NZers Involved in International Maoist Organisation

At least five NZ connected activists are directly involved in an international Maoist umbrella group, the International League for People's Struggles.
The ILPS was founded on the 27th of May 2001 in Zutphen, The Netherlands
Below is a statement from the opening congress by Jose Maria Sison, leader of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
"We, anti-imperialist and democratic mass organizations from different countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, Europe and Oceania, are happy to announce the successful holding of the First International Assembly establishing the International League of Peoples Struggle. This is a historic moment for all progressive forces throughout the world who are fighting for national independence, democracy and social liberation against imperialism and reaction
From 25 to 27 May 2001, we deliberated on and ratified the Charter of the ILPS, passed resolutions on the concerns of the League and elected the members of the International Coordinating Committee.
The First International Assembly was attended by 339 delegates and guests, representing 232 mass organizations from 40 countries: Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Burma, Canada, Congo, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Niger, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Scotland, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and USA.
Prof. Jose Maria Sison, chairman of the International Initiative Committee (IIC), opened the assembly. He welcomed the delegates on behalf of the IIC and delivered the report on the historical background of the assembly and the preparatory work undertaken by the IIC that led to the successful launching of the League.
As approved by the delegates, the nature and objectives of the International League of Peoples Struggle are as follows:
The League is an anti-imperialist and democratic formation. It shall promote, support and develop the anti-imperialist and democratic struggles of the people of the world against the ideological, political, military, economic, social and cultural domination and attacks of imperialism and reaction.
The League has a broad mass character and shall not be subordinate to any political party, government or church and shall afford equality to all participating organizations. It shall strive to realize the unity, cooperation and coordination of anti-imperialist and democratic struggles throughout the world."
The five NZ connected activists are;
Aziz Choudry; A British raised Pakistani, Choudry is now in Montreal but spent many years in NZ. He was involved in the Canterbury University treaty Action Group, CORSO, "Sounds Subversive" radio programme, GATT Watchdog, Information on Ireland (a pro Irish republican group)PP21 (an Asian Maoist based network), the People's Network (led by former members of the Workers Communist League, including Green MP, Sue Bradford), Philippines Solidarity Network Aotearoa and ARENA (an anti free trade organisation) Choudry was also the victim of a bungled SIS burglary of his home in 1996 that attracted national attention. Aziz Choudry was a GATT Watchdog delegate to the ILPS' Assembly in Zutphen in 2001.
Helen Te Hira: Educated at Auckland University, Te Hira was a leading member of the neo-Maoist, Radical Society and was on the founding executive of the UNITE union. She represented the Hong Kong based, Asian Students Association at the Zutphen Assembly. She is currently a "Safer Auckland" City Planner.
Mark Muller; A long time member of the Maoist, Workers Party of NZ. He has been on the executive of the National Distribution Union and has stood for parliament for the Anti capitalist Alliance. Muller represented the Coalition for Democracy in Fiji at the Zutphen Assembly.
Rod Prosser; A NZ based film maker, Prosser has made at least two films on the Communist Party of the Philippines. He also spoke at the Marxism 2005 conference in Auckland. Prosser represented a Luxembourg based group, Kodao Philippines at the Zutphen Assembly.
Daphna Whitmore; An Auckland union health centre nurse and leader of the Workers Party of NZ. Whitmore was a strong supporter of Peru's, Shining Path guerilla movement. She has stood for parliament for the Anti Capitaluist Alliance and is also a member of the Revolutionary Workers League.
Whitmore was elected to the ILPS' International Co-ordinating Committee at the Zutphen Assembly.
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