"There's a Hero on the Way"
Tussing Elementary School in Virginia, has recorded a new song "There's A Hero On the Way"dedicated to all first responders on 9-11.
Promoting liberty in New Zealand and beyond
posted by Trevor Loudon at
9/12/2010 05:56:00 PM
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Very touching. From the mouths of babes.....(but mama, the screwball emporer ISN'T wearing ANY clothes).
We "sophisticated" adults can learn a valuable lesson from these children, "a teachable moment".
Liberty and security mean something more to those who bleed and die defending it than it does to those who are merely "protected" by the sacrifice of others.
There are none more deserving of our respect and honor than EMT first responders, police officers, firemen, and those in the military who volunteer themselves into harms way in order to protect the rest of us. I do not know of a single instance where someone has called a hippie peace activist for help when someone was shooting at them.
It wasn't pacifist peace activists adorned with the Nero's Cross amulet and chanting "peace brother" who liberated Dachau or Aushwitz. It was the fully armed military doing what they do that forced the SS to abandon ship.
Good show.
Great performance by those precious voices. Great job by New Zeal to place it in your newsletter you guys rock.
Too bad Congress voted down a bill to give first responders health insurance
Website Development
very beautiful tribute to those who serve and have served. Also God Bless Our Troops
Trevor, have a wonderful time in the U.S. I wrote to you when you exposed Van Jones, who the O messiah hired to be the "Green Czar" My son is on his fifth year living in Wellington. Am so pleased you blog is going well and people in the U.S. are discovering you. I heard Glenn Beck mention your name either on his radio show or TV show recently. Take care.
Thank you all so much for your support. Would you believe (I'm sure you would) that some actually call this "indoctrination"!? So now, saying "thank you" to people who save our lives has become political. Isn't that amazing!
Hi! Thanks for linking my blog to the post. I was totally shocked when I stumbled on it but appreciate the love.
I heard about your blog from Glenn Beck's radio show and am quite impressed with your dedication to thorough research. I've suggested your page on Facebook to a heap of my friends so hope it helps. Take care!
Mahalo Trevor for that wonderful video...as a mother of seasoned first responders, I have a deep respect for all of our humble hero's who keep us safe and sound.
A very special heartfelt thanks to you Trevor, who as an investigative journalist, exposes without fear, those who wish us ill will. Godspeed.
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