Communists and Socialists Seek To Influence US Government Policy Direction
The Communist Party USA is very excited about working through the most socialist US government since the 1930's. The CPUSA is mobilizing all its supporters and allies, inside and outside of Congress to consolidate control of the Congress and Senate in 2008 and elect a Democratic president.
The article below shows how a few socialists working together can influence the direction of a superpower like the USA.
Joelle Fishman, chair of the Communist Party’s political action commission, writing in People's Weekly World.
The Labor and people's Movements are "in the House"
Out of the pain and suffering from Bush policies grew determination for a change. The deep desire to stop the death and destruction in Iraq, and the dire need for decent wages, health care, housing and opportunities for young people, brought out the vote.
The history made as Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as the first woman speaker of the House of Representatives reflected years of long, hard organizing by labor and people’s movements to oust the ultra-right corporate-dominated Republicans from control.
The ultra-right retains a strong presence in Congress and controls the White House and courts. But the swearing-in of Pelosi represents a significant shift. For labor, African American, Latino, women and youth voters and all democratic and peace-minded people, the new Congress is a big organizing opportunity.
The new Congress better reflects the people of our country. Congressional Black Caucus members chair five influential committees and at least 12 subcommittees, including John Conyers, now chair of Judiciary, and Charles Rangel, chair of Ways and Means. Plus, South Carolina’s James Clyburn is majority whip, number three in the House leadership structure.
Hispanic Caucus member Xavier Becerra is assistant to the speaker. Silvestre Reyes of Texas is the new chair of the House Select Intelligence Committee and said the committee’s agenda includes examining U.S. involvement in Iraq and the nation’s terrorist surveillance program.
Many Black, Latino and women leaders hold their seats as a result of decades of struggle for representation. Many are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Their presence provides the opportunity to get a hearing for more pro-worker legislation.
New Zeal The Congressional Progressive Caucus was formed by Democratic Socialists of America and many of its leaders are allied to the Communist Party USA. Nancy Pelosi is a former leader of CPC. John Conyers and Xavier Becerra are members.
For working people, every battle was defensive under Republican rule. To “wait and see what the Democrats do,” as some suggest, is missing the boat. This is the moment of big, new opportunities to organize for an agenda that addresses the extreme and growing inequalities in our country and the world. It is a time to mobilize to win new gains, not to sit it out.
In a post-election letter, newly elected Sen. Bernie Sanders Independent of Vermont and a founder of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, confronts the political reality that at the same time that there are great opportunities to move forward, Bush has veto power.
Sanders urges an “inside/outside” strategy, involving progressives in Congress and the grassroots electorate. “Grassroots America has got to raise public consciousness and rally the American people for real changes in public policy,” says Sanders. “If millions of Americans stand up for change, demand action on good legislation and let politicians know that they are watching, we CAN move forward,” he says.
New Zeal Sanders is also member of Democratic Socialists of America and the first open socialist ever elected to the US Senate.
The first big fight is already under way. In the first 100 hours, House Democrats aim to pass an agenda of initial reforms to improve people’s lives, including enacting the 9/11 Commission recommendations, increasing the minimum wage, allowing embryonic stem cell research, negotiating lower prescription drug prices, cutting interest rates on student loans, ending subsidies for Big Oil and investing in renewable energy. Topping the agenda is an ethics and lobbying reform package — to battle the “culture of corruption” between Republicans and corporate lobbyists.
A march on Washington and congressional lobby day is being organized for Jan. 27-29 by United for Peace and Justice. It is expected that every congressional district in the country will have at least one constituent participating in the lobby day to support various bills now being introduced to exit troops from Iraq, stop funding the war and end war profiteering.
New Zeal United for Peace and Justice has at least two CPUSA members on its steering committee, Judith LeBlanc, Chair of the party's Peace and Solidarity Commission and Jessica Marshall, former national coordinator of the Young Communist League. Several other Marxist groups are also involved including the International Socialists, Democratic Socialists of America and the CPUSA offshoot, the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.
The attempt to activate the full force of the peace vote is part of the effort to end control of the White House by the ultra-right Republicans in 2008 and win a larger majority in Congress, with the goal of enacting a new foreign policy based on diplomacy and nuclear disarmament.
Unity of the labor, African American, Latino, women and youth vote and the broad people’s coalition delivered the victory in November. An even more powerful movement for social change, working in concert with the growing number of legislators who emerged from grassroots struggles, can win progress for people’s needs in the 110th Congress and complete the defeat of the ultra-right in 2008.
The article below shows how a few socialists working together can influence the direction of a superpower like the USA.
Joelle Fishman, chair of the Communist Party’s political action commission, writing in People's Weekly World.
The Labor and people's Movements are "in the House"

Out of the pain and suffering from Bush policies grew determination for a change. The deep desire to stop the death and destruction in Iraq, and the dire need for decent wages, health care, housing and opportunities for young people, brought out the vote.
