: ‘I'm Noticing that There Aren't a Lot of Minorities Here Today’
Amateur Hour at CNN: Error-Filled Chyron During Beck Rally
Exclusive Transcript: Al Sharpton's 'I Have a Scheme' Speech, Keynote Address of the 8/28 'Restoring Dishonor' Counter Protest
Sharpton To Beck: Come On Fox News and Debate Ground Zero Mosque
Glenn Beck in Body Armor with 3 Bodyguards. Wouldn't You?
iOwnTheWorld is incredible... 8) Thanks to Larwyn for pointing me there today...
.....the term “white trash” is an epithet against anyone non-white? The implication with that term is one that is hideously ironic. You’re pretty much saying, “hey, look, this isn’t the expected trash. This is WHITE trash, believe it or not.”....BFH
From the ANALS of the Vile Bigot, Wonkette
Affirmative Action Crowd Estimates
It Was Like A Return To Jim Crow, or Like We Were In Nazi Germany.
Seen On Amazon
There is nothing to see here
Sen. Landrieu Tries to Tie Beck & Restoring Honor Rally to Hurricane Katrina… Fails
"The Next Timothy McVeigh" Was At Restoring Honor Rally
Press' Predominating Storyline About Beck Rally
Saturday Night Card Game (Think Progress Forced To Fold At Restoring Honor Rally)
Subliminal Deception
Subliminal Reduction at the Washington Post
The MaryHunter Reports From the Restoring Honor Rally
Daily scoreboard
Washington conservative rally…pictures by BBC
Last and certainly least:
Obama says he ignored Beck rally...
Which God is it that Beck wants America to prostate themselves before..?The Christian one or one of his own Mormon ones...of which he will become himself oneday according to Mormon doctrine?
ReplyDeleteSadly this rally was not what America needs....its religion above reason.Ayn Rand would have despaired.Im rather sad as I liked Beck to a degree.His is about the only voice saying something that is important...but clouding the message with religion ain't going to help wake America to what is really happening anf what to do about it.
Someone who can see the false hope offered by Beck makes the point very well here...
James, before disparaging Glennie re God, you may want to take a read through the Declaration of Independence or, more crassly, American money. God is replete in America's early to middle history. Glenn doesn't say to worship his god, but just God.
ReplyDeletei was there it was fantastic !
ReplyDeletethanks for the good round up, Trevor
ReplyDeletetoo bad people like James don't understand it
guess ignorance is 'bliss' (or in some cases really makes them angry and they can't understand why
try therapy James
Anon and Lisa g...
ReplyDeleteThe Dec and "In God we trust" are in total conflict with the founders views on God and his/its inclusion in the makeup of the US...which they strongly oppossed.
Jefferson,Madison Wasington,Franklin et el would have been horrified at seeing Becks wrongheaded call to return to an America under God that never existed in their day.
How about yoou both go and learn something about what the US really stood for....and it wasn't a theocracy.
"Glenn doesn't say to worship his god, but just God."
ReplyDeleteBy which,of coures,he must mean HIS god....the one old Smith imagined up along with those gold tablets that went missing...no way to back flip out of that one comrades of the cross.