Friday, March 11, 2011

Red Peps 4 Spencer Coggs - Socialist Affiliated Wisconsin State Senator

Red Reps 3 here

While Wisconsin Senate Minority leader Mark Miller was  the leader of the 14 strong Democrat "Flee Party"  who recently skipped Wisconsin to avoid voting on the "Budget Repair Bill", fellow Senator Spencer Coggs was his most vocal lieutenant.

Spencer Coggs
On March 7, 2011, Sen. Spencer Coggs reiterated his support for Senate Democratic Minority Leader Mark Miller  and the unity of the Senate Democratic Caucus.

“We as a caucus have reaffirmed Mark Miller as our leader and spokesperson,” Sen. Coggs said. “And Senate Democrats will not be split by the desperate attempts of Republicans seeking to divide us...Our leader Mark Miller has made his statement in response to the Governor’s press conference, and today we re-confirmed that we are with him 14 strong."

Mark Miller has  ties to the U.S.'s largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America, one of the key instigators  of recent militant protests in Madison Wisconsin, and support protests further afield. It appears that Spencer Coggs has similar connections.

Prior to being elected to the State Legislature, Spencer Coggs worked as a postal worker, industrial printer, and as a City of Milwaukee Health Officer. As a Health Officer, Spencer was Chief Steward of the heavily D.S.A. infiltrated American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.

By the mid 1990s, Coggs was a several term veteran of the Wisconsin Legislature and also a member  of the Progressive Milwaukee Steering Committee.

Progressive Milwaukee was a Wisconsin affiliate of the radical New Party, later made famous by  its most successful member Barack Obama.

The New Party was created by D.S.A., the ultra left Institute for Policy Studies, D.S.A. led SEIU and D.S.A. influenced ACORN. A key  founder and one time chairman of Progressive Milwaukee was prominent Wisconsin  labor leader and D.S.A. member Bruce Colburn.

In 1996, Spencer Coggs  was one  four Progressive Milwaukee / New Party-backed candidates running for state office - one of the others being currently serving Wisconsin Congresswoman  Gwendolynne Moore.

In the Summer of 2005, State Senator Mark Miller  reintroduced Wisconsin organization Coalition for Wisconsin Health's Wisconsin Universal Health Program legislation.

The Coalition  worked to help Miller recruit  new cosponsors for the bill, one of whom was Spencer Coggs.

Coalition  Treasurer at the time was George Robson, co-chair of  Madison Democratic Socialists of America, while Vice Chair was Linda Farley, MD, from Physicians for a National Health Program - which was founded and led by D.S.A. member, New Party founder and Barack Obama mentor, friend and personal physician, Dr. Quentin Young.

In 2010, while running in the primary for Wisconsin Lt.- Governor Senator Spencer Coggs was "proud to receive the endorsement of Citizen Action of Wisconsin" . Citizen Action was  founded by D.S.A. "friend" Heather Booth and is affiliated to the D.S.A. controlled, Chicago based "community organizer" training school, the infamous Midwest Academy.

In 2010, Spencer Coggs served on the Board of Directors for the George Soros funded Progressive States Network, an organization which seeks to "transform the political landscape by sparking progressive actions at the state level".

Other P.S.N. board members include;
 Clearly the Wisconsin State Senate is in urgent need of a socialist "spring cleaning".

Red Reps 5 here


  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Thanks Trevor - you might check out this blogger from WI for the real story with pictures/videos.

  2. I have enjoyed reading. .Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Mostly I was paying attention to all the educated teachers, firefighters and policemen protesting Governor walker. My friends and family. As far as I know, they werent instigated by marxist leftists but by an attempt to remove collective bargaining rights.

    Keep looking for those marxist ghosts you crazy diamond

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    It is becoming clear that there is a neo-Mafia and that it resides in groups like SEIU, ACORN, DSA and other Socialist/communist groups, and numerous 501c3 organization disguised as something they are not. This may appear to be a political issue but I think in fact it is a law enforcement issue. At the least I think we need a special prosecutor to unravel this hair ball of crime and corruption, but probably it will take an army of investigators and prosecutors to clean this mess up. Do not make the mistake of thinking this is simply a wing of the Democrat party. It is an infestation, an infection that has taken over large parts of the Democrat party and is put the entire party at risk.

  5. Nancy5:49 PM

    I think when unions, socialists/communists get their people into government and then gain more power and control, it's time to see these 'elected' officials for what they are: infiltrators.

    They are not in it to govern. Their goal to power over the people. Especially the non-union people who will end up being slaves to support them and the union workers.

    It's defacto communism. Communism by default.
