Friday, March 04, 2011

More D.S.A. Connections to Madison - Russia Today Chimes In

 Democratic Socialists of America is the U.S.'s largest Marxist organization.

I have written  here, here and here of the D.S.A. connections to labor/social  unrest in Madison Wisconsin and other states.

Here is Mike Elk, from D.S.A.'s Talking Union blog, discussing the Madison occupation with Moscow's media tool - Russia Today.

All the propaganda themes come through - end deficits by taxing the rich, unions are essential for "democracy", the evil Koch brothers are manipulating the crisis for personal gain, capitalism is the villain - even D.S.A. member Noam Chomsky gets quoted.

The fact  D.S.A. is collaborating with a Russian propaganda station, should give some clue as to who stands to gain from this chaos.

Foreign based subversion  of America, did not end with the fall of the Berlin Wall. It is ongoing and is being played out on American streets across the nation this very moment.


  1. The Big Unions gave 7% of the TOTAL campaign funds received by the Democratic Party.

    The Koch brothers have $45,000 to Governor Walker which was less than 1/2 of 1% of what he raised.

    Who is beholden to who?

    The Big Unions and the Democrats are in bed together on the TAX PAYER'S DIME!

  2. TC Martin5:09 AM

    BINGO! Big Labor is the number one special interest of the Democrat/Socialist Party. Unions are necessary to the Socialist/Communist movement. This is why you see the CPUSA, DSA rallying to support the union children's tantrum in Madison.

  3. Looks like what Spiro Agnew says is coming true of this guy:
