Monday, November 08, 2010

New Brazillian President's Security File

Dilma Rousseff is the new President of Brazil.

She was once a Marxist guerilla. Here is a copy of part of her security file from that time.

I don't read Portugese but the words "Terrorista", "assaltante de bancos" and "assassinato" aren't too difficult to interpret.

Click to enlarge.


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    It was predicted in the 1990 prophecy to "watch South America". I believe it has come to fruition.

  2. Cameron11:45 AM

    Of course a right wing fascist military junta would label its opponents terrorists.

    Dilma Rousseff sounds like she has an excellent background. Lets just hope she isn't a soft leftist like Lula was.

  3. Assaulto ao Banco - means bank robbery
