Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama Admits To Consulting Top Socialist on Immigration

In this clip, presumably from SEIU's 2008 convention, then presidential candidate Barack Obama admits to consulting SEIU International Executive Vice President Eliseo Medina on matters concerning  immigration - around 13 seconds in.

That's not surprising,  as Eliseo Medina  served on Obama's Latino Advisory Council in 2008.

What is concerning however,  is that Medina is a long time leader of the U.S.'s largest Marxist organization - Democratic Socialists of America.

More than that, Medina appears to be Democratic Socialists of America's main proponent of their long held "open borders" policy.

According to the SEIU  website Medina has played the leading role in uniting rival labor federations Change to Win and the AFL-CIO behind the immigration "reform" movement;
Working to ensure the opportunity to pass comprehensive immigration reform does not slip away, Medina led the effort to unite the unions of the Change to Win federation and AFL-CIO around a comprehensive framework for reform. Serving as a leading voice in Washington, frequently testifying before Congress, Medina has also helped to build a strong, diverse coalition of community and national partners that have intensified the call for reform and cultivated necessary political capitol to hold elected leaders accountable. Medina has also helped strengthen ties between the Roman Catholic Church and the labor movement to work on common concerns such as immigrant worker rights and access to health care.
In a speech to the far left  America's Future Now! conference in Washington, DC on June 2, 2009,  Eliseo Medina revealed the real reason SEIU, Democratic Socialists of America and Barack Obama all want amnesty for illegal aliens and oppose all moves to increase security on  the Mexican border - 8 million new Democratic voters and the chance to create  "a governing coalition for the long term".

They all understand that 8 million new Democrats in the Southern States could  deny Republicans/conservatives a chance to govern  the U.S. for decades - possibly forever.

America has a President who consults a leading Marxist on immigration policy - a Latino who wants to cynically exploit millions of his brothers and sisters,  in order to consolidate power for the Democratic Party/Democratic Socialists of America alliance.

Is U.S. immigration policy being determined by American voters, or by  a tiny clique of diehard Marxists working in collaboration with their long time comrade  Barack Obama?

What do you think?

What are you going to do about it?

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