Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trento on the Muslim Brotherhood

 Good Tom Trento wake up call on the Muslim Brotherhood.


  1. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Seriously creepy. But an accurate portrayal, I'm afraid.

  2. larryG1:14 PM

    This is what Satan is up to in these last days. Islam is the devils own gospel or anti-gospel because gospel means good news and there ain't no good news here.

  3. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Is it merely a coincidence that the Pew poll took the political temp prior to these uprisings? Or was the Pew Poll directed by revolutionary rabble rousers of the left to assure/confirm for their ME/No.African Ikwan-friendly brethren the timing of this revolutionary upheaval (or "up evil" as heard on tape by Trento)was appropriate.
    Evil never sleeps.
