Friday, October 22, 2010

Indiana Republicans Seeking to Defund Tax-Funded "Porn Institute"

Indiana Republican State Representatives Cindy Noe and Woody Burton are calling for the notorious Kinsey Institute to be defunded. The institute is located on the campus of state-subsidized Indiana University. "I don't think the Kinsey Institute is a proper use of taxpayer money. Given the pressure that higher education is under now I can't think of a better time to defund them," Cindy Noe said.

World Net Daily reports,

"After November we'll have a good legislature that will listen. This is the kind of material our taxpayer dollars shouldn't be supporting," said Clark.

"The last time I tried to defund them, their budget was $666,000," Burton told WND. "That number was quite a joke in the Indiana House."

"I went down to that place and toured it. It's just a pit. It's just a porno pit. They've got rooms where they take the college students in and show them pornography and do things to them. It's just disgusting; and they sit there and try to tell you it's just science.

"They perform sex," Burton explained. "They have a room and they send a girl in and insert a thing in her and measure her sexual stimulation. They have another room for boys. They have displays of all the sex toys throughout history, and they act like that's OK. I said this is trash, and they resented my saying it."

Burton noted that much of the Kinsey collection of sexual paraphernalia and research files are not open to the public – not even to the state legislators who fund it.

"I was trying to get a legislative order to go in and see that stuff. A video was sent to me about this guy on the Kinsey Institute board, who said they have a system set up to destroy their files immediately if anybody tries to get in to see it with a court order."

Patriots in Indiana. Are you ok with your taxpayer dollars going to fund this institute? If not, speak to your friends, family, colleagues - everyone. Keep fighting, and contribute to the likes of Woody Burton and Cindy Noe who have committed to bring an end to this corruption.


  1. Excellent. Kinsey was a TOTAL fraud

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    This is more of the Democrats and their Liberal agenda! They teach our kids to be robots for the communist's & socialist's. I wonder what kind of video's they have indexed of student's, that have been used to blackmail their future's and ways of thinking? How sad!
    Woody Burton and Cindy Noe, you are hero's to more than you may think! What they are doing is discusting porno smut! And I'm not a prud!

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    A system set up to destroy the child port?

    I doubt it. Their system is probably a guy named 'bob' that sets fire to the room.

    You go in there with a swat team and a search warrant and seize the equipment without warning and do it properly, and they won't have a chance to destroy it.

  4. I went to Indiana University (BA History, '91) and this doesn't surprise me.

    I can't imagine it has gotten any better in the twenty years I've been away.

    Most any discussion in a liberal arts class ended in an anti-US/capitalist/Christian rant, fully supported by the professor. I wonder how many potential candidates were driven away from pursuing post-graduate studies by this system? I know I was.

    The only joy we had was throwing snowballs at the campers in Dunn Meadow who were protesting the Gulf War!

  5. Kinsey is yucky!!

  6. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This is more of the Democrats and their Liberal agenda! They teach our kids to be robots for the communist's & socialist's

    Here's how the Education goes..
    go to:

    You'll know the rest of the story after the read, don't stop, look through it all.

  7. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Who decides who decides?

    Good intention, like absolute power have the power to be miss used. Few can say some good has not come from the Kinsey studies. Few can say some bad has not come from the Kinsey studies.

    Who decides who funds any kind of studies? Private or Government?

    Is the issue this government funded study or any government funded study? Who decides? Who decides who decides?

  8. Anonymous10:26 PM

    The Kinsey institute is justly famous. I quite like their website - thanks for the reminder, I ordered some clothes as a Xmas prezzie for the girlfriend!

  9. Anonymous6:45 AM

    If their research is so important and valuable, why would they destroy it? What secrets are so damning that they would sacrifice decades of work to conceal them? Hmm...

  10. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Outsourcing projects