The history made as Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as the first woman speaker of the House of Representatives reflected years of long, hard organizing by labor and people’s movements to oust the ultra-right corporate-dominated Republicans from control.
The ultra-right retains a strong presence in Congress and controls the White House and courts. But the swearing-in of Pelosi represents a significant shift. For labor, African American, Latino, women and youth voters and all democratic and peace-minded people, the new Congress is a big organizing opportunity.
The new Congress better reflects the people of our country. Congressional Black Caucus members chair five influential committees and at least 12 subcommittees, including John Conyers, now chair of Judiciary, and Charles Rangel, chair of Ways and Means. Plus, South Carolina’s James Clyburn is majority whip, number three in the House leadership structure.
Hispanic Caucus member Xavier Becerra is assistant to the speaker. Silvestre Reyes of Texas is the new chair of the House Select Intelligence Committee and said the committee’s agenda includes examining U.S. involvement in Iraq and the nation’s terrorist surveillance program.
Many Black, Latino and women leaders hold their seats as a result of decades of struggle for representation. Many are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Their presence provides the opportunity to get a hearing for more pro-worker legislation.
New Zeal The Congressional Progressive Caucus was formed by Democratic Socialists of America and many of its leaders are allied to the Communist Party USA. Nancy Pelosi is a former leader of CPC. John Conyers and Xavier Becerra are members.
For working people, every battle was defensive under Republican rule. To “wait and see what the Democrats do,” as some suggest, is missing the boat. This is the moment of big, new opportunities to organize for an agenda that addresses the extreme and growing inequalities in our country and the world. It is a time to mobilize to win new gains, not to sit it out.
In a post-election letter, newly elected Sen. Bernie Sanders Independent of Vermont and a founder of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, confronts the political reality that at the same time that there are great opportunities to move forward, Bush has veto power.
Sanders urges an “inside/outside” strategy, involving progressives in Congress and the grassroots electorate. “Grassroots America has got to raise public consciousness and rally the American people for real changes in public policy,” says Sanders. “If millions of Americans stand up for change, demand action on good legislation and let politicians know that they are watching, we CAN move forward,” he says.
New Zeal Sanders is also member of Democratic Socialists of America and the first open socialist ever elected to the US Senate.
The first big fight is already under way. In the first 100 hours, House Democrats aim to pass an agenda of initial reforms to improve people’s lives, including enacting the 9/11 Commission recommendations, increasing the minimum wage, allowing embryonic stem cell research, negotiating lower prescription drug prices, cutting interest rates on student loans, ending subsidies for Big Oil and investing in renewable energy. Topping the agenda is an ethics and lobbying reform package — to battle the “culture of corruption” between Republicans and corporate lobbyists.
A march on Washington and congressional lobby day is being organized for Jan. 27-29 by United for Peace and Justice. It is expected that every congressional district in the country will have at least one constituent participating in the lobby day to support various bills now being introduced to exit troops from Iraq, stop funding the war and end war profiteering.
New Zeal United for Peace and Justice has at least two CPUSA members on its steering committee, Judith LeBlanc, Chair of the party's Peace and Solidarity Commission and Jessica Marshall, former national coordinator of the Young Communist League. Several other Marxist groups are also involved including the International Socialists, Democratic Socialists of America and the CPUSA offshoot, the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.
The attempt to activate the full force of the peace vote is part of the effort to end control of the White House by the ultra-right Republicans in 2008 and win a larger majority in Congress, with the goal of enacting a new foreign policy based on diplomacy and nuclear disarmament.
Unity of the labor, African American, Latino, women and youth vote and the broad people’s coalition delivered the victory in November. An even more powerful movement for social change, working in concert with the growing number of legislators who emerged from grassroots struggles, can win progress for people’s needs in the 110th Congress and complete the defeat of the ultra-right in 2008.
I should really recommend that you read David Horowitz and Richard Poe's Shadow Party on how far left elites like George Soros and Hillary Clinton are taking control.
To be fair, there are even elements within the Republican Party that are being subverting into supporting the Shadow Party which seeks to undermine U.S. policies.
Thanks MAH. I have read some of Horowitz's work on the subject.
I need to do a bit more before I'll be able to comment on it.
To be fair, most of the members of the Shadow Party are not just far left elites, but supposedly moderate Republicans. If you look at my blog, I detail the pro-Shadow Party Republicans with folks like John McCain despite himself being a hawk, he was the one who drafted the legislation that allowed the Soros-Clinton Shadow network to rise to power.
Along with folks like the former Senator Lincoln Chafee who was a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership which is a front group for these subversive pro-Shadow Republican groups. Or as I would like to refer them as Faux Rightist groups consider that they may process to be right-wing when it comes to be a fiscal Conservative, but then collaborate with the far left forces that are proponents of socialism.
I am also quite concern over the Shadow Party's links with to which radical groups like ALF and other groups that are Communist fronts can post their propaganda and their deeds. If you were to look at's profile via, you can see that it's linked to the Kerry family through Kerry's wife.
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