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Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Egypt - A Warning to America and the West

 LeiLani Dowell, a leader of the pro North Korea/Cuba Workers World Party speaks on the Egyptian revolution.

Note the acclamation at reports of violence and the that  Egyptian "struggles" will inspire similar actions in the  U.S.

The U.S. has tens of thousands of Leilani Dowells' in the W.W.P., Party for Socialism and Liberation, Communist Party USA, Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, Democratic Socialists of America, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Revolutionary Communist Party, Socialist Workers Party and countless other Marxist sects and radical religious and race based groups, who are just itching to bring down "U.S. imperialism."

The same goes for  every Western  country.

What might  happen, two years into a possible U.S. new "Great  Depression", with crippling "stagflation", millions unemployed and on the breadline, with social services slashed to the bone and heavily down-sized City police and fire departments?

Will Leilani Dowell and her comrades be sitting on their hands?

Hat tip The Blaze


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