Saturday, March 26, 2011

Communist Call Center

Midwest Communist Party USA members set up a phone bank this week to call up 1500 people who have recently joined the party online.


  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Ah. Whittaker Chambers was -- unfortunately -- correct. The fight against Communism is not a fight that a mere Republican can win. It will take CONVICTION and DEDICATION, sacrificial dedication, to even begin to win this fight.

    And, as Chambers said decades ago, if you are not a counter-revolutionary (aka anti-Communist), then you can be counted as a revolutionary (aka Communist) -- because those not consciously and dedicatedly battling the Communist -- will be used as "useful idiots" and tools by those who are committed Commies.

    Ah, Chambers. Ah, Joseph McCarthy. We need you.

  2. Anonymous5:07 AM

    From: True Patriot

    I would like to spread this viral as we are not getting this on any TV media including "Fauz" news.

    It is time for Patriots to take a stand NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
